Author's Note: I'm sorry for the delay, but you should expect it until next summer. I got too much stuff to do, between AP classes and varsity soccer practice, you people will just have to be patient.

Chapter 14: Survival Test Results

Last Chapter:

What was Kakashi up too? With wide eyes it came to him, he whirled around to try and warn Sasuke, "Sasuke! Give me the book!" But it was too late. In a flash Kakashi had used the Kawarimi to replace himself with his precious book. With an "Ooof!" Kakashi landed gracelessly on top of Sasuke and the book reappeared yards away from them. Before Naruto could dash for their hostage, a clone of Kakashi jumped out of the bush, grabbed the book and leapt away. The real Kakashi immediately leapt after it. And with that, Naruto and Sasuke's foolproof plan had been ruined.

A loud ding from the alarm clock far off in the woods alerted team seven the end of the survival exam… and maybe the end of their short careers as shinobi.

As the dreaded alarm rang throughout the trees, Naruto decided he didn't care that the test was over. Screw the damn bell test, Kakashi needed feel some pain! In one bound, he crossed the distance between him and Kakashi, his fist aimed at Kakashi's temple. The jonin eyes widened in surprise, none of the genin in the past had dared to attack him after the test. It was unprecedented.

Kakashi's surprise left him wide open for a fierce right hook, he reeled back from its viciousness; Naruto had put all his power into the punch. The jonin staggered back, more in surprise than pain. But he was more than ready when Naruto tried to follow through. As the blond twisted his torso for a spin kick, Kakashi expertly ducked under the foot. As it flew by him, the jonin grabbed the foot and spinning around he launched Naruto into a tree. He then shunshined back and started a sequence of hand seals.

"Doton: Shinjū Zans –

Sasuke stared at Kakashi and. The blond was dazed from Kakashi's disappearing act –wide open for the jutsu Kakashi had on his lips. Sasuke contemplated the merits of covering Naruto's back. What would it get for him? Nothing, that's what, at best the blond would say thank you. Sasuke decided he would stay put and see what happens.

Sakura stared at Kakashi's unprotected back, and then her blond team mate. Without warning the blond had attacked Kakashi in a fit of rage. At first Naruto had claimed the upper hand. But now Kakashi had turned the tables. Although the exam was over, and although she didn't like Naruto, he was a teammate, as such she was supposed to help him.

'But he's so annoying!' Sakura thought. But remembering her Kaa-san's advice about helping your teammates flashed through her brain.


"Remember Sakura," the pink haired and middle aged mother said sagely, "always look out for your teammates, even when you dislike them… You may one day find yourself in their gratitude."

"Yeah, Yeah," Sakura said hurriedly as she raced out the door, "I'm gonna be late for the survival test mom! Bye!" Haruno Sukari chuckled and shook her head as her daughter ran out the door.

'Argh, stupid moral values!' Sakura clenched her fist in determination, and dashed forward.

Kakashi stopped in mid sentence. Soft pattering like the taping of a foot came closer and closer, quickly approaching behind him. Curious, he looked back over his shoulder. He saw a pink blur running at him.

Sakura was attacking him too? What was with these genin?

The female genin attempted a swipe at Kakashi with her leg. But calmly, he jumped over the appendage. Although she had the advantage of surprise, Sakura was no where as fast as Naruto. But her attack had served its purpose. Naruto had reoriented himself and was already in Kakashi's face. With an uplifting battle cry the blond took his chance and let loose a barrage of fists and kicks. With each exchange with his opposition, the thrill of battle started to envelope Naruto, he felt an exhilarating rush as he dodged or blocked Kakashi's counter. He hadn't had a good taijutsu spar in a while.

Kakashi decided he'd had enough with Naruto's temper. It wouldn't do to have the blond always going against him, especially in a real shinobi battle –it could get either him or his team killed. With a burst of speed he rarely used, Kakashi quickly broke past Naruto's guard. Carefully using a minute amount of chakra he sent a small bolt of debilitating electricity through the vulnerable nerves of the blonde's body. The blonde froze with shock, literally and figuratively. Before Naruto knew it, he was paralyzed from the neck down. He slumped down limply; his body lay sprawled, an unsupported mass of jelly. Kakashi grinned cheekily at Naruto's wrathful visage.

Just to make sure there would be no more surprises from team seven, Kakashi ran through a sequence of seals. In a couple of seconds Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura found them selves buried up to their throats in the ground. They were lined up next to each other facing Kakashi. Sasuke and Sakura stared at the ground inches away their nose and then back up at Kakashi. They had look of total astonishment on their faces, they hadn't seen this coming. The jonin eyes were closed in mirth; he obviously found their reactions very funny.

"My, my, my… you three are, shall we say… interesting? You know, you're the first team that's ever attacked me after the exam. Tut, tut, shame on you, I think you guys need some anger management sessions with Ibiki." Naruto ignored Kakashi's lecture. The jonin was clearly messing with them, and any ways he had to recover from the paralysis and somehow get out of his earthly tomb. There was still some hell to pay. Naruto tried to access his energetic chakra, but drew blank. It was as if he had no control over his chakra coils!

Kakashi stopped talking and moved his eyes over to Naruto. The genin was trembling with the effort of breaking through his paralysis –but he was fighting a lost battle. The technique he'd used to cripple Naruto was effective and only the user could dispel it, the downside was that it was temporary, and if you knew how it was very easy to block. But Naruto didn't need to know that. Kakashi shook his head in amusement, 'some people just don't learn to quit.' He would have to teach Naruto when to consolidate his losses, and retreat. It was a lesson he'd learned the hard way. Kakashi stared at the clouds in nostalgia. Then he looked back down at team seven.

He decided that team seven had passed. They had shown a satisfactory amount of teamwork, and even though they hadn't stolen the bells, Naruto and Sasuke had shown a good amount of resourceful thinking. He had to admit, holding his Come, Come Paradise hostage had been genius.

He stared over at Sakura and decided that she would pass as well. Initially she had performed dismally, but when push came to shove, she had covered Naruto's back. She had shown an unusual care for her teammate, especially one she disliked.

But before he gave them the good news, he decided that he would give them another test. There was one more thing he wanted to see from team seven.

"Alright you three, I've come to a conclusion. You three show good teamwork yes, but as my students you need to show me more. So I've decided I'm going to let you guys free, but Naruto will still be tied to the tree stump."


Naruto was filled with outrage. He had performed way better than the emo or Sakura, especially Sakura! If anyone deserved to be tied up, it was her!

Kakashi just stared at him calmly, still filled with amusement.

"Because, you annoy me… Isn't it obvious?"

In retort, Naruto loudly coughed up the largest lugi he could and spit it at Kakashi's feet. The jonin raised his eyebrow at the disgusting discharge at his feet and shook his pointer finger at the insubordinate genin.

"Tsk, tsk, such attitude –it is unbecoming of you Naruto.

"Up yours." Naruto muttered. Kakashi chuckled in amusement. Although Naruto didn't know it, Kakashi found Naruto's personality refreshing. It was a contradicting mix of mock anger and mischievousness, brazen cockiness and conviction. Kakashi chuckled again.

'Ah, the arrogance of youth…'

Sasuke and Sakura sat on either side of Naruto. He was tied firmly to the tree trunk, a look of pure loathing directed at Kakashi. Sure, before today he and Kakashi had been on good terms, and even now the blond really didn't hate the jonin, per say. But Naruto was immensely annoyed.

"You guys… I'll give you a second chance. But after lunch, I won't hold anything back."

Sakura gulped in fear.

"Those of you who still want to be on my team can eat lunch, but don't give any to Naruto… I think I'm still annoyed with him… yes that's right I'm still annoyed." Kakashi gave a playful, teasing glance over to Naruto.

"Think of it as punishment for your … insubordination. Anyone who gives him food will fail immediately."

With that somber note, Kakashi disappeared.

Naruto glared ahead, ignoring Sasuke and Sakura. He stared at nothing in particular. Hunger wasn't on his mind anyways… no, revenge was. When this exam was over Kakashi was going to pay.

Sasuke glanced over at his blond haired teammate. At first he'd wanted to do the survival test on his own, but when Naruto had convinced him of the point of the test and thought up a decent plan, well his view of Naruto had raised up a notch- a little insignificant notch in the grand scheme of things, but a notch nevertheless. He knew he'd do well to have Naruto on his side at full power. Without a word, he coolly proffered his bento box to the blond.

Sakura spoke up. "Sasuke-kun! Sensei said we shouldn't give him any food! You'll fail!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Sakura's obedience. "Don't worry; I can't sense him anywhere near here. And anyways, without food he'll be in the way –even more of a dobe." Naruto shook his head at Sasuke. Even when the emo tries to do something nice, he's still cold.

Sakura thought about what Sasuke said, and after a moment decided to offer her own food too.

Naruto smiled in appreciation and maybe a sliver of gratitude. Even though he really wasn't hungry, it was the thought that counted. His opinion of Sasuke and Sakura rose up a little… just a little.

Just as Naruto was about to refuse the bento box being offered to him, smoke blew up around them! Kakashi's form approached angrily from the burst. He looked pissed as hell. Instead of his usual black pupils, his eyes had flickering flames burning inside them. He bent towards them…


Sakura stared at Kakashi with wide, frightened eyes. Sasuke got up in a fighting stance.

…Pass…" He said this softly, as if his voice hadn't been loud enough to wake the dead just a second before.

Sasuke and Sakura face faulted while Naruto just scoffed. As a prankster he was used to dramatics. Other thoughts were in his mind… revenge for instance.

Sakura looked speechless, she had expected failure, but instead they had passed? What the heck was going on here? Sakura spoke up in her bewilderment.

"Pass? But…But…How?" She stuttered.

Kakashi smiled under his mask. He thought of the numerous genin before this one that hadn't displayed the life lesson that team seven had.

"You are the first team to pass from my test. Instead of caring for their comrades, like you two did, they would just do what I said like robots."

"Those who break the rules and laws of the ninja are called trash, but those who abandon their comrades… they are worse than trash."

Naruto smiled in understanding, and then he laughed silently.

"Hmm, what's so funny Naruto?" The jonin's eyebrows wrinkled together in confusion. Kakashi thought what he said had been insightful, but then he saw Naruto laughing.

Naruto still had the smile on his face. "It's just that, who would think that such a goofy character like you… could think of something so thoughtful!"

Kakashi's sweat dropped, and he shook his head. Sakura and Sasuke smirked at Naruto's statement.

Kakashi abruptly straightened him self out, and cleared his throat.

"Seriously though, what I just said… I hope you three learn to live by it." Kakashi smacked his palms together loudly. Sakura started with a yelp. "OK, that's the end of it; tomorrow Team 7 begins its duties!"

Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke walked off towards Konoha, leaving Naruto still tied up to the stump. Naruto stared at his bonds, and then the departing ninja. He had a look of surprise on his face. They dared to leave him tied on the stump? A mischievous smirk graced his face. At first Kakashi had been on his hit list, but now it seemed Sasuke and Sakura would have to be added. He smiled ruefully and shook his head in pity, He almost felt sorry for his soon to be victims. What he had in store for them… well, let's just say it would be memorable.

With a satisfied nod, he made a shadow clone. He ordered it to free him and then disappeared in a whoosh of leaves.

Naruto walked down the bustling, merchant filled streets of Konoha. People of all types filled the intersecting roads and corners: merchants, ninja, the rich, the poor; just his luck that there was a no rooftop jumping zone in the area. 'Stupid laws…' he thought.

But what he was really thinking about was his team. Naruto had misgivings on how well they would perform. In fact he doubted Kakashi's faith in team seven altogether. Sure Sasuke had worked with him but that was because the stubborn Uchiha had no choice. It was either lose to Kakashi or partner with his teammates and at least get a sliver of a chance. If there had been another way to get a bell without his teammates, Sasuke would have immediately seized it. And Sakura, did Naruto even have to think hard about Sakura. The girl was a total dead weight. His dislike wasn't personal; he just didn't want the fan girl to get him killed from her incompetence. Sooner or later, the girl would have to drop her shallow personality and face the music or team seven was doomed. But he had to give credit where it was due. In his time of trouble she had come through for him. Unlike Sasuke, she had helped him willingly… well as willingly as Sakura could be to help Naruto, but anyways, Naruto had to give her an A for effort.

Naruto further contemplated team seven's dynamics as he turned the corner. But his thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched laugh. Naruto perked his head up from his thoughts. A kid was running towards him; a ninja two blocks away with a chair stuck to his rear and a bucket clanking on his feet was hobbling after the kid yelling:

"Konohamaru! Get back here!"

The youngster had his head turned over his back laughing at his comical looking chaser, he obviously wasn't watching where he was going because he kept on running towards Naruto. With a fiendish grin Naruto sidestepped the little kid and stuck his foot out. But just before the kid got to his protruding ankle He tripped on himself! The kid cut a comical figure as he frantically wind milled his arms trying to regain balance. With a startled shout his face pounded into the hard cement.


Naruto laughed at the kid's face plant. 'What a klutz'! He was about to trip the kid and he'd done it for him! He looked down at the brat sprawled on the cement sidewalk. He wore a beige t-shirt with Konoha's leaf symbol on the front and green shorts. He also sported a large blue scarf worn like a cape and a grey helmet…thing. Naruto chuckled in amusement at the kid's choice of wear; it was strange to say the least.

The kid clutched his forehead as he groaned in pain. "Oww…"

Konohamaru stared up at Naruto, who was still laughing. He glared and quickly got up his face contorted in indignation. He sharply jabbed his pointer finger at Naruto.

"YOU!" His voice was shrill and whiny; his face was red from anger and embarrassment.

Naruto raised his eyebrow in amusement and gazed at the kid's finger. "Me?" He asked, pointing at himself. Naruto had a look of mock innocence on his face. He looked surprised that Konohamaru would accuse him of doing such a thing.

"Yeah you! You tripped me! If you don't say you're sorry! I'll… I'll" Konohamaru shouted. He wasn't going to fall for it, he used the innocent puppy dog face way to many times on the Sandaime, his Oji-san, to be fooled by Naruto's acting.

'Me? Say I'm sorry? To a little brat no less?!' Naruto's reply was blunt, he effortlessly picked the kid up by the scruff of his scarf and narrowed his eyes, "You'll do what, brat? Besides I didn't trip you. You fell over yourself you klutz!"

Konohamaru grit his teeth and rashly started to yell back at Naruto. Just as Konohamaru opened his mouth to reply, the ninja that had been chasing him arrived. He wore a blue loose fitting jump suit, circular sunglasses and a blue bandanna on his head. Konohamaru let out a breath in relief, saved by his annoying teacher, Ebisu!

Drop Konohamaru-sama this instant!"

Ebisu gasped in righteous indignation. That Konohamaru-sama should be manhandled in such a way, by the nine tailed punk no less! It was preposterous! He moved his gaze over to Konohamaru. "Are you all right?"

Naruto stared incredulously at the ninja. "Konohamaru-sama?" He chuckled in amusement, "Did you just call this scrawny gaki Konohamaru-sama?" Naruto looked at the brat in his clutches and then at the ninja. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"No! That's the Sandaime Hokage-sama's grandson! Your filthy hands aren't fit to touch him!"

'My filthy hands aren't fit to what? Oh boy what a loser.' Naruto shook his head and stared back at Konohamaru who was still in his clutches. 'So this is Oji-san's grandson… what a brat, he is nothing like his grandfather.'

Konohamaru's teeth were clenched but Naruto could trace a leering smirk on his face. "Go ahead, punch me, I dare you!" 'Now that he knows who I am, he won't do jack! He's probably the same as every one else!'

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the kid's face. Apparently Konohamaru thought he wasn't going to do anything. Naruto grinned; apparently Konohamaru didn't know that Naruto was no one's bitch, especially some spoiled brat! Before the Hokage's grandson knew it, his face met the hard pavement for the second time, courtesy of Naruto's fist.

"I don't care who you are!" Before Ebisu could react Naruto stalked off.

The blond genin walked down a different set of streets as he thought about Konohamaru. He's just a spoiled brat with a stupid sense of fashion, what was that, a helmet? Naruto sniggered. 'Probably needs to wear it in case he trips like last time.' But as Naruto walked down the street amid the villager's glare and cold eyes, he had to concede that to him, every little kid was spoiled. Compared to him, their lives were heaven. Ignoring the hatred surrounding him he walked towards his apartment. Just as he was about to jump to the rooftops, he detected some one following him in his peripheral vision. It was Konohamaru. He turned around his eyes twitching in agitation, "Why are you following me?!"

But he wasn't answered. Instead he saw Konohamaru hiding behind a blanket with a fence design. Konohamaru's attempt at camouflage was already bad enough, but it was made worse by the fact that the fence lines were horizontal and not vertical like a normal fence.

Naruto's eyes twitched not in agitation anymore, but in disbelief. His mouth was open in amazement at how horrible the camo was. Who was the kid trying to fool?

"What kind of camouflage is that?!"

Konohamaru smiled as he stepped out of his supposed disguise. "He-he, pretty clever, so what they say about you is true." 'What they say?' Naruto was confused."Ha?" Konohamaru jabbed his finger pointedly at Naruto. "If I let you be my boss, then teach me how to beat my Oji-san so I can be Hokage!" Naruto gazed at the finger; he was starting to get annoyed of the kid's grubby finger in his face. Naruto calmly took Konohamaru's pointer finger and jabbed him in the face.

"Stop hitting yourself.


"Naruto jabbed Konohamaru with his own finger again. "Stop hitting yourself."

"Would you-!"

He did it again. "Stop hitting yourself."


You really should stop hitting yourself."

"OW!" This time Naruto had forcefully shoved Konohamaru's finger up the kid's nostril. He worked the finger like you would a toilet plunger.

"Stop shoving your finger up your nose."

Konohamaru wrenched his hand free and stepped back from Naruto. He rubbed his bruised nose tenderly. He glared at Naruto. "You know, you're really mean." Naruto shrugged, "Just teaching you a lesson: it's rude to point. Besides, if I'm so mean, then stop following me, stupid gaki."

By now Konohamaru was desperate. He dropped to his knees, his hands clasped together. "PLEAASE! I'll do anything, anything!" A fiendish smile crossed Naruto's face. "Anything?" Konohamaru vigorously nodded his head. "Anything!" Naruto nodded in satisfaction. "Alright meet me tomorrow at Ichiraku ramen... nine o' clock should do it." Konohamaru jumped for joy. "Alright! I'll be there boss!" But Naruto was already walking away, his hands raised in a farewell. "Whatever brat, just be there." Konohamaru glared at Naruto's back from the insult. He retorted with a loud saliva filled strawberry. Naruto stopped. Konohamaru's eyes widened and he quickly scampered off in fear. Naruto chuckled to himself and resumed walking home.

"Stupid Brat."

The next day team seven went down to the Hokage Tower to receive their first mission as genin. Enthusiastically entering the doors, they had been excited, even Sasuke. Leaving, well…when Team Seven realized that most of their days as novices would be filled with D-rank missions, their steps were no longer buoyed with eagerness.

Their mission today was the retrieval of a lost cat. A cat! Naruto's time was too precious to him to waste on a stupid, fur ball hacking feline. Before they went off to the forest to search for the pet of the Hidaimyo's wife, Naruto made a pit stop in a bathroom. Putting the pointer finger and middle finger together in each hand, he brought his left and right hands together in a cross sign.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

With a small burst of smoke an exact clone of Naruto, appeared before him. The original nodded at the clone.

"You know what to do."

The clone smiled and gave a thumbs up before he left the stall. Naruto's gaze followed the clone as it reassembled with the oblivious team seven. He waited till the team was far away before he left the bathroom. He clapped his hand together in anticipation; while team seven was off in a wild cat chase, he would be making plans to sabotage their lives with Konohamaru.

Vengeance was at hand…

Kakashi tapped his earphone. "What's the distance to the target?" Sasuke answered with his earphone, "Five meters, I'm ready to go."

"So am I," Sakura answered.

"Me too," said the Naruto clone.

"OK… GO!"

The Naruto clone, Sasuke and Sakura leapt from their hiding places around the unsuspecting cat. With a rush of movement the trio dog piled the feline. The Naruto clone held the cat at arms length as it tried to claw its way free.

"Are you sure it's the target?" Kakashi questioned.

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we're sure.

"Alright "Lost Pet Tora Mission"… Complete!"

Team Seven found themselves back at the Hokage Tower. They returned the irate cat to the plump Madam Shijimi. At the sight of her long lost pet, the fat but jolly woman immediately snuggled tightly with her cat. Emphasis on tightly, the cat was groaning in pain from the shrieking woman's embrace. It sounded like a old hag choking on a piece of food, struggling to swallow it, with a high pitch.

Sakura shuddered at the sound. "No wonder it ran away…"

"Alright Team Seven," the venerable Sandaime spoke up, "Your next mission is, hmm… babysitting a council member's grandson, digging up some of a farmers harvest and draining a clogged septic tank," Everyone's eyes widened, including Kakashi. "Wait, that's team ten's job, sorry. Your last job is doing some shopping. Team Seven sighed in relief.

Naruto, the real one (he had replaced himself with the clone once he was done with his pranking) listened to Oji-san. As soon as he understood what they were going to be doing for the rest of the day, he decided that D-rank missions could go to the several burning inferno's of hell.

"No." He said.

The Sandaime looked up from his notes. "What?"

"I said no, there is no way in hell I'm doing these missions, they're pathetic! Seriously, why isn't the municipality doing this, I thought we were trained to be ninja, not public servants?!"

Sasuke nodded in agreement. Even though he disliked the dobe, he knew Naruto was right. Why were ninja doing the jobs of the citizens?

Kakashi sighed. "I knew this would happen.

Iruka burst from his desk beside the Hokage. "Naruto! You're just a genin. Everyone begins with these simple tasks and works their way up – "That's enough Iruka." The Sandaime said softly. Iruka grudgingly sat down. The old Hokage turned his gaze over to Naruto. "It seems like I have to explain why you receive these menial tasks, even though you should know from your lessons from the academy.

Naruto blushed; he'd spent most of his time in the academy sleeping. The only thing he would stay awake for is when Iruka taught the class any techniques. Any time Iruka lectured on history or facts he'd promptly fall asleep.

"Every day, Konoha receives missions from either Fire Country, or other hidden villages. These missions range greatly, from D-ranked shopping, to S-ranked assassinations. The reason you get stuck with the shopping, Naruto, is because we divide the missions among our ninja by difficulty."

Naruto grumbled. "I know that."

The Sandaime chuckled. "Then you should know that the jonin get the A-ranked missions, the chunin get the B and C-ranked missions, and the genin get the D-ranked missions, but..." The Sandaime hesitated to get the last part out.

Naruto leaned towards the Hokage in anticipation. "Yes?"

The Sandaime sighed, "But sometimes they share some C-ranked missions with the chunins. Naruto grinned triumphantly. "If that's the case, then I request a C-ranked mission."

Kakashi bopped Naruto on the head. "Quiet you." Naruto glared up at his sensei.

Kakashi just gazed at the Hokage amid Naruto's glare. "I'm sorry Hokage-sama…"

The Sandaime just dismissed the jonin's apology with a wave. "It's quite alright, besides I actually have a C-ranked mission for you."


Naruto looked at the Sandaime in surprise; they had actually got a C-ranked mission? All three genin twittered in surprise. "Ah, yes it's an escort mission," The Sandaime spoke up, "You can come in now."

The door opened slowly, an old man fumbled into the room, as if intoxicated. Naruto detected the scent of alcohol as the he stumbleded in.

"What's this? I gotta be protected by a buncha brat's just outta their diapers?"

The slight stench of alcohol grew stronger as he spoke. The old man had glasses perched precariously on his nose and he was wearing grubby clothing, his pants had patches and his large pack was haphazardly placed on his back. He leaned on the doorway, as if he couldn't support himself, a beer bottle grasped in his left hand.

Naruto's mouth was open and his eyebrows raised, this was their escort?

The man chuckled to himself, "Ha ha!! Who's the blond with the stupid look on his face?" He took a large swig of his drink.

Naruto's incredulous gaze immediately morphed into a cold calculating one, his eyes simmered in anger, his killing intent rising up a notch. It was as if he was debating the best way to kill the man. To the Guts? Or to the Jugular? There were so many choices. The old man shuddered, 'Kids aren't supposed look like that,' He thought, 'It's unnatural.'

Sarutobi raised his eyebrow at Naruto's reaction. He decided to speak up and avert the genin's deadly gaze at the old man. "Tazuna here is a bridge builder. He needs protection from bandits and the like until he gets to his country. Your task is to make sure he gets there safely."

Kakashi sighed in exasperation. He'd wanted keep to the usual D-ranked missions so he wouldn't have to do much. But now he would have to actually put some effort as a sensei. Call him lazy, but Kakashi didn't want to come back from a C-rank with one of his genin dead or injured. 'Oh well.' He thought, 'The only one I'll have to really watch is Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke can take care of themselves…I hope.'

The next morning, Naruto arrived at the village gates first. As he drew closer to the thick wide, two story doors, he saw Iruka walking off. The chunin had a medium sized pack on his back.

'What's Iruka-sensei doing?' He thought. "Iruka-sensei! Where are you going?!" He yelled. Iruka turned around in confusion, but smiled when he saw Naruto. He walked back towards Naruto, eyes twinkling. Naruo looked up at his mentor. "So what's up?"

"Naruto, I've been promoted to ANBU status." Naruto;s eyes widened in surprise. 'That's awesome Iruka sensei, but how?" Iruka's eyes twitched in mock annoyance "What do you mean how? You think your old teacher doesn't have it in 'em to be a jonin?" Naruto chuckled at Iruka's antics. "You know what I mean."

"You see, I could have been a jonin a while ago. In fact three years ago I was offered the chance to become ANBU, a few months after Kakashi. Naruto raised one of his eyebrows, he was impressed; who knew sensei was so kickass?! "Why didn't you?" Naruto asked. If he was offered the chance to become an ANBU member he would have seized it immediately.

"I didn't take it because of you." Seeing Naruto's guilt laced and confused face, Iruka explained further, a nostalgic look on his face. "The year before I was offered the chance to become ANBU, I had gotten to know you pretty well Naruto." Iruka stared at the clouds. The nostalgic look on his face slipped away, it was replaced with a cold frown. "I had also gotten to know the villager's pretty well too. As I interacted with you, they started to scorn me too. My eyes were opened that year. The villager's were planning something. As ANBU, you travel almost all the time; I knew that if I left you, there would be no one to protect you from their plans. I chose to stay and make sure you didn't get hurt.

Naruto stared at the ground, his eyes narrowed in dismay. Iruka-sensei had done a lot for him over the last four years. But he hadn't realized the man had done so much. He stared back at Iruka, eyes filled with emotion. "You shouldn't have done that. I don't want to be the reason that you couldn't be promoted. I had Oji-san to protect me. Naruto's voice rose with each word. "I don't want to be a burden like that!"

Iruka smiled at Naruto. "The Sandaime can barely handle his tasks as Hokage; I'm amazed that he kept an eye on you as well as he did. I could do a better chance of watching over you than he could. That's why I chose to stay; you're like a little brother to me. Besides you would have done the same, right? Naruto looked away, his eyes narrowed…"that's beside the point." He muttered. Iruka chuckled.

"Anyway I'm a jonin now because of Mizuki." Naruto was confused. "Uh?" Iruka nodded. "Yep, my fight with Mizuki… well… I enjoyed it. Naruto laughed "Ha! Iruka-sensei hit with battle-lust!" Iruka shrugged. "Laugh all you want but, it's true, I've been hit with battle-lust. Since that fight, every time I sat down to teach, I would remember the exhilarating thrill of being in battle and matching wits with an opponent. The school desk started to feel like prison. Besides, you're old enough and skilled enough to take care of the villagers by yourself. So I decided to reapply for the job as ANBU."

Naruto spoke up. "But I though the job was on an offer to - basis?" Iruka nodded, "You're right but there is an exception. Any one who has been offered, can decline and come back later, as long as they are still as strong as they were when they were offered. I reapplied and took a test to gauge my skills." Iruka shivered. Naruto tilted his head, "What's wrong?" Iruka recovered and smiled. "Imagine fighting seven ANBU consecutively, including the captain." Naruto winced in sympathy. Iruka nodded ruefully. "Yeah, not exactly a quiet stroll in the park."

Naruto nodded his head in agreement. "So, how long will you be gone?" Iruka frowned, "It's an A-ranked mission so I don't know, and no, I can't tell you what the mission is." Naruto closed his mouth. But don't worry, the Hokage said it wouldn't be for more than a month."

"A month!" Naruto yelled. "What could you possibly be doing that would take a month?" Iruka smirked. "That's for me to know and you to never find out. I'll see you later Naruto." With that, Iruka shunshined away with a whoosh of leaves.

Naruto stood there pondering the situation. Iruka was part of the ANBU, as such he would be subjected to A- rank and even S-rank missions. He was worried… Naruto shook his head in frustration. He was acting like a mother hen! He should stop worrying so much about another person's mission, and focus on his own! Just as he came to this conclusion, his once dormant battle instincts flared at the back of his head. Without even turning around he pivoted on his toes and spun to the right, dodging a fist and then he leaped a few yards away.

Sakura stared manically at Naruto; there was a crazy glint in her eye that promised pain for her victim. Remembering her morning today only intensified her fury.

Flash Back:

Sakura woke up unusually invigorated. Usually she would be the living dead at this time of the day, but she was fit as a fiddle.

That was the first thing that should have hinted to Sakura that something was wrong.

With a big hearty yawn Sakura stretched out in contentment she heard a slight crack, but it only made her feel better. Smacking her lips dramatically and excavating for eye boogars in her eyelids. When she slowly looked to her right, fingers still digging for optical gold, Sakura screamed bloody murder.

There was a freaking leg sticking out of her bed sheets! And it definitely wasn't hers. For one thing, the leg was too large and muscled. Her legs were toned too, but with a soft feminine quality. The leg that wasn't hers was thick with muscle, wiry and strong. Sakura followed the muscled trail towards the persons head but it was faced away from her. Suddenly, the leg twitched. Sakura gasped in surprise. But she realized she shouldn't be shocked that her wail had waked the person up. Her shout had to have been powerful enough to break a few glass cups.

Slowly the head turned around to reveal a black haired male with black onyx eyes and a knowing mischievous smirk. It was Sasuke-kun!!

"Hey there beautiful." His voice was thick and sultry. The voice of sex.

Sakura had been surprised many times in her life, never to the point of unconsciousness. But this would be her first. As she stared into the black onyx pools that were Sasuke's eyes, she promptly fainted.

When Sakura came to, she sat up and the first thing she saw was Sasuke's naked form. When she looked south, a gush of blood exploded out of her nose. She passed out a again from blood loss. She would have Sasuke's body forever branded in her memories.

When Sakura came to a second time, she stayed conscious. Sasuke was dressed this time and sitting on a stool looking right at her! Sakura blushed hard when she saw her dark haired love. She couldn't get the memory of his naked body out of her head!

"I didn't know you were a pervert Sakura-chan." Sasuke said with a smirk. Sakura blushed furiously, her face redder than a crayola crayon.

"I-I-I-I," Sakura couldn't seem to speak. She had been in bed with Uchiha Sasuke! She'd had so many wet dreams just thinking about him, and now that she had seen his naked form…well lets just say she would have to change her bed sheets more often.

Sasuke smirked again. "Don't worry about it, what we did last night was way past perverted, it was orgasmic," Sasuke said the last bit with a sultry voice, dripping with sexual innuendo.

Right then and there Sakura would have beaten the previous record holder for how much your eyes could pop out of your sockets. Saying she was surprised would have been the understatement of the century.

"Did we- We just- last night?' Sakura stammered over her words, but Sasuke seemed to understand because he shook his head with a big smile on his face.

Sakura fainted again for the third time. With a thump she fell back on her futon. Sasuke laughed. He went into her bathroom to get something to resuscitate her.

Sakura wasn't embarrassed when she became conscious, no, she was annoyed, at herself specifically. What kind of impression was she giving to Sasuke? That she was a pathetic little girl that blacked out at every surprise? But then again finding out that you unknowingly had sex at the tender age of thirteen was mind blowing. Sakura could swear she had come home alone. And another thing: WHERE THE FUCK WAS HER MOM WHEN THIS HAPPENED? She was derailed from her train of though when Sasuke spoke up.

"Earth to Sakura." Sakura perked up and stammered an apology at Sasuke. "S-sorry." Sasuke smiled. "Its alright, I was just saying that you should get ready, we're already late for the survival test. The pink haired kunoichi's eyes widened in realization; she had totally forgotten about the survival test! Sakura bolted out of her bed and ran for the bathroom. "Crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAP!" Sasuke chuckled as he stared at Sakura slam the door behind her.

Five minutes later- Sakura came out of the bathroom in a white towel wrapped around her chest and midriff. She was just about to take it of, but she stopped when she saw that Sasuke was still in her room. Sakura stared at Sasuke surprised that he was still in her room. "Um, you're still here?"

Sasuke smirked, "What, it's not like I haven't seen you naked." At this, a shade of red made its way across the kunoichi's face, she let her towel fall to her feet. Sasuke almost passed out from blood loss out his nose but with a monumental amount of effort he managed to control himself with a grimace "I have something to tell you, Sakura-chan."

Sakura tilted her head. "What is it?" Sasuke came closer, in fact he was now face to face with Sakura. She stared up at him; somehow sensing what he was about to say was important.

"Sakura, I- Sasuke had a serious but penetrating look on his face. His eyes seemed to penetrate into her soul.

"Yes, what is it?" Sakura said impatiently, she was frantic to get to the survival test, but then she wanted to hear what Sasuke had to say.

"I just wanted to say- Sasuke continued, "That I am a clone and you are love struck fool." With that phrase just barely out of his now smiling lips, Sasuke began to morph in front of Sakura. His hair was the first to change; it transformed from black to sunny bright blond. Then his eyes switched from black to blue. In the span of five seconds "Sasuke" changed into Naruto.

"Sayonara, Sakura-chan!" With a broad smile the Naruto clone burst into a thick cloud of smoke in Sakura's face.

Sakura just stood there naked, her mouth open wide, her eyes twitching.

Yes, Sakura was beyond angry she wanted blood and it better be from a certain blonde! What made her so pissed, no gripped with a maddening hunger for Naruto's blood, was the fact that he had played on her infatuation for Sasuke as one might fiddle with an ant. To play on emotions like that was unforgivable to any woman, especially Sakura. The pink haired kunoichi let out a beastly roar that sound like a full grown bull and not a thirteen year old girl.

"NARUTO!! You're a dead man… She said this part with such malice, it actually sent a shiver through Naruto's back. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned. (Well other than the Kyubi, but that's another story) Anyways Naruto found himself dodging Sakura and her now deadly strikes.Inner and Outer Sakura both wanted to maim Naruto. What resulted from their unity was one deadly kunoichi.

Naruto found himself hard pressed to keep dodging, normally dodging Sakura was something he could do with his eyes closed. But now with a maniacal, demonic glint in her eyes she was fighting like a madman, fierce and unpredictable. Plus, when ever he stared at Sakura, unbidden images of her naked form would come swimming into his mind. Her soft curves, small hips… Naruto had a blush forming across his face, he didn't actually like Sakura, but he was a guy, a very healthy and virile guy, so a female's body was a very distracting thought. That distraction was Naruto's doom. Packing a huge wallop Sakura fisted Naruto in the face, she had packed all of her strength into it, and she heard a very satisfying crunch from Naruto's nose. Sakura smiled viciously.

Naruto had enough, with out missing a beat, even with a broken nose, he shun shined behind Sakura and knocked her out with a chop to her neck.

Naruto shook his head in exasperation. If this was Sakura's reaction, he couldn't imagine Sasuke's reaction.

Naruto's imagination soon became reality. Like before his battle instincts had warned him of impending doom, but unlike before he was to slow to dodge. With a hard strike to the back of his face, Naruto face planted into the dirt. He felt himself pulled up by the back of his shirt and twisted around.

A pair of black onyx eyes filled with wrath stared into his.

Terms & Jutsu:

Kaa-san: Mother

Bikkohaiden no Jutsu:

Name: Crippling Electric Distribution Technique

Type: D to B-rank, Supplementary

This technique sends electricity down the victims nerves, specifically at the start of the spinal cord. Nerves send signals to each other with organic electrical pulses. By using this technique, the user can disrupt those organic pulses with exterior electrical charges. Basically put, the jutsu totally screws up the opponents spinal which causes temporary paralysis.

AN: PLEASE REVIEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!