Title: Traveller
Drabble: #19
TK's prompt: Belgium
Randomly selected pairing: Mira
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Notes: Isn't Belgian chocolate the greatest?
While Sora liked to travel and see new places, it was one of Mimi's passions. During the short time that she'd lived in America, she'd made sure that she had visited as many of the states as possible. And she'd succeeded; there were very few states which remained for her to set foot in. Unfortunately her favourites were among these few.
Upon returning to Japan, she had persuaded Sora to return to the United States with her one day so that she could visit the places she'd missed out on the first time. Sora had agreed – she'd follow Mimi wherever she went – but said that it'd have to wait for a while. She was the voice of reason, and made Mimi understand that neither of them would be able to afford a trip like that for some time.
Being the person she was, Mimi was difficult to please. She accepted what Sora said, of course; she could wait a while before going back to America. But in the meantime, they had to go somewhere else. She couldn't be stuck in Japan forever. She needed to get out, and see the world.
Sora smiled fondly, and the next day returned home with an armful of travel brochures.
This is how they ended up in Belgium. Mimi mentioned that she'd always wanted to go there when she saw it in a brochure; they made the best chocolate ever, and it was bound to be full of shopping centres with lace-adorned clothes. Sora had glanced at the price and agreed.
After a full day of shopping and sightseeing, they lay together on the soft bed of their hotel room. Mimi didn't even have the energy to change clothes before she fell asleep. Brushing her girlfriend's hair out of her face, Sora giggled; if she was this tired after Belgium, she dreaded to think what it'd be like in America.