Even And The Odds

Disclaimer: Norihiro Yagi owns Claymore. Not me.

Warning: Spoilers for later arcs.

Chapter One: The Sense of Us

The sound of footsteps continued to resound against her, subtle and firm with every stride. It was the same throughout every terrain they had walked in and out of, jungles and beside narrow streams, yet she still could not get accustomed to it. It reminded her of the past, not even close to the present but could possibly be rehearsed in the future.

She stopped. The one behind her stopped too. She was at a loss for words, normally only deeming conversation when there was something necessary to convey. This could count as such a case, but what would she tell the latter?

Clare stared at Jean. Jean did not stare back, keeping her gaze slightly downcast while mantaining eye contact. Even only in an old black cape, she continued to look like a warrior with her trademark aura of dignity. It came so naturally to her that it sometimes made Clare wonder if Jean realized it and if not, whether she herself was experience the same thing and not realizing the real image she was exuding.

" How long are you going to keep following me?" Clare enquired with a neutral tone.

" As said, until I have repaid my debt," Jean replied with the same answer she gave not long ago.

Her voice hinted no irritation and frustration. Clare herself neither really felt irritated nor frustrated. The atmosphere was not an awkward one, both were used to following or being followed. The matter itself did not concern the organization directly, but Clare thought it was unappropriate to ask her to go away just like that.

Jean was, after all, a single digit. Furthermore, taking into account the events that happened mere days ago, it was best for her to have the company of a fellow warrior, especially one of much higher rank, in case they encountered a similar ambush.

" You have contributed much to the fight with the awakened ones," Clare raised the argument again, hoping this time it would somehow be more convincing. " So technically, you have saved my life."

" No," Jean replied. Clare expected the same answer again and that was what given. " It is only right for comrades to aid one another in time of battle. What you did was beyond that boundary."

" You should head back to the organization," Clare suggested, trying her best not to be offensive. " There must be many other jobs you are to take as a single digit."

" I don't think so," Jean said. " The organization would probably have heard of what happened with us through Galatea. We shouldn't put her at a difficult position by returning, remember that she's trying her best to cover up for both of us."

" How can you be so sure?" Clare asked.

" You yourself are too," Jean gave an undefinite answer. " Or is it me bothering you in some way?"

The same neutral tone. Clare hesitated once more and decided to take a step back before replying. Revising and omcparing their respective routines, Jean's actions were not an inconvenient hindrance to Clare.

Discreetly, Clare had been attempting to escape from Jean. A couple of times she abruptly left when they were bathing in separate areas. At first she felt pangs of guilt, which died down upon realizing that Jean had caught up with her.

Clare had been so focused with it that she did not even thought of sparring with Jean. At leas they had one thing in common, being unshakable when determinedly directing their attention at something.

" Yes," Clare finally replied. " But it actually has nothing to do with you."

Subconsciously, Clare picked up her pace after hearing news related to Raki. It was a gamble she took, going to the north to find him while carrying out her mission to fight awakened beings. A high chance he would be there and if she was to die, at least she could leave him with a proper farewell.

" Are you still thinking about it?" Jean inquired casually, a rare time when she striked up a conversation instead of mantaining her stealth.

Snapped out of her reverie, Clare slowed down for a moment before regaining speed. " Yes. After this, I might not be able to make it out alive." This time she assumed a realistic point of view, no hopes and promises attached, even to herself.

" The boy Rubel mentioned…he really is important to you." Jean got straight to the point, saying it as if she was affirming something rather than making a statement.

Clare need not think twice. " Yes."

" There will be many warriors at Pieta," Jean supplied. " Depending on the circumstances, I am able to take up both our duties for the time being. You can use that time for finding him."

" Repaying your debt?" Clare asked.

" No, helping comrades," Jean corrected. What their kind did for one another more often than not fell under those two categories. " For us, it is rare to have someone we care for more than anything else."

Her words brought about the memory of Teresa, and she hurriedly pushed the image of her away. Clare knew it would eventually led to more memories and tears that she did not have sufficient strength to surpress in that moment.

" You're right," She agreed, her voice soft. " Do you have such a person yourself?"

" I don't think so," Jean answered. " I just care for whoever I'm trying to protect, no one in particular."

' As expected from a person of selfless character,' Clare thought, a faint smile subconsciously gracing her lips. Jean looked surprised for a brief second, but in response did the same thing. The atmosphere between them seemed to become more relaxed, even the hovering silence was comfortable.

" Well," Clare disrupted the moment. " I'll at least get you some clothes, you will definitely get stared at walking into town like that. Helping comrades?"

First Claymore fic. Feedbacks are appreciated D