Lord Voldemort is sitting in a large silver throne embedded in emeralds. He has an un-naturally wide grin on his face, which stretches his snake like features. The reason behind his happiness is that he has just thought up of a new plan to torture Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is lying on his shabby bed in the smallest bedroom of the Dursley's house. He is trying to be quiet to avoid his uncle's wrath, however he knows it is only a matter of time before he is in trouble yet again. To distract himself from this he starts to daydream. His thoughts stray to the person who he knows he has fallen in love with. A goofy smile spreads across his face as he starts to plan his wedding.

Voldemort opens his link with Harry, this is part of his great plan to find out who Harry cares about the most so that he can kill them…….. Well have one of his loyal followers kill them; it would be such a shame if his new manicure was ruined by blood. He easily starts rummaging around in Harry's mind looking for his most recent thoughts.

Perfect, it would appear that Potter has been planning a little wedding. Now all I need to do is get close enough to see who the unfortunate one that Potter loves is.

It looks like... no it couldn't be.

The man standing beside Harry turns around completely, causing the brave Lord Voldemort to let out a fearful scream. Voldemort sees his own face looking back at him and yanks his mind away from Harry's. He can only see one solution to this recent discovery.

Voldemort lifts his robes up past his knees and sprints from the mansion where he has been hiding for the last six months. He apparates into muggle London and is immediately hit by a bus. Voldemort's frail snake like body is shattered allowing him only the time for one last thought before darkness claims him.

Thank Merlin, Potter will never get to touch my sexy body.