Random thing that popped into my head while I was looking at some of my old reports from when I was studying sharks...

I own nothing.

Itachi never bothered to ask, and Kisame never bothered to tell.

It was simply a ritual for Kisame to spit into the bushes about 10 times a day. Itachi figured it was simply a crude habit, like most of the elders in Kohana had done. They would often spit onto the sidewalk, leaving poor passer-byers to either have to avoid it, or possibly step the saliva and mucus mixture.

However, none of the elders had ever made a noise on sidewalk as Kisame's did. It was almost as though a rock were being flicked at the sidewalk, creating a strange sound.


Itachi had slowly gotten use to it, and eventually ignored it. He never bothered to look at what Kisame put on the sidewalk, or in the bushes, simply because it was none of his business. Besides, it was kind of...gross. Itachi remembered once, when he was a small child, accidentally walking over a old mans spit. It had been revolting, looking at the bottom of his sandals. He had figured the old man must have been ill, because spit was definitely not suppose to be the color that it was. He remembered the look on his mothers face when he requested for her to clean it.

"Itachi, please, watch where you step next time, will you?" His mother told him, holding the boot out in front of her as if it were toxic. Itachi had never forgotten that lesson. He would always look ahead of him and watch out for loogies, even though his mother was dead.

But one day, Itachi did ask. And Kisame did tell.

It had been after a mission to retrieve a scroll for Leader-sama. Kisame had spit in the bushes, as usual, and Itachi heard it make the same sound, this time off of one of the twigs in the bush.


"Kisame..." Itachi asked, keeping his eyes ahead of him. He dared not to look at the bush.

"Yes?" Kisame asked, towering over the Uchiha. It seemed like a stupid question, it honestly did. And Itachi did notwant to degrade himself by asking it. He shut his eyes, trying to keep the question inside.

"Your spit..." Itachi managed to choke out. "Why does it sound like...that?"

"My...spit?" Kisame asked, looking down at Itachi. "I don't spit...thats a disgusting habbit!" He stated, eyes narrowing at the Uchiha.

"But then...What made that sound in the bush?"

Kisame blinked, genuinely confused. "Oh!" He exclaimed after a few seconds, as though he had just realized what Itachi was talking about. "That's not spit..."

"..." Itach's eyes met Kisame's, and he could tell that Itachi was slightly...confused.

"That me..." Kisame smiled wide, reveling his sharp, white shark-like teeth. "Disposing of my teeth."

Itachi's eyes widened slightly. "Ah." He stated, understanding.

Kisame was more shark-like than Itachi realized.

It's so short...But I can just imagine a little kid picking up one of Kisame's teeth, running to their parent and exclaiming "I found a shark tooth!" xD

Anyways, sharks loose and grow back their teeth about 10 times a day. TA-DA! Birth of this story.

Please, review. I'd like to see what you think.