-1"Emma, Emma, wake up." Sean said as he lightly nudged Emma trying to pull her out of her deep sleep. He hadn't been able to sleep a wink all night fearing what the day may bring.

"Huh?" Emma said groggily. She rolled over to look at the alarm clock and it read 6:30am. She was on Christmas break from school and for a moment forgot why Sean would be waking her up this early. She quickly remembered that today was the day that they were to find out the results of the paternity test. She sat up in bed, stretched and then laid back down in Sean's arms. "Did you get any sleep at all Sean?"

He yawned. "Not much but hopefully after today all of our troubles will be behind us." he said and kissed her on her forehead. They laid there for another couple of minutes before getting up and getting ready for their 9:00am court appearance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two and a half hours later they were seated with their lawyer waiting for the judge to walk in with the results. Spike and Snake were in the small courtroom gallery holding Hope while Emma and Sean sat with their lawyer. Jay was sitting with his lawyer at the table next to them.

Emma held Sean's hands which were becoming sweatier by the minute. "It's going to be okay Sean" she whispered in his ear trying to relieve some of the nervousness. He nodded his head taking in her words but holding his breath until he found out the results.

"Please all stand for the honourable Judge McKeen." Everyone in the courtroom stood and stayed standing until they were told to be seated.

Judge McKeen pulled some papers out of a file and began to speak. "We are here today to find out the results of the paternity test for Hope Cameron. Would Sean Cameron and Jason Hogart please stand." The boys both stood up and looked directly at the judge. "After scientific testing at the University of Toronto's paternity testing lab it has been found that with a 99.9 certainty that the father of Hope Cameron is……"

Emma closed her eyes and prayed over and over again in her head 'Please let it be Sean. Please let it be Sean. Please let it be Sean.'

"……Sean Cameron. The courtroom may be dismissed" Emma leapt out of her seat and hugged Sean. Spike and Snake stepped forward with Hope to join them in a group hug. Everyone was so happy. Out of the corner of his eye Sean noticed Jay and his lawyer walk out the door. He whispered in Emma's ear that he would be back in a minute and he would meet them in the car.

Sean rushed out to the courthouse front doors searching for Jay. He spotted Jay leaning up against the side of the building smoking a cigarette. "Jay." Sean said approaching him. They hadn't spoken since the day in the park when Jay had told Sean that he could possible be the father.

"Cameron." Jay said as he took another drag from his cigarette. "It looks like the better man won."

"It has nothing to do with who is the better man Jay. This outcome is what is best for Hope. Emma and I love each other and I love Hope."

"I know you love them man. Part of me was hoping that I was the father because I thought maybe it would add some purpose to my life." Jay said as he threw the butt of his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out. "It's two days before Christmas and I have no plans. It looks like I'm destined to spend another holiday alone."

Sean looked at his one time best friend and truly felt sorry for him. Sean had been there himself but had now found lots of purpose since he had moved back from Wasaga. He knew Jay was in need of his best friend again and after everything they had been through together Sean decided to make room in his life for Jay again. "You don't have to spend the holidays alone you know. There's always extra room at the Simpson-Nelson household. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you came over for Christmas dinner." Sean said extending the invitation to Jay.

"Nah, I couldn't do that. Plus I think Greenpeace would probably serve my head on a platter if I showed up on Christmas day."

"Emma's not mad at you Jay. Emma and I had a couple of conversations about what we would do if you turned out to be Hope's biological father. We both have got used to the idea that you may be in Hope's life. So why don't you come over for Christmas dinner and get to know her. After all, she could always use an uncle."

Jay pondered what Sean had offered for a minute before answering. "Are they having dressing with the Christmas dinner?"

Sean laughed. "Of course." he answered.

"Then count me in." Jay said.

Emma watched from the car as the boys shook hands and Sean headed back towards the car. She looked over at Hope who was sleeping peacefully in her car seat. 'Everything is going to be just fine' she thought. 'Everything is going to be just fine.'

...The End

Authors notes: I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read my story and reviewed it. Stay tuned as I am planning on starting another Semma story shortly called "Summer Love".