Title: Healing Hand
Author: monitorscreen
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas
Rating: PG
Word count: 192
Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings is the creation of J.R.R. Tolkien, not mine.
Summary: It had been a vicious battle.
Author's notes: Fic #28 for LJ comm Ficlets on Demand's Fic a Day June Challenge. Request: Blood by kneazles.

Healing Hand

by monitor screen


Aragorn touched the skin around the wound, stark on the pale back of Legolas. The Elf winced slightly, but otherwise remained prone. It was a deep wound - hours after the battle, blood was still oozing out, albeit much more slowly now than before. Aragorn wondered briefly how Legolas had managed to move about helping with the aftermath in the fortress like this. Elven endurance never ceased to amaze him.

Aragorn cleaned the slash with a wet cloth as gently as possible. He could feel Legolas's muscles shifting under his palm, though the Elf kept his silence. After clearing the dirt away, Aragorn dapped the paste made with athelas on, and started with dressing the wound. Legolas moved obligingly, making it a quick work.

Aragorn brushed aside his friend's hair when he finished tying the bandages. Legolas looked tired, but his smile was still warm. "Gen hannon, mellon-nin."(1)

Aragorn smiled back, stroking the Elf's cheek, "Get some rest, my friend."

He stayed for a while, watching Legolas's eyes glaze over as he drifted into the Elven dreams. Then Aragorn stood and collected his equipments; there were yet more others to tend to.


(1) I thank you, my friend.