Meredith opens her heavy eyes. She blinks a couple of times as she tries to adjust to her surroundings. It is dark in her room, but the lights from outside are streaming in through the gaps in the blinds.
Meredith (in a tired voice): Der?
She hears some shuffling before she feels his hand grabbing her and his soft lips brushing against her.
Derek: Hey. I'm right here.
Meredith can't help but smile.
Meredith: Sophia?
Derek smiles. She is already a great mother, worrying about their daughter who is only a few hours old.
Derek: She's in the nursery. I thought you could use your sleep.
Meredith smiles and nods her head.
Derek: How are you feeling?
Meredith: Tired and sore, but I'm great.
She smiles at Derek and he really does believe her. He can't help but think how much things have changed over the past months. Meredith came back pregnant and he found out he was going to be a father. These past four months have been the best in his life. He finally feels as if he has the world.
Derek caresses her cheek with one hand while he reaches for a box in his pocket with the other.
Derek: Mer, I love you. I love you so much. You have given me the world. I have you and I have Sophia and I couldn't imagine life without either of you. I want to spend my life with you, Mer. I want you to be my forever. I want to build us a house on our land and I want us to turn that house into a home. I want to wake up with you every morning and I want to fall asleep next to you every night. I love you, Meredith Grey.
Derek opens the box to reveal a square cut Tiffany's engagement ring. Meredith gasps.
Derek: I planned on doing this tonight over a romantic dinner, but I can't think of a better time than right now. I love you, Meredith Grey. Will you marry me?
Meredith now has tears running down her face. She can't help but think about how much her life has changed over the last nine months. She thought she was going to be alone. She never would have imagined that she would have the love of her life and their child. Everything is perfect. She has both. She has a child with the love of her life and she knows. She knows that no matter what happens, no matter how bad things may get or how bad they may seem, she will never be alone again. She will never be alone again because for the first time in her lfie, Meredith has a family.
Meredith smiles at Derek through her tears. He reaches up and wipes them away, fear beginning to take hold of him.
Meredith giggles. Meredith giggles and he knows. He knows before she says anything what her answer will be.
Meredith: Yes. Yes. YES! I will marry you Derek Shepherd!
Derek laughs as he slips the ring onto her finger.
Meredith: It's perfect.
Derek sighs as he looks deep into her eyes.
Derek: Yes, it is.
Meredith: Thank you, Derek.
Derek tilts his head to the side as he smiles at her.
Derek: For what?
Meredith: For my happily ever after.
So...that's it. This was my first fanfic that I wrote...and I hope you all enjoyed it. I have eight others I think that I am posting on this board...and another one that isn't and a porny one that isn't. I will probably start posting the non-porny one in the next couple of weeks...and I hope you all check out the board I co-created...It has been great and thank you all for your wonderful reviews.