Rating: T
Disclaimer: Do not own Death Note or any of the characters associated with it except for the main character Mina. Yay. I own something, atleast.
Summery: Kidnapped and taken away from her affluent, boorish father, Mina confides in a detective that will change her life forever.
..: Fluids :..
Chapter One
"You seem very weary today, Mina" A white beared man with dark eyes said, stiffly cutting through his tough steak.
"So do you, father" a dark haired girl replied coldly from the opposite end of the table.
"Studying, I presume" her father said, but Mina paused for a minute before replying.
"You presume rightly" the old man chuckled and snapped his fingers. A servant quickly stumbled into the room, awaiting his master's instructions.
"More red" he ordered, shooing the servant boy away with his hand. "The academy is working you hard, I pray"
"You don't pray father" Mina said, almost solicitously.
"Right you are I don't" he chuckled, shoving a piece of broccoli into his ravenous mouth. He paused for a moment, watching her through angled eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. Mina seemed oblivious to this. Or she didn't care. She hated having dinner with her father. The silence was no surprise and the food was the only thing that was allowing her to stay. Why does he even bother? She thought, flicking a strand of brown hair out of her eyes. She looked up at her father, who continued to stare in her direction. She turned her head away to face the windows. All at least ten times as big as her, she wondered what was the point of living in over sized mansion? No. Correction. It was almost like a castle. Especially if it only held her, her father and 12 other servants and maids. What was the point in having the rest of the 212 rooms? Mina rolled her eyes. Of coarse her father would have nothing smaller. It was in his nature and priorities to have a larger home then everybody else. He had to have something that would reflect his wealth and power, especially to his business colleagues and friends. So he built this house. Manor. Château. Whatever it was.
"Care to join me in the library for supper?" her father broke the silence to his daughter's dismay.
"No." she said simply, quickly getting out of her chair before the maid could pull it out for her. "I have an exam tomorrow" she lied, pushing open the golden carved doors and heading towards her rooms. She heard her father yelling at her from behind but she cared not to listen to his rampage. She soon made it to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She was about to move the bolt into place when…
- Beep. Beep. –
A sound echoed out from the other end of her room. She walked through her private lounge into another large room. She turned away from her remarkably gigantic bed towards her desk. Her computer was flashing. She had just received a message. From who though? She had no friends. And no one at the academy would have any reason to message her. She walked cautiously towards her computer. A box popped up and she read.
Anonymous: You'd be wise to stay inside.
What? What is this? Some kind of joke? She soon replied. Her fingers rapidly tapping away at the keyboard.
Meanie2-10: And what exactly am I hiding from?
A minute passed until she received a reply.
Anonymous: I would lock your door, if I were you.
Mina stood up from her chair. The door wasn't the only thing that she'd be locking tonight. She ran over to her windows and pulled them shut before sprinting towards her bedroom door. She shakily pulled the bolt in place. And as soon as that was done, she exhaled deeply. Letting out the contained fear that built up in her chest. She felt safer already. But she jumped in fright as someone started to bang on her door. She didn't dare call out.
"Miss?" she heard from behind the door. She sighed with relief. It was only Tinka, her maid. "Miss?" She repeated when Mina didn't answer.
"Yes Tinka?" She said quickly sliding the bolt back and opening the door slightly.
"Oh, Miss…the master just wanted me to inform you that the guests will be arriving soon" Mina sighed. Another one? How tiresome. "And he thought that it would be nice if you came down and greeted the guests for a while". Mina nodded.
"Fine." She sighed, knowing that if she did not attend the party, her father would murder her. The whole point of her attending was just to show off how stunning and beautiful the offspring of such a boring old man could be, and, of coarse, to entertain the guests. Tinka nodded and left. Mina quickly shut the door and locked it again, soon remembering what the strange message had told her. Should she go? Or should she just barricade herself in her room for the rest of the night. She didn't know why, but the message made her uneasy. She didn't know what to do…
A/N: First chapter done, it's a little short actually... and L will make an appearance in the next chapter. Don't worry! And uhm...yeah stuff happenes. I'll figure it out along the way...but I've got some good ideas.