Title: To Live
Drabble: #21
TK's prompt: Ninja
Randomly selected pairing: Daimi
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Notes: FFN's full of bugs today; has anyone else noticed? My profile keeps messing up, reverting and deleting stuff, and I had to upload 'Extreme' about five times before it'd stop telling me that the story couldn't be found. It's also not sending out alerts to tell people I'm posting stuff.
Mimi's life is made worth living by a number of things. The first is her family. She's close to her mother, almost like they were best friends, and her father dotes on her like there's no tomorrow. That's what she gets for being an only child. Not like Daisuke; he and his sister are constantly bickering, and his parents treat them both like five year olds. The love is there, but none of them are very close like a family should be.
Mimi tries to make up for it by being as close as she can to Daisuke, as often as she can, and it seems to make him happier.
She lives for her friends too. She knows that they'll be there for her whenever she needs them, whether it's the middle of the night or they're on the other side of the world. They share a tight bond which cannot be broken, and all of them mean the world to her. It's a shame that Daisuke doesn't feel the same way with his friends. She sees them making fun of him sometimes and even though they're only joking it really gets him down. He sees himself as a bother.
But he doesn't bother Mimi, and she's always trying to make sure that he knows he means something to her.
Last but definitely not least on Mimi's list is Daisuke. He wears his heart on his sleeve and puts her happiness above his own. He's funny, and always makes her laugh. She can clearly remember a time when she was filing her nails, and he pounced on her in a ninja costume. At first she had been mad about it; she'd nearly broken a nail. But he had been so enthusiastic, clinging to her and asking if he was quiet enough to make a good ninja. She couldn't possibly have stayed mad for long and soon found herself laughing and trying to pry him away from her arm. He makes her happy in a way that no one else can, and that she doubts anybody else ever will.
He makes her life fun to live.