Duncan/Veronica, appearance by Lilly
One Shot
Note: Ficlet written for the Veronica Mars Drabble-a-thon.
Summary: Veronica knows that Lilly's laughing at her.
When Lilly used to complain about running into ex-boyfriends all the time, Veronica never really knew what she meant. To the young Veronica, Duncan was her one and only true love and nothing could ever change that.
Except when Duncan thought Veronica was his sister. Whatever.
Veronica knew that Lilly was laughing at her from Heaven, Hell, Purgatory or wherever she was currently residing when Veronica finally realized that the weirdest part about going to school with your ex is that they're inescapable.
Veronica knew that Lilly was laughing then and when Duncan showed up on Veronica's doorstep the day after Aaron Echolls tried to kill her and a sudden kiss jump-started their new relationship, Veronica knew Lilly was rolling her eyes and possibly fake gagging with disgust.
Veronica knew, but she didn't mind.