PSManiac: Hi everybody! This is my newest fanfiction, Crash: Dimension


Enjoy the action, comedy, and insanity in this new Crash adventure! Also I own

nothing except for the 0th (ze-ro-ith) Dimension, the Interdroids, and Professor N.

Terdimensional. Enjoy!

Chapter One: Bored Game

It was a sunny day on N. Sanity Island. But it was a very boring day. Crash

was asleep on the living room couch, Coco was staring groggily at her blank

computer screen, and Crunch was hitting his head against his punching bag. For

nearly three weeks the world hadn't been in a crisis. Cortex, Oxide, or any other

baddies hadn't shown their faces in months.

Meanwhile in an evil-looking laboratory sitting on top of an iceberg, Doctor Neo

Periwinkle Cortex was having another one of his "evil villain's block." He was sitting in the

control room, bashing his head viciously against a computer.

"Think Cortex! Think!" he screamed with each bash. Soon, he stopped causing brain

damage upon himself and stood up.

"What's the point?" he muttered to himself, "Every time I think up of a plan, that wretched

bandicoot and his friends always find a way to foil it! But if I don't think of a new plan soon,

Uka Uka will fry my bacon for sure. Either that or I'll go crazy! Wait, why am I talking to

myself? Oh no! I have gone crazy!"

"Cortex? Cortex!" Tropy called as he and N. Gin searched for their employer, "Cortex!

It's payday! You owe me $12. 96!" Eventually they found him in the control room in the fetal

position and he was sucking his thumb.

"Dr. Cortex! Are you alright?" N. Gin asked his boss. The was a bright flash and N. Gin

looked behind him. There was Tropy with a digital camera.

"At last!" the master of time yelled to the sky, "Blackmail! I'll get that raise for sure!" Cortex

groaned and slowly stood up.

"Doctor Cortex! What happened?" asked N. Gin.

"I don't know. I was screaming because I thought I had gone insane," Cortex replied, "I

bashed into a wall, and then there were churros everywhere! Also ther- Tropy? Why are you

holding a digital camera?"

"Oh, no reason," Tropy said, hiding the camera behind his back.

"Anyway," Cortex continued, "there was Mother, eating a bologna sandwich with a giant hunk

of cheese on her head.Then I woke up."

"So you had a dream?" N. Gin asked.

"N. Gin, my mom was there," replied the big-headed scientist, "It wasn't a dream. It was a


"Uncle Neo! Uncle Neo!" Nina called, running across the room.

"What is it Nina?" questioned Cortex.

"I need help with a science homework question," answered the mad scientist's niece.

"Well then," said Cortex, "let's hear it."

"What," started Nina, " is the high speed velocity of the electrical generation of inertia from

collaborator A to gravatronic manipulator B using Newton's 3rd theory of molecular pulse

production from transmogrifying the nuclear shock absorbsion?" All three scientists had

their mouths wide open. Then N. Gin faints.

"Of course! It's seven! Thanks Uncle Neo!" she said as she skipped out of the room.

Back with Crash and the other bandicoots...

Aku Aku floated into the room and saw the state the bandicoots were in.

"My children, why are you not doing anything?" the floating mask asked.

"Because we're bored," answered Coco.

"We've done everything we've ever wanted to do," Crunch added. Crash nodded his head as a


Aku Aku thought for a moment then said, "How about I tell you a story."

"You've told us all 825 of your stories," Coco argued.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"What about the time I-"

"You stopped your brother from ruling the universe, imprisoned him, and there was much

rejoicing? Heard it."

"Hmm... I guess there is nothing to do," Aku Aku sighed as he sat on the couch in defeat.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion outside.

"What in Mr. T's underwear was that?" cried Crunch.

"Crunch," said Coco.


"Don't say that ever again."

"Okay," he sighed as they went to check out what had happened.

A few minutes later the bandicoots were at the site of the explosion where they found huge


They slid down to the bottom where there was a meteor.

"Wow!" Coco squealed in joy, "I've never seen a meteor of this size before!" She was about to

take a closer look when ten robots jumped out of the meteor. They were silver and metallic blue

in color and they each had four red eyes. The robots also had sharp teeth, four spider-like legs,

pincers on each side of their mouth, and wrist mounted blasters on each hand. On each of the

robots' chests was a picture of a skull with two criss-crossing lightening bolts underneath it.

"Must serve Professor N. Terdimentional," nine of the robots chanted, "Must serve Professor N.


"Must serve ham and cheese omelette," the tenth one said. One of the robots looked at him and

smacked the back of his head.

"I mean, must serve Professor N. Terdimensional." They pointed their blasters at the bandicoots.

"How do I get into these messes?" Cortex asked himself. One moment, Tropy and himself

were waking N. Gin up, the next moment, there robot guys showed up with their blasters

pointed at

him and his henchmen, and on top of all that, he needed to use the toilet really bad. Wait a

minute... never mind. Then he got an idea.

"Aha!" he cried as he pulled out his laser. Click. Click. He realized that he forgot to charge it up!

The mad scientist muttered the two words that would fit the best at a time like this.

"Oh, Pooh."

PSManiac: What'll happen next? Review to find out!