Okay, you guys, so I know I haven't updated in like, forever. And I blame myself for that. I started this story as a three shot and hadn't intended for it to be a story, now that it is I have no clue where to go with it! Dropping it completely may be a pretty good option... so would handing it over to a different author who could give it the time it deserves. So basically what I'm saying is that it's a possibility that this story has ended before it has had a chance to begin, which is sad because I know that it could turn out pretty good. So if you have any good ideas, or if you're interested in taking this story on, just PM me.
DON'T FREAK OUT YET!!! I promise that if I do decide to end this story I'll let you guys no for sure and not keep you waiting.
And if you are interested in taking the story up PM me (and while you're at it, can you please be patient with the whole passing a story to a different author thing... I'm pretty naive in out of the loop on all the inner workings of this site).
I thank you for your patience and support,