Colz: Yay!! The sequel!!!!!!!!! To Monster in the Basement.

Sakura: Hooray:D

Itachi: Wooh

Deidara: YEAH!!!
Sasuke: Hn.

Colz: Is that all you can say after I made you and Sakura kiss each other?!

Sasuke: Yes.

Colz: -narrows eyes- I'm watching you with 2 eyes this time Uchiha.

Naruto: Colz doesn't own me!!!!

Colz: ...:D

Beach House Catastrophes

Chapter 1



"Sasuke Uchiha I said NO!" Mikoto screamed for the 20th time.

"Why not! We wont burn the house down!" Sasuke yelled back, as he sat down on the kitchen chair.

"Because I'm not having 8 minors stay in a beach house for the whole summer unaccompanied." Mikoto replied, opening the window to let in some fresh air.

"So why don't you or dad come!" Sasuke shouted.

"Because I'm very busy with the house and your father has to work."

"So just let us go by ourselves."


"Why, you act like were going to have sex with each other!" Sasuke exclaimed, squinting his eyes from the sunlight that entered through the open window.

Mikoto stood for a moment looking at Sasuke with her hands on her hips. She was wearing a white and yellow sun dress with a white apron on as she cleaned the kitchen. Her eyes narrowed and she continued walking towards the dish washer.

"Thats another good reason why I shouldn't let this little 'trip' happen, I didn't even think of that."

"Oh my god!" Sasuke yelled as he left the kitchen and walked down the hallway.

Sasuke arrived at a door and knocked on it, hoping that he would answer. The door swung open to reveal a tired looking women.

"Ayama, is Itachi in there?" Sasuke asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Yeah, come on in he's playing Swords of the Universe: Exion."

Ayama opened the door wider and let Sasuke in as she walked out and proceeded towards the bathroom to take a shower. Sasuke walked towards the computer where Itachi was and sat down on the bed.

"What do you want little brother?" Itachi asked as he blew a whole kingdom up.

"I, uhm, need your help."

Itachi paused his game really fast and turned around to face his little brother who sat on his bed, his face turned towards the door.

"You, need my help?" Itachi asked, as a smirk began to adorn his face.

"Are you going to help me or not! If not your just wasting my time!" Sasuke shouted, a little annoyed. A little? Yeah right, more like annoyed the furthest you could be annoyed.

"Alright fine, what do you need help with?" Itachi asked, turning towards the game once again.

"Can you and Ayama come with me and my friends to the beach house for the whole summer?" Sasuke asked, keeping his head turned towards the side.

"I suppose. What, mom wont let you go without an adult and shes making excuses for herself and dad?"

"Pretty much."

"Aa. Well we can go, on one condition."

"Name your terms." Sasuke said as Itachi motioned him to come forward with his hand.

"Ayama and I get the master bedroom and Sasori, Deidara, and Kisame come as well."

Sasuke thought about the proposition for a moment. 'Its not a bad idea, sure, I would have to share a room with somebody but thats okay, Itachi would take us, and his friends are pretty cool.' He looked up at his smirking brother and smiled. (a/n: the worlds going to end, he smiled.)

"Its a deal, but promise me you guys wont try to trick us with the monster thing again." Sasuke said as he spit in his hand and held it out to his brother.


Itachi mimicked Sasuke and got up with him to go tell their mom. When they left Itachi's room, he walked over towards the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Ayama, I'll be in the kitchen."

Without waiting for an answer he and Sasuke made their way into the bright sunlit room to talk to their mom. She was sitting at the table reading the newspaper with a big smile on her face. She then turned a page and looked up to see her two sons sitting in the chairs adjacent to hers. Sighing, she closed the newspaper and looked at Sasuke with a scowl on her face.

"Mom, is it okay if Itachi and Ayama come with us to the beach house, they are adults after all." Sasuke persuaded, using a pouting voice.

"Yes mother, and Kisame, Sasori, and Deidara will be there as well." Itachi added in, using puppy eyes.

"And what makes you think I trust Deidara?" Mikoto asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Why wouldn't you trust Deidara, we've been friends for 4 years, you know him and his parents."

Mikoto sighed and leaned forward on the table.

"You do remember what happened on the day of your wedding right?" She asked, raising an onyx eyebrow.

"Of course, that was hilarious!" Itachi said, remembering the wedding.


Itachi was dressed in a black and red suit as he waited for his beautiful fiancé, Ayama, to walk down the aisle. Big oak doors opened, and out came the bride. Her dress was a long, black gown with an unsaturated red embroidery pattern of flowers and swirls going down the side. There were red and silver rhinestones and sparkles everywhere. She was stunning.

"Heya, how about we skip everything and go straight to the 'i do's'." Itachi asked the man who was wedding them.

"Well ask your bride first."

As Ayama arrived, Itachi popped the question.

"Ayama do you want to skip to the 'i do's' ? Because I don't think I can control myself when your wearing that dress."

"Of course." Ayama purred.

"Okay, uhm, Itachi do you take Ayama to be your wedded wife?"

"You bet I do."

"Okay, Ayama, do you take Itachi to be your wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss--Okay."

Before the man had even finished his sentence, Itachi and Ayama began to kiss like they haven't seen each other in years.

"Ladys and Gentlemen, I give you Mr and Mrs Itachi Uchiha!"

Suddenly, the doors burst open and Deidara came running in, his hands fisted and he was screaming 'congratz'.

"Whats that moron doing?" Sasori asked as Deidara lifted his hands in the air and a whole bunch of white clay birds began to fly around. (a/n: outside wedding.)

"Look mommy!" A little girl said. "A magician."

"Yes, I see the magician!"

Deidara put his hands together to form a seal and it was then when Sasori knew what was going to happen.

"No Deidara Don't!!!"

"Art is a bang, yeah!" He screamed, as the birds blew up causing all the people to freak out.

"Deidara!!" Itachi yelled as Deidara just stood there smiling.

::End Flashback::

"But seriously mom, that was a month ago, do you really think he's still immature like that?"

"Yes." She replied, putting her mug in the sink.

"Please mom, pretty please, Ayama and I haven't had our honey moon yet anyways!"

"Alright fine!"

"Yes!" Itachi and Sasuke shouting in unison.

"But I swear Itachi, if anything happens to those kids or the house, its going to be your fault."

"Yeah, yeah, C'mon Sasuke, lets go tell everyone!"


Itachi ran into the bathroom while Ayama was getting dressed to tell her the news and then ran to go alert Sasori, Deidara and Kisame. While Sasuke went over to Naruto's house and told him. Of course, Sasuke wanted to go around to their houses separately and deliver the news personally but Naruto was too lazy so they just did an 8 way.








"Yo people."


"Don't yell Dobe." Sasuke said.

"So when do we go?" Tenten asked.

"In 3 days!" Sasuke replied.

"Okay this 8 way isn't working, everyone come over my house." Ino stated.

"Fine." everyone said in unison, while hanging up the phone.

They all gathered on the porch of the Yamanaka Residence, waiting for Ino to open the door.


Colz: I'm going to stop this chapter here.

Sasuke: okay

Sakura: cool

Colz: Anyways what did you guys think ne?

Itachi: Tell her through Reviews Please?

Colz:'''' :D