I really must apologize: I realize it's been four years since I've updated, and that's really inexcusable. I am truly sorry to all of you who have enjoyed reading this fic.

First, I'll get it out of the way – YES, I am planning on finishing this fic! I will not quit it.

Second, a small explanation: Shortly before my last update I starting going through some personal hardships that seemed to culminate in fall '09. Since then, I've been battling with depression, anxiety and some pretty severe writer's block.

However, in my the time since my last update, I've been a part of some creative writing workshops that I feel have strengthened me as a writer. With that in mind, I am eager to get back to writing. But – and I do want to emphasize this – it's been a long ass time since I've written, and the process has become very different for me.

I wouldn't expect an update in the very near future (I actually have to reread this fic and get back into the groove), but I'd like to post some chapters before the end of the year.

Until then, here's more thanks to all of you than I can express.