A/N: Okay, so this was the first story I wrote when I joined Fanfiction. lol. Well, here it is the revised version. Hope you like it. lolSly Cooper and the Gang in:

Not the Only One

1. Replaced?

"I'LL FIND YOU, COOPER," yelled Carmelita, saying the same line as usual, "AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!"

"I sure won't Carmelita!" the thieving raccoon replied sarcastically as their getaway van drove off into the dark street, "I'll be sure to give you a lead on our next heist tomorrow!"

Sly and his gang had managed to pull off yet another great heist. He smiled as he stared at the rare French painting in his hands. This week had gone pretty well for the Cooper Gang. Not only had all of their heists been successful, but to sweeten their thieving streak, they managed to get a rather threatening criminal behind bars... someone by the name of R.J. Leopard.
They could say that this week was A-ok for them.

But the same couldn't be said for Carmelita.

The past week had driven Inspector Fox crazy because of her failure to catch the slippery raccoon. No matter what she did, Cooper and his gang of misfits would always slip right between her fingers. No matter how many guards she placed in front of the museum's artifacts, no matter how many security cameras were in the rooms, and no matter how much time and money and effort she put into it, Sly would always get away. She didnt understand it.
Was she not a good enough cop to catch the devious ringtail?

When Carmelita reached Interpol Headquarters, she tried to occupy herself with filing out paperwork on other criminals still at large. She knew she would be able to catch them eventually, but the blasted Sly Cooper was almost untouchable… almost!

"Miss Inspector Fox," Yelled a voice over Interpol's P.A., "Please come to my office."

Carmelita sighed. She knew the voice belonged to her boss, Ken Puma, the new head of Interpol since the Contessa was arrested. He was fairly nice and generous to cops and criminals alike, unlike The Contessa, who used her powers for trickery and deception. But despite this, Carmelita was too frustrated to be bothered with small, meaningless tasks; not with her being this stressed out! It was bad enough that she upset an intern earlier when he tried bringing her coffee-

"Carmelita!" called Ken over the P.A. again with a more stern tone in his voice, "Come to my office, please."

The fox had no choice but go to his office. Ken could be nice, but he could be just as strict too. Carmelita opened the door to his office abruptly, snapping at the handle and slamming his door shut, making Ken jump.

"Take it easy, Carmelita," he said, "I don't want my door broken just yet." he chuckled lightly, trying to ease the tension he saw in her eyes.

"Anything you need, sir?" she asked annoyed.

"Have a seat," he said

"Mr. Puma sir, I'd rather stand."

"But I insist, Carmelita, please sit."

She knew better than to test her boss' patience, so, not trying to further frustrate herself, or him, she unwillingly sat down in the chair across his desk.

"Do you know why I called you into my office, Miss Fox?"

"Because… I haven't been doing my best in searching for Sly Cooper," her ears drooped slightly from admitting defeat, "I understand completely if you want to fire me."

"Fire you?" He suddenly started laughing, angering the fox even more. "Are you out of your mind?" he said, "Carmelita, you're the best cop we have on the force! That's the last thing I would ever do. So what if one criminal got away; it happens all the time on the job!"

"You really don't know Sly Cooper, do you?" Carmelita raised an eyebrow.

"Well what isn't there to know about him? He grew up at an orphanage in Paris and became a thief with that hippo and turtle." He then picked up his coffee mug to drink.

She shook her head. "He's not your average thief, Ken. Three years ago, I started chasing him all around the world. He first went after the Fiendish Five, and then later, he set his sights on the Klaww Gang. And although he's succeeded in getting what he wanted from them, I have yet to find and arrest him! He's managed to slip past me over the course of those three years; not to mention, he's increased his little gang too! Sly Cooper is a worldwide criminal, Ken, and a master thief. France has a lot of valuables in their museums. Whose to say that- "

She gasped and stood up from the chair.

"Whose to say that... that he's robbing one right now!"

Ken choked and spit out his coffee.

"Ms. Fox! Calm down, alright?" he exclaimed, "He's already robbed a museum today. Why would he do it again this very second?"

"Because he's a cocky one, that ringtail!"

"Really, I don't think that-"

"Well I know that he's up to something. I know more than all of these officers put together!"

She rushed for the door, but as soon as she put her hand on the knob, Ken's voice became intimidating.

"Don't you dare go out of my office to chase after that thief!" he shouted, "You're not going after him on a hunch!"

Carmelita was shocked. "WHAT?" she shouted too, "It isn't a hunch. It's fact! I know it is!"

He waved off his hands in a defensive manner and told her to sit down again. Reluctantly, she let go of the doorknob, but she refused to sit back down. Ken rubbed his temples and groaned.

Not wanting to prolong this any further, he said, "This is why I called you in here, Carmelita. This whole Cooper Gang issue is all you ever do or say or think about! They're always on your mind. Tell me, how much sleep have you gotten this week?"

"About 7 hours total."

See? And how long will it take before you stop sleeping altogether? You've already spent three years chasing him. How many more will it take before you lose your sanity altogether?

"I'm not obsessed with the ringtail, Ken"

'Sure' he thought, 'And I'm a leprechaun with a degree in physics.' "Come with me," he told her.

He stood up from his chair and walked out of his office, Carmelita following behind him. He took her back to her office and pointed at the pictures on her walls. They both looked at the mugshots of Sly Cooper Murray, and Bentley. Sly, with his usual attire, wore a big grin on his face as he held up his prison number sign. Bentley held his prison number over his head, seeing as how he was so short (turtles never really grew that tall). And the last one, Murray, looked a bit dumbfounded as he held his number upside-down. There were torn pieces of newspaper with articles on Sly Cooper and his gang. On her desk, next to her computer, there were stacks of security tapes from several different places she suspected the Cooper Gang had robbed from. She even held on to the stolen rare stamp that Sly mailed back to her. She called it "Evidence," for when she finally busted Cooper.

If that was ever going to happen.

"Do you see it now?" Ken asked, "When was the last time you read a book or watched tv? You work too much, Carmelita."

Carmelita gave a deep sigh, "I-I guess you're right…" she mumbled, "maybe I do need to relax a bit."

"Good!" Ken said with a smile, "I booked a hotel down in Florida for you. By Saturday, I want you packed and ready to go down there to relax."

"But sir, I-"

"That's an order, Ms. Fox, and for two reasons: One, you need it, and two, the hotel booking is non-refundable."

She gave a small laugh at that.

'Wow...' she said, 'I haven't laughed in a while either... maybe I really do need this vacation...'

The hotel booking is only for a week, but after that, you're staying home for the rest of the month. And don't worry, it won't affect your pay.

"I'm glad it won't..."

"Oh! And one more thing. I've called in someone to fill in for you while you're gone this month."

"Whom are you replacing me with?"

"An officer named, Mae Hayate."

"Have I seen her before?"

"No. She just joined the force two days ago."

"Wait, you're letting a rookie cop chase after an expert criminal like Sly Cooper?"

"Calm down, Carmelita. You didn't let me finish. She's trained with the best law enforcers around the world. She's no stranger to the thieving world, and frankly, she's quite good. You really didn't think I'd put someone inexperienced on the Cooper case, did you?

She started laughing uneasily. "O-of course not..."

DT: I like this a whole lot better now, since I went through and edited it (Editing is fun. lol). So comment again if you like. Tell me what you think. I might even go back and edit Ask Naruto. lol