I know it's been months since I updated this but I forgot I'd been posting here. I don't even know if anyone will still want read.

Meredith threw her bag and keys onto the table in the hall and stomped upstairs to her bedroom.

"I can't believe you and Mark pulled us out of there before we had a chance to say anything to her." She yelled to Derek.

"I can't believe you used the baby as an excuse to get past me!" Derek yelled back as he followed her up the stairs.

By the time he reached her room Meredith was already putting on her pyjamas and getting ready for bed.

"I wouldn't have had to pretend to be sick if you'd have just let me go." She sat on the bed with her back to him.

"Meredith, I couldn't have let you go. Don't you see that even with the chief on our side we still need to keep our distance from her, and we can't let her see us fighting because that means she's winning." He heard Meredith sniffing from across the bed. "I don't want us to fight Meredith. Why are you angry at me?"

Meredith turned around wiping tears from her face. "Because," she started "because even though I know that Lexie is lying, and I know that you haven't done anything with her. Even though I know all of that, I can't help but think that if you'd never flirted with her on that first night you'd met her then she wouldn't be a problem now" She wasn't looking at Derek as she said the last part afraid to see his reaction.

"If you hadn't led her to believe that she had just the slightest chance with you even if it was just for that night then she might not have been so into you."

Derek sighed; he didn't like hearing what Meredith was saying but he couldn't deny it either. "You're right, and I'm sorry. If I could go back and change it I would. But I can't, so we're just going to have to stick together and get through this." He moved round the bed to sit next to her. "Can we do that?" She nodded still not looking directly at him.

"I'm sorry that I used the baby as an excuse," she said quietly. "I just knew that you'd definitely let me go if I said that."

Derek put his arm around her. "That's alright. Just don't do it again because I'll know next time." He laughed and then kissed her forehead. "Lets go to bed, it's been a long day.

George paid for his drinks and left Joe's. He dug into his pocket for his car keys. He'd only been drinking soda all night, since the night that he got drunk and slept with Izzie he hadn't really been drinking much. He groaned as he saw that Izzie was sat on a bench near his car clearly waiting for him. She stood up and approached him.

"You've been avoiding me since you got back." She said accusingly.

George answered honestly. "Yes, I have"

"Look, I know that I made that big speech on the day of the wedding but I've had some time to think what with not seeing you for 3 weeks and I just need to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened with us. I'm sorry if it did anything to affect you and Callie. Most of all I'm sorry that it ruined our friendship. I ruined our friendship."

George tried to speak but she carried on talking. "Like I said I've had time to think about this, and it all goes back to when you first moved out, when you first got with Callie. I was jealous, because you were talking to her when you used to talk to me. But I miss that, talking to you. I miss being your friend, and, if you'd be willing, I'd like us to be friends again. We can start slow, and I'll try harder with Callie. She's not a bad person. I know that. I just need us to be friends again." She finally stopped talking and took a breath. "What do you think?"

George looked at her, and thought for a moment. He did miss her. Spending the past few days with Lexie had made him realise how much he missed his friendship with Izzie. "Ok" he answered and started walking to his car.

"Ok?" Izzie smiled

"I'll see you at the hospital tomorrow?" George asked as he got into his car.


The next morning Derek woke up and found the other half of the bed empty. He could hear Meredith in the bathroom and felt sorry that she had to go through this everyday. He got up and knocked gently on the bathroom door. "Are you ok in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" Meredith answered sounding anything but fine. "Could you get me a glass of water please?"
Derek threw on some jeans and a T-shirt and went downstairs to the kitchen. He wasn't surprised to see Izzie cooking breakfast. She looked better than she had all week.

"You know…this is the second time in two days that I've got up and found Meredith in the bathroom being sick." She pointed her spatula at him "is there something that you aren't telling me?"

Derek looked wide eyed and innocent. "Nope, nothing that I'm aware of, and if there is Meredith told me I'm not allowed to tell anyone." He answered teasingly.

"So she is!! Is she? Just tell me!" Derek laughed at how desperate Izzie sounded.

"I told you, I can't. But what I can tell you is that she didn't have anything to drink last night except soda, so it can't be that."

Izzie squealed just as Meredith came through the door. "I thought you were getting me a glass of - Izzie why are you hugging me?"

"I'm so happy for you, I can't believe this! You, and Derek, and a baby!"

"You told her!!" Meredith accused.

Derek raised his hands defensively. "I didn't tell her anything, she guessed"

"Izzie, let go of me! Ok, So Cristina knows, Bailey, the chief, Addison and now Izzie. I wonder how long it'll stay quiet for."

Derek looked guilty. "I may have told Mark as well. But before you get mad at me it's because I love you and I'm proud of you and I want everyone to know that we're going to be parents." He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted.

"Don't try and sweet talk me, we weren't supposed to be telling people yet." She turned to face Izzie "and don't you even think of telling anybody, nobody ok?"

Izzie went back to her cooking, "Ok fine I won't tell anyone. Why does everyone have this misconception that I'm a gossip?"

Before Meredith could answer she felt her stomach turn. "Are you cooking eggs?" she asked before running to the bathroom.

Izzie rolled her eyes and walked over to a cupboard. She handed a box of crackers to Derek. "Tell her to eat these; they are a life saver during the first couple of months."

He took the box from her looking confused "How do you know?"

She rolled her eyes again "Just take them to her."

A few hours later but at work Meredith was again sat on a cold hard floor in front of a toilet. She felt the crackers Derek had given her in the pocket of her lab coat. "Life savers my ass" she mumbled. She still felt like crap and wished she hadn't come into work today. She'd wanted to stay at home with Derek but he'd insisted that she should come and get as many hours in as possible before she had to finish for the baby.

She stood up, flushed the toilet and tried to straighten herself out. She chewed a stick of gum and left the stall. She went to the mirror; she really did look like crap. She noticed a girl next to her and saw that it was Lexie who was messing with her hair in the mirror.

"You spend a lot of time fixing your hair in the mirror don't you Dr. Grey?" Meredith commented.

"And you spend a lot of time puking in toilets don't you Dr. Grey?" Lexie retorted. "Some people just can't handle their hangovers. I'd thought you'd have managed to deal with them by now the number of drunken nights you've apparently had."

Meredith spun Lexie round so that they were face to face and pushed her back a little. "If you knew, just how close I am to kicking your ass, I really don't think you'd be stood here gossiping about me. And however bad I may be I've never come onto somebody who's already taken!"

"That's not the way I heard it." Lexie spat out, tying to back away from Meredith. The crazy look in Meredith's eyes was unnerving her. "I heard that he was back with Addison and kept you around on the side like some kind of mistress!"

Meredith raised her hand to slap her but before she had chance somebody grabbed it. She turned to face Bailey.

"Is there a problem here?" nobody answered. "Excuse me, did my lips move? Did sound come out of my mouth? Did I ask a question? Is there a problem here??" She repeated the question.
Meredith looked at Lexie coldly. "No, no problem."
"Right well, Grey-Lexie that is, Dr. Torres needs an intern, off you go." Lexie left so fast you could almost see a dust trail behind her.
Bailey spoke to Meredith a bit more softly. "You look like crap, you've been in here more than an hour, go home." Meredith didn't have the energy to argue and actually wanted to go. "It gets easier" Bailey said to her, almost with a smile.