MysticOmega: Originally, I was going to submit a different story for Mai HiME; a humor one. But this one proved to be more interesting and also came with chapters. -coughs- Easier to write too. -coughs- Anyway, this is an AU as I'm sure you can tell by the title and the summary.

Oh yeah, first story for Mai HiME, so please be gentle?

Special Thanks: Goes to my beta; Wolf from the Hidden Flames.

Disclaimer: I don't own Mai HiME or any of its characters, Sunrise does. All I own is this little story right here. -pokes plot-

Fujino Shizuru had both the fortune and misfortune to be born with a photographic memory.

When asked occasionally about her ability, the young woman would always respond with a polite smile first. Then she would go on to softly say that she could remember everything in her life; be it the dust on a desk, the scent in the air, or the glimmer of eyes.

Whoever was listening to her small tales would, evidently, lean in closer, taken in by the alluring accent and exotic crimson eyes. Said listener would gaze in awe as the brunette would talk animatedly about some occurrences and gently of others.

Then the question would come.

"What was your first memory?"

Crimson eyes would dim.


Year: 4018

Place: Kazahana Hospital

Date: December 19th

Bleak, white-washed halls were filled with sound.

Porcelain hands clenched themselves tightly to the sheets, sweat running down a furrowed brow. Breaths came in ragged bursts as the white clad chest heaved up and down. The erratic beeping of the IV machine was barely heard over groans of pain. Flaxen hair was plastered to the pale skin as the woman's face contorted into a look of agony.

Dark eyes watched on in worry as the erratic beeping continued. Skillful hands waited patiently, words spilling for the woman to push. A brow creased as the man took notice of the woman's pain, her breathing turning from ragged to short bursts. A wail parted the woman's pale lips and the man stepped a bit closer, white cloak fluttering.

A cry split the air. A baby's cry.

The brunette collapsed, her face showing exhaustion. Her body felt weak from labor, her form trembling.

The doctor gave the woman a worried glance, his gloved hands gently cleaning away the blood on the baby's pink skin. His dark eyes shifted over to one of the machines, taking notice of the thin line. The erratic beeping had slowed down. It was almost nonexistent now.

The doctor's heart beat faster. She's not going to make it.

Heaving a sigh, the man walked over to a set of tools, the small baby in his hands. Dark eyes flickered with guilt as he picked up a burning needle. Shifting the baby in his arms, the man aimed the tip as carefully as he could, trying to do as little harm as possible. Flesh was pierced as a set of numbers appeared on the baby's right arm.


The newborn's wail made the doctor want to shed tears. It hurt him to see such a small infant filled with raw pain. The tall man placed the needle back onto the tray and turned around. He placed the crying baby in the bedridden woman's arms.

"I'm sorry, but without parents this is necessary." The doctor stated. "After all, your husband is?"

The mother looked up, exhaustion and tears in her eyes. She gave a single nod.

In this age, everyone knew what happened to infants born and orphaned later. If lucky, the child would go to an orphanage. If not…

Weary crimson eyes glanced down at the red numbers. The mark of a slave.

Suddenly sobbing, the brunette clutched her baby to her even as she felt her strength leave her. "My little Shizuru."

The doctor was quick to write the name down, even as the machine flat-lined.

"My precious one."

Her first memory was one of pain and a sweet voice.


Fujino Shizuru was not born into a life of luxury. On the contrary, she was orphaned at first light when her mother died from complications after childbirth. Due to such limited technology, children born without their parents are forced into a state of slavery. If lucky, the child would go into an orphanage.

Fujino Shizuru was not lucky.

MysticOmega: I'm sorry if this seem too short, but trust me the chapters will get longer as time goes on. At least, I plan for them to get longer.

Oh! Comments are most welcomed! Except for flames; those I could do without. -sheepish grin-