I own nothing.

And thank you to all who are reading this story, and a special thanks to all who reviewed this story! I love you all.

Kisame hated sharing a room with Itachi. Especially on missions.

Now, not that this comes as a surprise to anyone. After all, although they are friends, they each have traits that are...Less than desire-able to the other. Kisame was a blood-thirsty animal who enjoyed killing more than anyone could comprehend. Needless to say, this did freak out Itachi to some extent. After all, why wouldn't it? He could defend himself from Kisame, in fact he could kill him at anytime if he really wanted to, but it wasn't necessary. And he wasn't going to be like Kisame and kill for the sheer pleasure. There had to be a meaning behind it. And Kisame had yet to provide him with a really good one.

And Itachi loved sushi.

This obviously pissed Kisame off. It was cannibalistic! They could be related to him! His partner could be eating his damn relative!

Itachi had noticed that Kisame didn't like it when he ate sushi. So he ate it every time they were on a mission. This way, Kisame couldn't go crying to Leader-Sama like he had when Hidan had prepared fish stew with finely grated fish. God only knows how Hidan got the food processor to work. It still refused to work for Kakuzu and Itachi. When asked, Hidan mumbled something about Jashin...

Which is beside the point. Kisame wanted the sushi-eating to stop. And he knew how to do it.

"Kisame." Itachi's voice broke Kisame out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" He replied, noticing an empty plate on the table. It had, a few minutes ago, had sushi in it.

"I'm going to bed. Do not disturb me." Itachi said coldly, walking into the bedroom.

"Where the hell am I supposed to sleep?" Kisame asked, remembering that they had only one bedroom in the hotel. The fish-man had been sitting on the couch in the living room of the small hotel room, thinking about sushi, and revenge...

"The couch." Itachi slammed the door. Kisame twitched. There was lots Kisame could have done, he could have kicked down the door and demanded the bedroom. He could have simply killed Itachi, and prepared sushi out of the remains for revenge. Or give him to Hidan to make Itachi-stew.

But he stuck with his original plan. Quietly, Kisame walked into the bathroom, a small bag on his shoulder. This was going to fun.

Itachi awoke to the sound of birds.

He groaned, rolling out of bed and slamming the window shut. Stupid birds. Glancing in the mirror, he realized her needed to shower. His hair was...greasy.

He walked into the bathroom, passing by his partner who was snoring on the couch. He made a mental note to buy sushi for lunch, just to get the fish-man mad. He grinned evily, imagining the look on his partners face...

Itachi noticed something- There was no shampoo. Or conditioner. Not that it mattered, he wouldn't have used it anyway. He needed HIS hair products. But now Kisame had nothing to use, After all, Kisame was NOT going to use Itachi's stuff. No way in hell!

"What a cheap hotel..." Itachi mumbled, before opening the door and looked for his bag. He spotted it quickly, lying on the table. He opened it, looked for his shampoo and conditioner. After all, he needed a very specific brand...

"Looking for this?" Itachi turned, and saw his partner holding up his hair products.

"...Yes. Kisame..."

"Itachi, I wonder...What would you give up to save these?" He held up the blue and white bottles, waving them a bit.

"...Is this about the sushi?" Itachi asked calmly, but on the inside, he was slightly panicked. They were his! And they only sold the stuff in one store! And it took two days from the hide-out to get to...It was very hard to come by!

"Isn't it ALWAYS about the sushi, Itachi?" Kisame asked, backing towards the window. Itachi raised an eye-brow. His partner had lost his mind!

"Kisame, please, don't throw those out the window..."

"Why not Itachi? Are you ashamed?"

Itachi twitched. Yes, he was proud of his hair. But it wasn't perfect on its own. No. Everything has its flaws...But he had found a way to make his hair perfect.

"Kisame, please, you know that those are hard to come by..." Itachi was losing control. He was losing his cool.

"Do you know how many fish you devoured, Itachi? Those could be my damn relatives!" Kisame opened the window, and held the bottles out.

Itachi twitched. "I swear to god Kisame, if you drop those, I will give you Hidan to make fish stew out of!"

"Swear off sushi."

Itachi flinched. "Fine." He didn't particularly care about the stuff...It was just a way to get on Kisame's nerves. Besides, his hair was a lot more important to him then sushi. He needed that shampoo and conditioner. Without it...

"Good." Kisame brought the bottles back inside, and tossed them to his partner. "You know what will happen if you don't..."

"What? You'll toss out my products?" Itachi tried not to sound scared. The thought petrified him!

"Not only that...I'll tell everyone that you have-"

"Don't say it, Kisame!"

"Awww, Itachi's sensitive about-"


"DANDRUFF!" Kisame shouted, openly laughing. The great Itachi had- and was ashamed of- dandruff.

Itachi frowned and stalked off. He opened the door to the bathroom and placed his "Head and Shoulders" shampoo and conditioner in the bathtub.

"Damn Kisame..."
