title: closer to god

author: myinukoi

warning(s): shounen-ai; very few religious expressions; language; sexual refrences, unbetaed.

pairing(s): sasunaru.

disclaimer: i disclaim.

//summary;; There's a new kid at the Catholic school who's hell-bent on seducing Naruto. SasuNaru.

closer to god...

closer to god...

closer to god...

I. Temptation

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
1 Corinthians 10:13


Naruto decided the new kid was...okay-looking. Black hair, black eyes, pale skin...he was nothing 'squeal-worthy' as Sakura-chan and Ino, who were sitting in front of him, had dubbed him.

"He's from Tokyo, and went to Sannin High before moving over here to our tiny little town of Konoha..." Kakashi-sensei's voice drawled lazily, his visible eye skittered over the information in his hand, seemingly unimpressed, but Naruto knew better.

The dark boy's chin was tilted up and he exuded such a haughty air that Naruto restrained the powerful urge to gag. His dark eyes scanned over everyone in the classroom, surveying, analyzing, and inspecting each individual with supreme vigilance. Naruto thought that the class should feel as though they were being reviewed over as lesser-quality meat, not melting in his attention.

In his examination of the class's teens, a misplaced black-blue bang settled on his pale, flawless cheek. He flicked his head back, sending the disarrayed hair into its proper, perfect position.

The class's girl populous giggled, yet Sakura and Ino's squeals prevailed over the rest of the females.

Kakashi coughed at the interruption to bring focus back unto himself. Naruto blinked. He was still going on about that kid? Furthermore, he really believed people were still listening?

"A genius from the Uchiha family..."

Naruto scowled. Kakashi got people's attention now.

Naruto glared at this kid. He really didn't like him now. To think he's from the Uchiha family. The family that bought Teuchi-jii-san's Ichiraku ramen bar. An entire month without the small restaurant's savory broth and delicious noodles... So you must excuse the blond for his crappy mood.

Naruto's scorn must have radiated to the boy, because Sasuke quit his examination of the west side of the room, and skipped over to him - in the middle.

The blue-eyed boy was unnerved. The kid's eyes were so cold. It seemed as though his gaze was sharper and more intense as it bore into the blond's being. The only time his acute stare faltered and eventually eased and retreated, was when Kakashi asked him a question personally.

The room gave the dark-haired boy all of their attention. Naruto looked on with minimal interest.

"Why, Uchiha-san, were you sent from such a prestigious school to here, Konoha's Catholic Academy? Though excuse me if it's not in my position to ask..." Yet, it was clear that the lazy sensei fully expected an answer. This was a Catholic School. Though Konoha was small and unpopular, integrated schools were very strict. There was no such thing as privacy.

He smirked coyly and his gaze returned to Naruto. He spoke for the first time, his voice cool and silky; like liquid sex. "I was transferred...for my behavior."

The class stared on in awe. No one in the school ever made anyone upset for behavior. Except Naruto, but he didn't matter. He was an outcast anyway.

Kakashi's single eye crinkled in inquiry. "Your behavior?" he persisted. "What about your behavior?"

Sasuke's enigmatical smirk, if possible, became more elusive. He never broke eye contact with the blond. Not that anyone noticed, too enraptured with his voice, looks, presence... Well, of course Kakashi noticed. But what doesn't he? "It was...very bad." (AN: I love that small scene from Secretary...).

Sakura seemed ready to pass out in her seat. And if she did, Naruto was just as ready to use CPR on her. You can use CPR on faint victims, right? He mentally chuckled. Either way...

When Sasuke was excused to his seat, Naruto then realized that the empty one beside him was the only one available.

Damn it all!

The seat next to him was filled. Not that he noticed by looking to his left, he refused to look at the pompous ass, but rather by the modest smell of male Burberry shower gel that didn't fail to make him smell quite appeasing.

The blond's upset face further frowned.

Bet the fifty dollar soap was worth it, rich asshole...

"You look constipated, dobe."

Naruto looked to the seat next to him. The Uchiha was smirking, (I liked his passive face more, Naruto decided) his slightly pointed, yet pale like the rest of him, chin rested on labor-naive hands. Naruto suspected he was emo.

Great. With Neji and Gaara here, we definitely need one more of those.

"Dobe?! You can't call people 'dobe' without justification, teme!"

"Hypocrite. What was your justification for calling me 'teme'? You don't know me, baka." He then pointed to Naruto's school bag and the said owner glanced down. His paper on the Crusades assigned to him by his History teacher, Asuma-sensei, sported a large, red F on it's sloppily written cover.

He shoved the report into his school bag harshly, blushing a pink Sasuke believed was all too adorable.

"Like I said: dobe."

Naruto's growl of frustration was so loud that Kakashi stopped his mathematical course to give the blond a scolding glare. His tanned cheeks flushed, making Sasuke stare adoringly once more. The rest of the class tutted in annoyance, but everyone went back to their work, ignoring the class clown once again.

Sasuke removed a pastel hand from his chin and placed it on the blond's bronzed one. The brunet couldn't help but find the obvious contrast beautiful.

Naruto's shocked stare was ignored and Sasuke mouthed, "You're cute. Blush for me again," and Naruto was entranced by his thin, pink lips.

Probably expensive chapstick.

Yet Naruto ended up involuntarily granting his wish. His cheeks crimsoned and he turned his head to the side in a futile attempt to hide, yet all the while, he never deterred Sasuke's enjoyment.

When the bell rang, Naruto's only positive rep as, 'Konoha's Yellow Flash', was brought to show as he broke out of the classroom as if ramen were waiting for him at his locker.

Sasuke smirked and leisurely strolled out of the classroom. His long legs took him far and fast. Running, jogging, and quick-stepping were never necessities.

He made it down to the third floor in no time to see the level was relatively solitary.

The blond was resting on the floor, his back against the wooden mahogany lockers and his head between his brought-up legs, as he attempted to catch his breath. His tie was unfastened and his shirt rumpled and out of his trousers. His outfit was the perfect example of a 'rebellious schoolboy'.

Funny, really, because with the Uchiha's pristine pants, ironed, collared shirt, and clean, symmetrical tie, you would've believed him to be the perfect student.

Well, he was...grade-wise.

But looks can be deceiving and stereotypes are bad.

He walked up to the locker next to the recovering teen and opened the lock with the combination he already memorized.

Naruto was startled out of his contemplation and he looked up. He practically jumped ten feet into the air when he saw Sasuke, cool as ever, retrieving his books that he put into his locker before classes began.

"Y-You gay asshole!!" Naruto whispered harshly. He glanced at the clock. Shit! Two minutes late for class! Sasuke was apparent of the time as well, but he didn't care.

"Tut, tut, Naruto. Intolerance is shameful. God loves everyone... or are you still a hypocrite?"

The blond scowled. "Yeah, yeah...whatever. Just don't pull that funny shit with me, got it? It's not cool at all!"

Sasuke's hurt look was so false Naruto refrained from scoffing. "I see nothing 'funny' about how I feel for you..." Naruto felt that it was Sasuke's dramatic pout that cut the cake.

"Feel? Feel?! Bastard, just from our short time I've known you, I can assume that the only emotions you have are annoyance, hatred, and..." the blond faltered, "and the rest are all ecchi!"

"Wow," Sasuke gasped. "You know me so well."

The blond huffed and began to walk away, he was now three minutes late for class.

Yet with him being as clumsy as he is, he tripped over his shoelaces that came undone when he was running away from the Uchiha, so now his dramatic exit was flawed.

He waited for the impact of the clean, tile floors (they reeked of bleach and always reminded him of hospitals) to greet him, but instead he felt a strong hand wrap around his wrist and then pull him up swiftly. The blue-eyed boy collided with a warm, built chest and before he could even consider escape, two toned arms wrapped around his middle, leaving him completely immobile. The feeling of helplessness with such a self-certified pervert was chewing away at the blond's insides.

"I want to get to know you too, Naruto-chan."

Sasuke was undeniably attracted to the blond teen. He had to admit, he always had a thing for the 'innocent' and seduction was his biggest forte. To corrupt the adorably naive wasn't what he lived for, destroying lives to quench inner insatiable needs was his brother's thing, not his. No, the demoralization of today's juvenile youth was more of...a hobby.

"Be my boyfriend," the brunet muttered into the wisps of sun-bleached hair and then tilted his head downwards, further still, to kiss the smaller child's flushed temple.

The blond's anger was boiling and all the aggression was set out in a well-aimed kick to the crotch.

"Fuck you! I told you not to try that funny shit with me, didn't I?"

Sasuke crumpled to the floor, the bleach smell overwhelming his senses and he gagged. His face was contorted into a undiscernable mess of emotions, ranging from pain to disbelief to anger.

When the anguish in his pants doled out, he stood up with as much dignity he could muster, and walked to his next class, which was also the nut-crushing blond's.

To Naruto's disappointment, he shared even the class after that with the brunet.

And the next.

And the next.

At the end of the day, he realized that each and every class in his scholarly curriculum was filled with a good heaping of asshole, all hand-delivered by the snot-nosed brat, Uchiha.

Naruto sighed miserably, as he became aware of the fact that Uchiha Sasuke was going to make each and every day of his primary educational life wretched, whether the brunet was aware of it or not.

"Lord, help me..."

//author notes;; yea. crazy short. but i still hoped you enjoyed it. review, or i'll be forced to assume it's cliched crap and will not continue.