Me: OK! This is my first High School fic! So enjoy!!!!

Deidara: DeiDei-kunsgirl doesn't own Naruto or any of the characters except characters not in the show….if you're a Naruto fan you'll know who's not in the show.


Deidara- Ino's father; Akatsuki

Itachi- Sasuke's older brother; Akatsuki

Kisame- Kisa's father; Akatsuki

Sasori- Sakura's father; Akatsuki

Tobi- teaches algebra at Konoha High; wannabe Akatsuki

Kakazu- Tenten's father; Akatsuki

Hidan-Ino's older cousin…related to Deidara by marriage; Akatsuki

Unknown- teaches biology1 at Konoha High; Akatsuki

Leader- President of school board for Konoha High; Akatsuki Leader

Zetsu- student teacher for P.E. at Konoha High; Akatsuki

Orochimaru- teaches Biology 2 at Konoha High

Kabuto- student teacher for Biology 2 at Konoha High

Sasuke- Sakura's boyfriend; Point guard on basketball team; star player

Shikamaru- Ino's boyfriend; IQ over 200

Neji- Tenten's boyfriend; Hinata's cousin

Naruto- Hinata's boyfriend; quarterback on the football team

Sakura- Leader of most fearsome girl's gang at Konoha High; Kurotsuki

Ino- head cheerleader Sakura's best friend; Kurotsuki

Tenten- president of student council; Kurotsuki

Hinata- head dancer on dance team (different than cheerleader); Kurotsuki

Temari- part of the Sand sibs and student body president; Kurotsuki

Choji- only person outside of the Kurotsuki and cheer squad that hangs out with Ino

Kiba- Temari's boyfriend

Shino- president of the yearbook staff

Gaara- coolest guy in school; has his own fan club

Konkuro- makes puppets

Lee- is in love with Sakura

Kakashi- in charge of study hall at Konoha High

Gai- teaches P.E.

Kurenai- teaches criminology at Konoha High

Asuma- teaches AP math

Shizune- Vice Principal of Konoha High

Tsunade- Principle of Konoha High; adores Sakura

Ami- Sakura's rival and is always all over Sasuke

Kisa- Ami's best friend

Izumo- Another friend of Ami's

Hana- President of school newspaper

End Background

Sakura's POV

Hello! I'm Haruno Sakura! When my dad was in High school he was part of the most fearsome gang, Akatsuki. I follow in his tracks as the Leader of the most fearsome gang, Kurotsuki. They committed real crimes though. We just scare everyone at school and beat people up but I can get Tsunade-sama to let me off the hook because my dad would kill me if I got into trouble. Now, all I know is the Akatsuki haven't seen each other since graduation for them. I've never met any of them even though my dad said some of them are teachers at my school. He never says names! I want to meet them!!!!!

Normal POV

Sakura was getting ready for school. 7:25 AM. Ino will be here with the girls in 3…2…1. Honk! Honk! Ino honked on the horn of her new car. It was purple and was a gift from her oh so generous father. Sakura was rushing out of the house to be stopped by her father.

"Yes, daddy?" Sakura asked.

"Today when you get home the Akatsuki are going to be here. You can bring friends over. OK?" Sasori asked.

"OK! Thanks! Gotta run!" Sakura said as she kissed him on the cheek and ran out of the house to get into the backseat of Ino's new car.

"Hey, Ino!" Sakura said as she got her seatbelt on and they drove to school.

"Hey, Sakura-chan! Any gossip?" Ino asked.

"No, but you girls want to come to my house tonight? Invite your boyfriends, too," Sakura said.

"Sounds fun," Temari cheered.

At School

"Sakura," Sasuke greeted as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey, Sasuke, want to come to my house today after school?" Sakura asked.

"Sure, I'd love too," Sasuke said as a blonde haired girl bumped into Sakura.

"Watch where you're going, klutz," Sakura spat at the blonde.

"Oh look if it isn't the whore," the blonde said to her.

"You're in Ami's lackey's, no?" Sakura asked glaring at her.

"Izumo not at your services," Izumo said

"Cute. Now, if you ever touch me again I'll put your head through the ground," Sakura threatened as the girl pushed Sakura in the shoulder.

Sakura got mad. She punched the girl square in the jaw and a lot of students came around chanting 'Fight, Fight, Fight' or 'Cat Fight!' Izumo ran at Sakura and tackled her to the ground. The rest of Kurotsuki just stood there with their boyfriends waiting for their Leader to see if she wanted help. She usually didn't and the other girls had their own fights to handle usually. Sakura and Izumo were pulling at each other's hair forcefully and some even came out.

"Is there a problem?" Kakashi asked as the two girls got off of the floor and looked to the teacher reading the perverted book. "Both of you to the Principle's office."

The two girls walked to the Principle's office in silence but they glared at each other while everyone else went to class. Itai! Now I have a headache because of that Izumo-bitch. Sakura knocked on Tsunade-sama's door and heard a muffled 'Enter.' The girls entered and the principle sighed.

"Another fight, Sakura-chan?" Tsunade asked and she smirked at Izumo because of the suffix.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama. I'm so sorry!" Sakura began with fake tears as she bowed. "I was just on my way to class when Izumo pushed me and started a fight. I'm so sorry. You can give me detention or call my father if you want," Sakura finished as Izumo scoffed.

"No, no, it's OK, Sakura-chan! Here's a late pass! Go to class and as for you Izumo! Detention!" Tsunade yelled the last part. Sakura smirked as the two girls left the room.

"You've got nerve, Haruno. I'd watch my back if I were you," Izumo said glaring at Sakura as she headed to Biology 2.

"Sorry Orochimaru-sensei! Kabuto-sensei!" Sakura said as she went into class and gave Orochimaru the late pass. He nodded and she went and sat back in the back right next to Sasuke and they started to play footsie. (AN: so OC for Sasuke) Soon enough class was over and neither of them heard the lesson.

School was over soon enough and Sakura's gang and all of their boyfriends piled into Ino's car. They all turned the radio on and had a great ride home.

"Dad! I'm home!" Sakura yelled as all of them walked into the living room. "Aw…shit…I forgot," Sakura said as she saw all of the guys in there. It's funny someone in the group Sakura came in knew at least one of the people in the Akatsuki.

"Sakura, what happened to your hair?" Sasori asked.

"Um…this girl totally got up into my grill!" Sakura said.

"Dad? OMG! What are YOU doing here?" Ino asked with wide eyes as she pointed at him.

"I'm in the Akatsuki, yeah," Deidara said covering his ears.

"Great…," Ino said sarcastically.

"Oi! Ino! You, me, DDR, right here, right now!" Hidan said thinking he was the master of DDR since no one there has seen the girls play DDR.

"Fine, I guess I can kick your ass," Ino said arrogantly.

"Hey, Ino, watch your mouth, yeah," Deidara warned his daughter.

"Sorry, dad," Ino mumbled.

"Deidara, you've actually grown up. I never would've thought you would actually have to say that," Sasori said sarcastically.

"Shut up, Sasori-danna!" Deidara yelled as Ino and Sakura crack up into fits. "What's so funny, yeah?"

"Dad? Is the reason you're not married because you flow the other way and if that's so am I the product?" Sakura asked while laughing.

"Or did my dad have that surgery that changes their gender because a wife calls their husband's danna," Ino pointed out laughing.

"Sakura, Ino, you two can stop making fun of Deidara. He is a male and always has been even though his opinion on art is totally wrong but he got all the girls in school," Sasori said smirking at Deidara.

"Like I get all the guys?" Ino asked and now Deidara was glaring at her.

"I don't approve of you dating, yeah," Deidara said glaring at her.

"Aw…how much trouble can I get into with, Shika-kun?" Ino asked as she hugged Shikamaru's arm. Deidara glared at her more.

"OK! Let me play DDR with my cuz now," Hidan said as they both got onto the mats.

The music started and they both started dancing. Deidara and Hidan were shocked at how well she could dance but then again they've never seen her dance before. The first round ended and Ino won. She smirked as the second round started. They danced again and the round ended with Ino winning again. She flipped her hair back and the girls all clapped knowing she'd win and so she did.

"OK, let's see. How about Sakura against her father?" Ino asked as they shrugged and got up onto the mat.

"You're going down, dad-dy," Sakura said smirking.

"I've never seen this side of you. You're usually good, kind, and get good grades," Sasori commented as she smirked at him.

"You have no idea right, Sasuke-baby?" Sakura asked as he smirked in reply.

"Sasuke-baby? That's interesting," Itachi commented and Sasuke glared at him.

"Oi, Sasori, my daughter's coming over with a few friends," Kisame said as he hung his cell phone up.

"Fine," Sasori said as the door opened and there stood Ami's crew as the DDR began.

Ami's crew looked shocked to see their rivals there but Ami was glad to see Sasuke but for the time being she watched Sakura's DDR competition with Sasori. When all three rounds were done Sakura collapsed onto the ground and Sasori looked like he didn't even break a sweat. Sakura had done well but Sasori beat her. Her gang came over to help her up and see if she was OK and Ami took that opportunity to seize Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun!" Ami yelled as she ran and hugged Sasuke. Sakura glared at her as she got up.

"Hey, get away from my boyfriend," Sakura said in a tone that Sasori couldn't place.

"Make me, Haruno," Ami spat. Now Sasori was interested in what was going to happen.

"You asked for it," Sakura said as she ran towards Ami and punched her in the eye. Ami flew back a few feet and had to let go of Sasuke and she screamed in pain. Ami got back up and charged at Sakura but Sakura caught her punch and put her knee in Ami's stomach. Ami spat up some blood and tripped Sakura. Ami then proceeded to force Sakura's hands to the floor. Ami had Sakura's hands held down next to her head and smirked at her triumph. Sakura smirked back and flipped their positions. Sakura spit in her face in disgust.

"You disgust me," Sakura said as she got up.

"What was that about?" Sasori asked never once seeing his daughter fight someone.

"Anyone messes with my girls will pay the price," Sakura said as she glared at Ami who got up. "Right, Kisa?" Sakura asked and Kisa glared at her.

"Why are you guys wearing cloaks?" Temari asked.

"Uniform, yeah," Deidara answered.

"We need a uniform," Tenten said.

"Right! I'll get on making us one!" Sakura said as the guys looked at her weird. "Um…well the girls are sleeping over and good night, Sasuke," Sakura said as she kissed Sasuke on the cheek.

"Well, I won't be home. I've got a business trip," Sasori said as he saw Sakura's eyes get sad. He sighed. "What's wrong?"

"You're never here," Sakura answered as the girls went up to her room and the guys went home. Ami's crew went over to Kisa's house for a sleepover.

"I wonder what they meant by they needed uniforms too, yeah," Deidara wondered aloud. The rest of the Akatsuki shrugged.

With Kurotsuki

"We need to get back at Ami," Sakura announced.

"What do you suppose we do?" Ino asked as they got into work mode.

"Gossip," Sakura answered.

"OK, we need to call Hana and get him over here," Hinata announced as she brought out her cell and dialed the number and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" A voice sounded through the phone.

"Hana?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah?" Hana answered.

"We need you to come over to Sakura's house," Hinata said.

"OK, I'll be there in two minutes," Hana answered since she was Sakura's neighbor.

"OK, now what are we gonna do? She hates Ami as much as us but we have no idea what to do," Temari said.

"I do…get me my computer. I have a picture of Ami and a picture of some random guy who's not famous and no one at our school will know him. All I have to do is cut, copy, and paste and we have a picture for an article," Sakura said smirking as she went into edit on her computer.

"Hey! Oh you're dad saw me come in and told me to tell you that he was leaving right now and would be back in a month," Hana explained as she sat down.

"OK, thanks. Now can you make an article on this picture and put both on the front page of tomorrow's paper?" Sakura asked and Hana nodded.

"The computer lab is still open and the rest of the staff is still there so if I get going now I can have it in there tomorrow," Hana said as she left.

"Perfect," Ino said smirking.

11:50 PM

"OK! Let's order a pizza with your dad's credit card!" Ino squealed.

"OK," Sakura agreed. She dialed the numbers with her dad's credit card in hand and gave the order of a pepperoni pizza and then her father's credit card number.

The pizza arrived and they ate it watching a horror movie. Then they went to bed and had peaceful dreams surprisingly.

8:00 AM At School

"OK…so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…blah, blah, blah, and that's our lesson today!" Orochimaru said as Sakura woke up from her nap in the back of class.

"Hey, Sakura," Sasuke whispered huskily in her ear as she walked into the hallway.

"Hey, Sasuke-baby, what's on your mind?" Sakura asked as she got the books she needed out of her locker.

"You and me for a date to a concert on Friday," Sasuke whispered.

"Who's the band?" Sakura asked.

"Three Days Grace," Sasuke answered and Sakura nearly dropped all of her books.

"Are you serious?!!!? I love them!!!" Sakura replied.

"Billboard brow!" Ami said as she stormed over to Sakura.

"What do you want, slut?" Sakura asked.

"How dare you put this in the school newspaper! I don't even know this man!" Ami yelled holding up a picture of her giving some guy a blowjob.

"Hm…next time don't get caught because saying you don't know him makes you look like a prostitute, Ami," Sakura said walking away with Sasuke as Ami sulked in a corner.

"You did that last night?" Sasuke asked amazed at how fast she worked.

"I have connections," Sakura answered. "Meet the girls and I at lunch…gotta go to P.E.," Sakura said as she kissed him.


"WHAT?!!!!?" They screamed in unison.

"WAY TO PUT SPIRIT INTO IT!!!!" Gai yelled.

"Hey, not so loud, yeah," Deidara said.

"Hey, Gai-sensei why is the president of the school board, algebra, biology, and P.E. student teacher here with them?" Kana, another friend of Ami asked.

"They're part of Akatsuki, too," Itachi answered and most of the girls in the room went fan girl when he spoke.

"NOW MY YOUTHFUL STUDENTS THE AKATSUKI WILL HAVE YOU DO AN EXERCISE TODAY!!!!!" Gai exclaimed and the whole class groaned.

"OK, we're the kind of guys who like violence, yeah-," Deidara began.

"I've noticed!!!" Ino yelled out and Deidara glared at her.

"Anyways today you're going to do one-on-one matches. No cat fights, spitting, kicking in the spot guys don't like to be kicked in, gorging the eyes, or scratching. Clear, yeah?" Deidara asked.

"Can we choose who we can fight?" Ino asked.

"You couldn't fight anyways! I've never seen you fight, yeah!" Deidara exclaimed and Ino scoffed.

"I can too! You want me to fight you right now, yeah?" Ino asked insulting him by saying yeah.

"Just…everyone choose someone to fight. We'll stop the fight at first sight of blood since we can't make high school students bleed," Deidara said.

"Um…everyone got there partners?" Itachi asked as they all nodded. "Yamanaka and Hoshigaki come up here," Itachi announced as they did just that and faced off while Deidara and Kisame watched closely.

"I can kick your but, Kurotsuki," Kisa said.

"As if Ami wannabe," Ino spat at her.

"Ready…set…fight!" Once those words left Kisame's mouth the girls lunged at each other. Kisa punched at Ino's head but she dodged and leg swept Kisa. Kisa got up and growled. She punched Ino in the gut and Ino coughed a little as she grabbed Kisa's wrist and twisted it back and made Kisa fall on her stomach with her hand on her back and being held down by Ino's weight.

"Hey…do I win?" Ino asked.

"Uh-huh," Deidara said as he stared dumbfounded.

"Haruno and Wantanabee!" Kisame announced as those two came down. "Just no blood or guts since I saw your last fight," Kisame said as he let those two fight.

"Ready to regret that news article, Kurotsuki?" Ami asked and the Akatsuki wondered why these girls kept calling the other girls Kurotsuki.

"Nah, I like that article and it's totally true. I mean, whoever got that pic was really careful," Sakura said as Ami lunged at her. She dodged and kicked her in the stomach and that sent her into the wall. Sakura stared wide eyed. She knew she was strong but to kick her into the wall? Wow… Ami lay there unconscious and Gai had the school nurse come in.

After School Sakura's House

Sakura was home alone and was really bored. Then she heard the alarms go off. She went down stairs and saw a guy she never met before in her house stealing stuff!

"Who are you?" Sakura asked fearlessly but inside she was shaking. The guy looked over to her and smirked.

"Well, if it isn't Sasori's daughter. You're cute and I know just the way to get revenge," the man said and she started to back up into a wall. She was terrified. The man got closer to her and pinned her to the wall. He kissed her rather forcefully and her eyes widened. Oh no! He's going to rape me!!! Gotta get someone here!!!! Sakura was trying to push him off of her but he was way older and stronger. She was making muffled screams but knew no one could hear them. She felt her shirt drop and she was struggling more than ever and then he flashed his gun in her eyesight and she stopped struggling. She started to silently cry and wished her dad was there. She was totally naked now and he stopped kissing her and she caught her breath. Then he stuck his dick inside of her and she screamed so loud. It was fucking painful!!!!!

"Sh….tsk…I bet someone heard that. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted," the man said as he shot her in the leg and disappeared as she fell unconscious.

Hana heard the scream and ran to Sakura's house as fast as she could. When she got there she saw the door open and went inside and what she saw shocked her. She saw Sakura on the ground naked and bleeding unconscious. Hana quickly got something to stop the bleeding temporarily and a blanket to put on her. Once that was done she called 911.

"911. State your emergency," The operator said.

"Um…yes. My friend's been shot and raped," Hana replied.

"Address?" the operator asked.

"9243 Cherry Blossom Lane," Hana answered.

"OK, we're sending an ambulance your way, please stay calm. Did you treat her for shock and bleeding?" The operator asked.

"Yes," Hana answered and then she heard sirens and saw people come in the door. "The ambulance is here," Hana said as she hung up the phone.

The paramedics got Sakura on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance. There was now a crowd around the ambulance wondering what happened to the young girl.

"Were you with this girl?" one of the paramedics asked.

"Um…no, I wasn't. I'm her next door neighbor and I heard a scream and ran over and saw her in blood on the floor," Hana explained as she got into the back of the ambulance to be with her friend as she got her cell out and started to call all of Sakura's friends.

"Hello, this is Ino," Ino.

"Ino? It's Hana. You need to come to the hospital right now and can you get the Akatsuki to contact Sakura's father?" Hana asked.

"Why? What happened?" Ino asked.

"Sakura was in an accident. She's unconscious and we're on the way to the hospital," Hana explained.

"Oh, no. Dad! Can you get the rest of the Akatsuki and take me to the hospital! It's an emergency! No, it's not me! It's Sakura! She's unconscious! Thanks! OK, Hana, I'm coming right now," Ino said as she hung up the phone and Hana dialed another number.

"Yo! It's Temari!" Temari said.

"Temari! It's Hana! Come to the hospital ASAP!! Sakura's been hurt and is currently unconscious," Hana said as they got to the emergency entrance to the hospital and everyone got out and Hana waited in the waiting room while the doctor's went into the OR. Temari hung up and rushed over there as fast as she could and Hana dialed another number.

Hana called Ino, Temari, Tenten, Hinata, and Sasuke. All of them came in with the Akatsuki and the whole Akatsuki had their cell phones out and were trying to reach Sasori.

"Sasori-danna's phone's off, yeah," Deidara informed.

"Well aren't you useful!" Ino yelled at him.

"Don't raise your voice," Deidara warned her.

"So, Hana, what happened?" Ino asked completely ignoring her father.

"Well, um…I was just in my room when I heard a loud scream come form Sakura's house so I ran over there to find whoever was there not there. He must have run once she screamed. She was laying there with a gun shot wound on her thigh. I looked at her and realized…that….that….that she…," Hana tried to say what happened but it was so hard. Now everyone was worried.

"Hana, what happened to my girlfriend?" Sasuke asked calmly.

"She was…raped," Hana whispered but everyone could hear her perfectly and Sasuke was having a hard time sitting there and waiting. After about an hour a doctor came out with the principle of their school!

"Tsunade-sama!!! What are you doing here?" Hana asked.

"I'm a medic and I came here because they said they needed more hands for this operation. Now, back to business. We retrieved the bullet but it went straight through her bone so if you all are slow that means her leg's broken and we made sure that she wouldn't get pregnant but she's still unconscious because of the accident and the drugs we gave her so you all can go in there and…where's her father?" Tsunade asked.

"Business trip, yeah. We can't get a hold of him," Deidara explained. Tsunade nodded as she lead the group to Sakura's room. The girls rushed over to her side and stayed there.

"Tsunade-sama, do we have to go to school tomorrow? We want to be here for Sakura-chan!" Ino asked.

"No, but keep trying to get a hold of her dad for me, OK? I have to go to school tomorrow because of the stupid kids," Tsunade mumbled the last part.

"She's still the same," Kisame said as he drank some sake.

"No kidding," Leader said.

"You all had her as a principle too?" Tenten asked and they nodded.

"Sakura-chan, please wake up," Ino whispered and all the guys there knew that the girls cared for each other deeply…more than they cared for each other.

Next Day at School

"Where's that Haruno?" Ami asked her crew.

"Maybe she's afraid to face you after yesterday's incident," Izumo suggested as they sat in Homeroom.

"Attention students! We have had a tragedy happen to one of our students, Sakura Haruno. She is currently in the hospital and is unconscious," Tsunade said on the intercom.

"So that's what happened," Ami said with a smirk.

"What do you want to do?" Kisa asked. "My dad was at the hospital last night and didn't come home so I guess that's where he went."

"We're going to pay her a visit after school," Ami said.

At Hospital Same Time

Sakura woke up and saw Sasuke asleep with his head on her. She smiled at him and poked him in the head. He woke up instantly and looked up. Sasuke was overjoyed even though he would never admit it.

"Sakura, you're awake! How are you?" Sasuke asked as he kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm fine…I guess, Sasuke, are you the only one here?" Sakura asked looking around but she didn't see any of her friends.

"No, the Kurotsuki and Akatsuki are asleep in the waiting room," Sasuke said as Sakura tried to get up but he pushed her back down and shook his head no. She pouted. "You just had surgery yesterday and your leg is broken."

"But it's boring sitting here. I'm not a girl who likes to sit around and do nothing," Sakura said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Sasuke laughed and ruffled her hair a little bit and she glared at him. "Nobody touches the hair!"

"Just relax and I'll get everyone in here," Sasuke said as he went to the waiting room to see all of them asleep in chairs and on each other. "Hey wake up, guys!" Sasuke said as everyone woke up.

"What? I'm tired," Ino whined as she laid her head down on her father again.

"Sakura's awake and somewhat back to normal," Sasuke said as all of the girls got up and rushed into her room as the Akatsuki were wondering what just happened as they also walked to her room.

"Sakura-chan!!!! We were so worried!" Ino yelled as she began to strangle her best friend with a bone crushing hug.

"I-no…can't breathe," Sakura said as Ino let go of her and she caught her breath.

'Hi, yeah! I'm Deidara and do you know where your father is right now?" Deidara asked as she snapped her fingers and Ino gave her, her cell phone. Sakura dialed a number and it rung and then someone answered.

"Hello, ma'am! I was looking for a Sasori Haruno…. OK, can you give me a room number?" Sakura said as Tenten gave her a pen and paper and Sakura kept making noises like "Uh-huh." Then Sakura hung up and dialed another number.

"Hello?" a voice said from the other line.

"Daddy?" Sakura asked unsure.

"Sakura, did you need something?" Sasori asked as Deidara took the phone away from Sakura who scoffed.

"Sasori-danna, we need you down here as soon as possible," Deidara said as he kept the phone out of reach from his daughter.

"Why, Deidara?" Sasori asked as he sighed.

"Um…your daughter's in the hospital," Deidara said.

"WHAT?!!!?" Sasori yelled loud enough that everyone in the room could hear him.

"Um…yeah…hello?" Deidara said as he pressed the off button and gave the phone to Ino.

"Why am I in the hospital again?" Sakura asked since she somewhat forgot.

"You don't remember?" Hana said as she walked in. "You were raped and shot," Hana said as she saw Sakura's eyes cloud over and she saw a hint of fear in them.

"You OK, Saku-chan?" Temari asked.

"That guy….he wanted revenge on my father," Sakura said as a tear ran down her face.

"Do you think it's that guy, Leader-sama, yeah?" Deidara asked.

"Most possibly," Leader replied.

"YOU MEAN YOU KNOW THE GUY WHO RAPED MY BEST FRIEND?!!?" Ino yelled at her father.

"You obviously don't know what the Akatsuki have done and what her father's job is, yeah," Deidara said and they all looked shocked.

"What exactly does my father do?" Sakura asked trying to glare at him.

"Bodyguard for people, sells drugs, and he gets paid for eliminating certain people, yeah," Deidara explained as every girl in the room gasped.

"You mean my father's a criminal?" Sakura yelled.

"No, gangster. Criminals don't have really big houses like you and Ino, yeah," Deidara said as it dawned on Ino that her father was the same.

"YOU'RE A GANGSTER?!!!?" Ino yelled at her father.

"Always have been, yeah," Deidara answered.

"Ino, we shouldn't be judgin. We're tha same," Sakura said sadly as she looked out the window.

"What do you mean by that, yeah?" Deidara asked.

"I'm the leader of the high school gang, Kurotsuki," Sakura replied.

"So is that why those fucking girls were calling you that?" Hidan asked.

"Yes," Sakura answered as she sighed. "Can someone get me something to do?" Sakura asked since she was getting really bored.

"Sure…," Kisame said as the Akatsuki left the room to go find something at her house.

After School at Hospital

"Hey, forehead," Ami said as she entered the room with her girls.

Well? First chap! I won't upload another one until I get at least 5 reviews!!!! Hope you all enjoyed!!!!