Disclaimer: I do not own Life as we know it, even though I wish I did so I could get it back on air ). I put a few changes into the story like adding Jackies younger sister who was at boarding school but it now in her sophmore year. Everyone else from the story are now seniors. R&R saying if I should contiue or not please and thanks.
Hailey walked up to her locker and slapped her older sister on the back, "What's up?" Jackie turned to face her, "Very funny. You know its time like these I really love you having a locker right next to mine. And let's not forget going to school with me too." Hailey opened her locker and put a few books in it, "Yeah, I just love you that much." They both shut the lockers simultaneously and Jackie walked away.
Hailey ran after her, "You are giving me a ride home…right?" She turned the corner walking to the gym, "Yeah. But you have to help me out with this banner for the school." "No way. Can't you like stop being president and wasting your time with school spirit." As everyone else was walking out of the school, they were walking farther into it. "No! I mean it's not that bad." She opened the gym doors and threw her bag on the ground. "You have got to be kidding me. I would hate to have to deal with school spirit. I mean honestly who cares if the school's peppy or not?" She tossed her bag next to her sister's. "You're just not a peppy person." Hailey walked to the middle of the gym, "Excuse me. Should I walk around saying stupid crap like Woohoo! Oh joy I absolutely love school. Come on!" Just then Jackie's cell phone rang, "Hi."
It was Dino Whitman, also known as Jackie's jock boyfriend. "Hey. Look I was wondering if I could hang with you at your place today." "Um…yeah its cool I guess." "Alright see you there." Hailey skipped over to her sister still trying to be "peppy", "What was that about?" Then again her phone rang, "Um hey."
This time it was their mother, "Hey I'm out and I need your help. Just drop your sister off at the house and call me when you're they're." She hung up.
Jackie walked over and grabbed her bags. Hailey had this questionable look on her face, "Um what the hell dude." She grabbed her bag and walked out of the gym running after her sister who was about 10 feet in front of her. "What the fuck Jackie?!" She runs out of building catching up to her sister who's waiting by the car. Out of breath she leans over on the car, "What the hell. Can you...at least…tell me…why were leaving?" Jackie opened the car and Hailey climbs into the passenger side. Jackie pulls out of the lot and starts on the way home, "I'm dropping you off at home because I have to help mom with something. I'll be back later so just don't burn down the house." Hailey slouched in the seat, "Look, for your information in 15…not 5." They both laughed.
"See ya later! I'll be back soon enough." Jackie drove off leaving Hailey at the house alone.
She walked inside and dumped her bag on the floor, "Great. What can I do alone in a house with no around to even care what I was doing…?" She grinned and thought to herself; screw it I totally got nothing. She crashed onto the couch and grabbed the remote looking for something remotely good to watch. Then there was a sudden knock at the door.