Chapter 25:

A piercing scream was heard ringing through the mansion and V practically flew in the direction it was coming from. She almost ran into Draco who was sprinting in the same direction. She gasped to him, "What. Was. That?!"

"No. Clue." He rasped out.

They flew around a corner and nearly concussed themselves trying to get through the doorway to the dining room. They both stopped short, seeing a young girl bouncing around the room, screaming in delight as her older brother and grandfather looked on happily.

Once Lucius spotted them however, he stiffened and straightened his face. He rose out of his chair, saying haughtily, "Oh you're here. Calm her down will you?" He swept out of the room.

V gasped out, "What in Hecate's name is going on here Ruby Narcissa Malfoy?"

Draco looked at his son, his face softening when he realised there was no immediate danger, "Beau?"

Their rambunctious daughter was still bouncing around and squealing, so her older brother answered, "She got her letter Mother, Father."

The two parents slumped, exhausted on the doorway. They looked at each other and thought, We are sooo out of shape.

We start running tomorrow.


V winced as her daughter hit a particularly high note and waved her hand at her, silencing her.

"Ruby! Stop that at once. Malfoys do not bounce!" Her son smirked at his mother's temper and she rounded on him, "Don't even go there Mr. Beau Luc Malfoy."

Draco watched on in amusement as his daughter stopped bouncing and sat at the table politely. Beau may have gotten into Ravenclaw, but she is just too darned energetic for her own good. Merlin, I'm going to throttle someone if she turns out to be a Gryf.

He thought to V, Come on love, let's leave them to it. Beau's 13 now, he can take care of her well-enough. Draco pulled her out of the room and escorted her back to their own, from which they came.

As they walked, she thought to him, Beau really is getting so mature. He reminds me so much of his namesake, my Mother. He really is too clever for his own good. Her eyes misted slightly at the thought. She would have been so proud. At least now she has no more pain.

Draco nodded and thought back, Yes, and your father is dealing quite well.

He sent a swift spell back at the room they came from and heard a yelled, "Daaaaaaaad!" Thank goodness neither of them got your lovely talent for Occlumens, otherwise we'd never be able to keep track of them.

She grinned, Yes, but I do think that their wandless abilities are going to keep you on your toes soon enough don't you.

He stopped at their master bedroom and raised an eyebrow at her, Oh faithless wife!

She laughed, Oh witty husband!

He pulled her inside and shut the door firmly. He hauled her to his chest and thought as he claimed her lips, Now where was I?

She grinned into his kiss and pushed him back to the bed, Right about here my love.

As he pulled her clothes off, he murmured, "Why do you think, that even after 14 years I still can't get enough of you?"

She groaned against his lips on her skin, "The same reason I can't. You're too damn sexy for your own good."

He chuckled and nipped at her stomach, "I know."

She mock-glared at him, even as she arched under his teeth, moaning, "You prat."

He licked his way up her chest, until he was poised over her, "Don't say what you don't mean love." He thrust into her and she gasped, arching to take him further in. "I think I fall in love with you more every day. My love, my life, my soul."

She was whimpering and moaning, writhing beneath him as he thrust brutally into her. "I'm more in love with you than I thought possible my husband." It still thrilled her to say that and the words 'husband' and 'wife' were some of their greatest endearments, even after fourteen years of marriage.

They wrapped each other in a cocoon of love and tenderness, pushing the other to an orgasm before their own and ultimately reaching the peak together.

As they lay together on the bed, panting, V said quietly, "So what do you say to me working full time instead of part time once Ruby is at Hogwarts?"

Draco returned with, "I think that you should do what you want, but I have designs to keep you at home, doing all the things we haven't been able to since Beau could walk."

She giggled and swatted his naked chest, "Your poor father will have a coronary!"

He snorted, "My poor father can simply go over to Madame Weasley's for tea, or even better go torture Blaise at the Ministry."

She grinned and said happily, "Maybe I will stay part time then."

He looked down at her and kissed her sleek black hair, "Is that so my Lady?"

She hooded her eyes, "With the right persuasion, my love. With the right persuasion."

He brought his lips softly to her own and thought, And what would that be?

She ran her lips across his, Love me Draco. Love me forever and a day.

He grinned and rose up over her once more, I think I can manage that my love.

And they loved each other for the next hundred and fifty years. Their love affair became the stuff of story books and bed-time tales. They died peacefully one morning, holding tight to each other, watching the sun rise for the last time - whispered "I love you"s floating into the air as their last breaths were rasped in sync and they moved on to join their previously lost friends and family in the great abyss beyond the constraints of time.