WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL PLAY! (Which is probably utterly crap, not good at writing that kind of stuff -.-) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also, this chapter contains a small spoiler for volume seven of Loveless. Again, read at your own risk.


Plan D: Girl

After the battle, that Soubi and Ritsuka had won, the only suffering had been the laughter of their opponent whose name was Restless; they had found Ritsuka's pink appearance to be hilarious. After Restless had departed, Soubi gave Ritsuka a quick kiss and embrace. Ritsuka was let down as Soubi left go.

"Now, let's talk." Soubi said, lifting Ritsuka's chin up with his hand. Ritsuka turned his head, embarrassed. He was wearing pink and had dyed his hair pink. The pink dye wasn't washable kind either. Ritsuka mentally kicked himself at the thought of being stuck with pink hair for a while unless he was going to dye it back black. "Ritsuka."

"Never mind alright?" Ritsuka said taking a few steps back.


"Just drop it! That's an order!" Ritsuka hair on his cat ears and tail was sticking up. With this, Ritsuka ran. Soubi ran after his sacrifice. Soubi had longer legs and he soon caught up with Ritsuka. Soubi stopped the teen by embracing him from behind. Both were puffing from the sudden chase. The older man buried his face in the hot pink hair.

"I just want to know why, Ritsuka. You've been acting weird. Do you really want your ears gone that badly?" Soubi asked, drawing his face from the fifteen-year old's hair. Soubi moved his mouth near a pink cat ear and nibbled on it a little bit. Ritsuka couldn't restrain himself as he let out an audible moan. The nibbling brought Ritsuka back to reality. They were in the middle of the street. A public street.

"Let me go!" Ritsuka ordered. Soubi didn't let go. Ritsuka struggled, yet Soubi didn't let go. Ritsuka turned to look at Soubi who had buried his face in his hair. Ritsuka lifted a hand and slapped Soubi. Soubi let go of his sacrifice in shock. Ritsuka had never stuck Soubi. Never. Soubi placed a hand on his redden cheek, looking at Ritsuka just shocked frozen. Ritsuka was surprised at the action he had done himself but he was tired, embarrassed by his appearance, and was irritated that Soubi wouldn't follow orders nor his wishes to lose his ears. "I order that you cannot make contact with me except when there's a battle. I order you not to stalk to me and not talk to my friends. This order shall be carried out till you take me ears. Understood?"

Soubi stood there still in plain shock. When he finally came around, Ritsuka was gone. Soubi walked back to his apartment with his hand still on his cheek. He did not remove it, till he was inside. Soubi lit up a cigarette and sat on the floor. Letting the stick hang in his mouth, Soubi felt around for the tether. Soubi found it. It was an invisible strand of nothing that connected a fighter and sacrifice and only those who wanted to see it could. Soubi could see the connection; it was the size of a piano string. It was starting to fray. Soubi considered giving what Ritsuka wanted before the connection between them broke. If it broke, it'd be hard to be fighter and sacrifice.


Ritsuka snuck into the house through his bedroom window like Soubi usually did. His mother wasn't home; her car was gone. Ritsuka's father was hardly ever at home because of his job. Ritsuka replayed what happened that night from the beginning as he sat on his bed. He remembered Soubi's reaction at his pink look.

"What you don't like it?" Ritsuka asked.

"No—no. I just—I just think you don't look good in pink." He said slowly, hoping it was a safe answer.


"Um—" Soubi started. "Well, um— pink is a girl color—"

"So you think I'd be better if I was a girl in pink?"

That was it. Maybe Soubi would like it better if I looked like a girl. It was a guess, even though he had kissed Ritsuka countless times. Maybe that was just because Ritsuka was his master. Maybe he preferred girls. It had been like that in a manga he read once. That had to be the answer.

Ritsuka, excited, raced to his parents' room. No one was home and hopefully his mother wouldn't notice. He entered the room quietly as if his mother would be waiting in a dark corner of the room. She wasn't there. Ritsuka opened a few of his mother's dresser drawers till he found the one thing that he'd need to look like a girl, a bra. He then proceeded to the closet, hoping to find a skirt of some sort. After rummaging through an old box, he found his mother's old high school uniform. He took it from the box and then made sure the room looked like it had before he had entered. Ritsuka went to his room to ready his appearance.


Soubi sighed as he put out his seventh cigarette in an ashtray. Soubi was still sitting on the ground and he had got up once to get an ashtray.

"I'm sorry, Ritsuka." Soubi whispered for the umpteenth time since he got back to his apartment. "I am a bad fighter." Soubi's cell phone rang. Soubi ignored it. After it stopped ringing, a few seconds past before it started to ring again. After the process continued for two minutes, Soubi threw his cell phone across the apartment.


"Why won't Soubi answer?" Ritsuka asked himself as he put finishing touches on his make-up that he had taken from his mom's bathroom. Ritsuka looked like a new man, a woman. The high school uniform had a blue peat skirt with a white blue-lined sailor shirt. Ritsuka wore some sandals him mom had bought he that he had never wore before. Ritsuka even shaved his legs to look more like a girl. The fifteen year old's make-up was done heavily. With the bra, Ritsuka had stuffed it with toilet paper.

Ritsuka decided if Soubi wouldn't answer his cell then he'd just have to go to Soubi.


The knocking at the door had wakened Soubi out of his spiraling depression. Soubi wearily got up and answered the door.

First thing noticed: boobs.

Second thing noticed: skirt.

Third thing noticed: shaven legs.

It was Ritsuka.

Soubi gripped the door for support. He didn't if he should laugh, be scared, or even say anything.

Noticing that Soubi was clueless as to what to say, Ritsuka said, "I thought that you wouldn't take me ears because I was a guy. So, I decided to look like a girl for you." Soubi nodded numbly. "Also, I forgive you. I don't mean the order I gave earlier."

"Ritsuka." Soubi said tenderly pulling Ritsuka closer to him, relieved that Ritsuka wasn't mad at him. There's nothing wrong with giving him a little bit—a taste. Soubi thought and then he slammed his sacrifice into the wall. Ritsuka looked up to his fighter, eyes darting around.

Is he actually going to?... Ritsuka thought.

Soubi leaned in the kiss Ritsuka, caught Ritsuka's surprised mouth, and softly admitted his tongue. Knowing fully well that Ritsuka would mewl at his next action; Soubi had kissed him to stifle it. The older slid a hand up the blue skirt, one-handedly pulled the boxers down, and grabbed Ritsuka's length.

"Mmpth!" Ritsuka's knees grew weak and he grabbed Soubi's jacket for support. Soubi smiled on the inside; he knew Ritsuka would react like something like this. Soubi picked up Ritsuka with his other hand, placing the said hand underneath Ritsuka's bottom while still not letting the now hardened cock nor releasing the kiss. Soubi walked backward searching for a surface. The back of his knee found the bed and the fighter sat down while drawing his sacrifice into his lap. Ritsuka broke the kiss for air. He looked at Soubi, needy.

Soubi smiled again to himself before kissing Ritsuka again and start to pump his hand up and down the fifteen year old's length. Ritsuka couldn't help but to moan into Soubi's kiss. Being inexperienced, it wasn't very long till Ritsuka came. He came into Soubi's hand which Soubi proceeded to lick off.

Ritsuka wrapped his arms around Soubi's neck and whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Ritsuka." Soubi said, stroking the pink hair. "And I don't like girls, Ritsuka. I only love you." Ritsuka blushed and crawled out of Soubi's lap and he sat on the bed. Soubi got up and went to his dresser and took some clothes out that were Ritsuka's, that were for if there was ever an occasion where Ritsuka would need new clothes. As Soubi gave the clothes to Ritsuka, he went up to his sacrifice's ear and whispered, "Hand jobs don't make you lose your ears."

Ritsuka's jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry, Ritsuka. Do you wish to punish me?" Soubi asked. Anger welled up in Ritsuka but he did not strike Soubi, but just thought he was going to have to come up with better plans.

PLAN D: FAIL! What will Ritsuka come up with next?


A/N Hee hee. Next plan/chapter is an idea from a reviewer and Ritsuka's getting more creative. :D


(Chapters seem to be getting longer…Or is it just me? Also, the manga Ritsuka is referring to for dressing up as a girl is Gravitation. :P )