Disclaimer: "Scotty Doesn't Know" is about as mine as YuGiOh is.

Author's Note: Since the song was still stuck in my head after "Won't Hurt Her…" X3

Warnings: PUZZLESHIPPING! C'mon, fangirls (and fanboys), sing along!

(Please note that this could just as easily be Tea doesn't know (it actually fits a little bit better), but since most fans know her as Anzu, and Anzu works just as well, I kept it Anzu. :D

…Hell, on that note, you could switch any of these names around to your liking: Yugi, Yami, Atem, Tea, Anzu… whatever. X3)


Anzu Doesn't Know



Anzu doesn't know,
That Yami and me,
Do it in the game shop each and every day.

He tells her we've got chores,

That he then ignores
Still we're on the floor, and...

Anzu doesn't know, oh.
Anzu doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Anzu!
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know.

Yami says we practice gaming

But it's not "victory" he's claiming

Cause Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know.
So don't tell Anzu.
Anzu doesn't knoooooow...

I can't believe she's so trusting,
While he's right behind me thrusting.

Anzu's in the room below

As the whole house seems to groan

It's the wind she blames

and she knows nothing.

Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Don't tell Anzu.
Cause Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't knoooooow...

As we played our game, everybody came.
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't knoooooow...

Kaiba Land? Good plan!

The best "ride's" beneath the stands

There's our room, and her's too.
Life is so hard and—

She ain't got a clue.

She ain't got a clue.

We did it on her birthday.

Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Anzu doesn't know,
Don't tell Anzu.
Anzu doesn't knoooooow...

Anzu will know,
Anzu has to know,
Anzu's gotta know,
Gonna tell Anzu,
Gonna tell her myself.

Anzu has to know,
Anzu has to know,
Anzu has to,
Anzu has to,
Anzu has to go!

Anzu doesn't know,
(Don't tell Anzu)
Anzu doesn't know,
(Don't tell Anzu)
Anzu doesn't know...
Anzu's gotta go!

Anzu doesn't know,
(Don't tell Anzu)
Anzu doesn't know,
(Don't tell Anzu)
Anzu doesn't—

Anzu doesn't—

Anzu doesn't know!