I'm here once again with another chapter finally. As promised Jennifer makes an appearance and the story of the senshi wraps up there's also a lovely scene in here with Hotaru and her parents which I thought was so cute. Anyway Ihope everyone had a great christmas and new year I hope you like the new chapter. PRETTY PLEASE REVIEW SO I KNOW PEOPLE ARE STILL READING!!! Thank you to all the people who do continue to review it makes writing this story worth it and it makes me smile.

Thanks again Sailor Moon is not mine Just EVIL JENNIFER

Legend of the Senshi Part 2

1 Day Ago

Jennifer watched the scene unfold in front of her from behind a large, conveniently placed oak tree in the park. She'd arrived at the outer senshi's place of residence to see how crazy Michiru was going (and laugh immensely of course) when she'd seen the entire group of senshi heading en masse toward the park.

Curious as to their destination she'd hidden around the corner and followed them here. Now she was staring dumbfounded at the girl who was fiercely embracing a teary Michiru and felt a furious resentment building for both her and the taller girl who was threatening her beloved Haruka.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore she'd teach that tall, dark haired bitch a lesson oh yes she would, no one talked to her Haruka like that. She managed to get one foot out of her hiding place before the voice yelling in her head stopped her.

"No Jennifer you musssstn't." Jennifer stopped and turned her attention to the sibilant voice and glared in no particular direction.

"I thought you were going to deal with Michiru." she growled. "How is it that she's up and talking like a normal person and not a nut???"

"Sssshe issss the reasssson." he replied. "Ssshe...." he trailed off and Jennifer felt him fading.

"Wait" she called out suddenly panicked. She wasn't even aware of reaching for him with the crystal's power but the next thing she knew he'd latched on and as soon as he'd sucked enough power from her he returned.

"Why thank you my dear. Doesss thisss mean you wissssh to be partnersssss?"

"Why would you think that?" She asked trying not to let him feel her relief.

"Well you're ssssharing your power with me and all. I pressssumed that you mussssst have been concerned for me reaching out for me like that. These are things that allies do for each other are they not?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself" she growled. "You couldn't even make Michiru crazy like you promised. Why should I take on a partnership with you when your word is worth less than a haircut at a bargain basement salon?" The voice seemed taken aback.

"Nice wording my dear." came his reply. "You are right I did have trouble accomplisssshing my misssssion however that wassss not through any fault of my own. I did asss I promissssed I usssed a particularly ssstrong cursssse on that sssstupid little water girl and it did work."

"Then why is she suddenly all better huh?" Jennifer demanded. "If your curse did work and it was so great and all, why isn't she screaming and hiding in corners like she was before?"

"It wasss her." the voice replied. "That little girl who'sss over there right now talking to your nemesssisss." Jennifer looked over at Raine and scoffed.

"Her?" she asked incredulously "What could a little slip of a girl like her do to anyone?"

"On her own probably nothing." The voice replied. "However sssshe'ssss not on her own."

"You mean the other two vapid looking creatures that are with her?" Jennifer asked feeling rather annoyed by the fact that she seemed to have missed something. "What are they? Like super Buffy Slayer chicks or something?" she asked not believing for a minute that either of them could pose any threat.

"I'm not talking about them" the voice replied. "It'ssss the other one I'm ssspeaking of."

"What other one?" Jennifer demanded. As if on cue the transparent, purple lady had appeared almost from inside Raine's body and floated up behind her regarding the senshi with adoring eyes.

"Oh my freaking god" Jennifer shrieked jumping back further behind the tree. "What in the world is that?" She asked.

"Ssshe isss an old ssspirit." The voice replied. "A powerful one. Her energy isss familiar to me but sssomehow I jussst can't place it, the memory eludesss me." Jennifer took a step forward wanting a closer look at whoever this old spirit was.

"No you mussstn't!" the voice shrieked at her. She stopped to ask him why but before she could the lady in purple turned towards her and even though most of her was still hidden behind the oak tree she knew her presence was no longer a secret and for reasons she couldn't place Jennifer was terrified.

The next part happened so fast Jennifer didn't even have time to scream. One moment she was frozen in fear feeling those eyes boring into her the next a big spiny creature appeared in front of her and ran at the group of senshi.

As soon as the lady's eyes had moved from her she heard the voice telling her to run and she did without question. When at last she was far enough away to convince herself that neither creature nor lady would be able to find her Jennifer fell to the ground gasping and shaking.

"What the hell just happened?" she demanded.

"I ssssaved you" the voice replied. "

"What do you mean?" Jennifer demanded. "You didn't do anything other than scream in my head when that big, hairy, spiky creature appeared and took that creepy woman's attention away."

"And where do you think that big, hairy, ssspikey creature came from?" the voice asked patiently. Jennifer's eyes narrowed.

"That was you?" she asked

"Yesss" the voice replied. "Where did you think all the creaturessss that had been coming to earth recently had been coming from?" They don't jussst magically materialissse out of nowhere they musssst be created and didn't you ever notice that none of them did more than look at you?"

"So wait a minute you're telling me that those ugly creatures that keep turning up and attacking us came from you? And they didn't attack me because you told them not too?"

"That isss correct."

"But that one that attacked Haruka the other night..."

"Sssstopped the minute you told it to." Jennifer stopped for a minute and thought about it. A lot of things were starting to make sense now. That night at the temple the creature turned up right when Ami had caught Jennifer in the hall with Haruka. It had laid in wait for Michiru not attacking any of the others and when it did strike the attack had been brutal.

And when she'd been afraid for Haruka she'd demanded that the creature stop and it had. If the voice was controlling that creature then all of it made perfect sense. Almost all of it anyway.

"What about the first creature?" She asked. "The one with the spiny, bomby things, it attacked me."

"That wasss before I recognisssed your potential. During that fight I sssaw how well you managed to control your wind sssoldier and I wasss impresssed. I watched you a little longer before I decided that you would be a formidable enemy and I wanted that formidability on my ssside." Jennifer couldn't help feeling flattered and once again thoughts of what he'd be like in person flew through her head accompanied by other thoughts that made her blush.

"I would be very good to you you know." his voice appeared in her head once more. "I'd take good care of you" his voice changed slightly then, a seductive tone colouring it. "In every way" Jennifer felt a shiver run through her body accompanied by a heat that she'd never felt before.

"You could choosssse a body for me, any body you wisssh. I could be asss tall asss you like, my hair could be any colour you like and asss long asss you like, my eyesss could be asss blue or asss green or asss brown asss you like." His voice dropped even lower then. "And they'd only be looking at you" Jennifer was finding it increasingly difficult to draw in a breath she wanted him so badly now it was making her head spin.

"I can have any accent you like, I can be asss ssstrong assss you like." she imagined his lips floating just above hers, his eyes wandering over her body, his hands ready to touch her. It was all too much what was she thinking? He didn't even have a body yet how was she imagining what he looked like when he didn't have a body yet?

"Mossst importantly" she closed her eyes allowing his voice to wash over her. "I can be any gender you wisssh." Thoughts of Haruka flew through Jennifer's head then pulling her out of her lust filled haze and sending her crashing back to reality. She jumped away from....well nothing and kicked herself for forgetting that it was all in her head.

"What are you doing?" she demanded angrily. She could almost feel the voice smiling.

"Jussst making sssure you're completely informed." Jennifer shook herself and tried to redirect her attention to other matters.

"What about that woman?" she asked not liking how her voice still shook slightly with desire.

"I'm not sssure" the voice replied. "I know I ssshould know who ssshe isss but ssssomething'sss blocking my memory. All I do know isss that ssshe managed to undo one of my particularly ssstrong curssesss and that isss sssomething we can't afford to ignore."

"So what are we going to do about it?" Jennifer asked still trying to compose herself.

"I mussst work out who ssshe isss before we can do anything elssse. Ssshe could ruin everything if we don't tread carefully."

"How can she ruin everything Voicey there's nothing to ruin?" Jennifer reminded him.

"Voicey?" He asked.

"Well I don't have a name to call you yet do I?" She asked, "I have to call you something."

"But Voicey?" He almost sounded desperate. "Sssurely you could come up with sssomething better than that?"

"I have a great idea." she threw in. "Why don't you just tell me your real name and I won't have to come up with anything." She could almost see the scowl on his nonexistent face.

He ignored her and went on. "By ruining everything I mean abssssolutely everything. Sssshe felt my presence before that'sss why you drew her attention. Had I not sssent out my creature sssshe would have usssed that vassst power of hersss to dessstroy me then sssshe would have turned her attention to you."

"So what? I'm not an evil disembodied voice with a lisp she would have seen that and left me alone" Jennifer replied smugly

"You can be rather sssilly at times Jennifer" he hissed causing her to scowl at him. "Ssshe hasss the power to reach into your mind. One look and ssshe would have known exactly what you were trying to do to Haruka. The body sssshe inhabitssss isss Michiru'sss little sssister and Haruka'sss childhood friend, what do you honessstly think would happen to you if ssshe got a hold of you?" Jennifer squirmed not liking the thoughts that immediately flew into her head.

"No far worssse than that." She was confused for a moment not understanding his meaning. Seconds later more images flew into her head and for the second time that day Jennifer forgot that it was all in her head and backed away.

"What can I do then?" she asked fear striking into her very heart.

"You mussst ssstay away from her." the voice replied. "If you sssee her you mussst hide ssso ssshe doesssn't notice you. Asss long asss she doesssn't focusss on you directly ssshe ssshould have no reassson to ssstudy you any clossser." Jennifer nodded her understanding. "And I mussst ssstay away from you for a while." she was startled out of her fear for a moment.

"Why?" She asked.

"I mussst work out who thisss woman isss and asss long asss I'm near you my energy will attract her attention. If by sssome chance you do run into her and are forced to interact with her the lesss of my energy that ssshe can feel the sssafer you are."

"But what if I need your help?" She asked suddenly feeling vulnerable.

"Call" he replied. "I will hear you. But remember, if it'ssss not an emergency you're only placing usss both in jeopardy by sssummoning me."

"I understand." she replied.

"All right." he stopped and thought for a second. "I will go now use the silver crystal's energy to cleanse as much of my presence away as you can." Jennifer nodded. She felt sad that he was going but not wanting him to know she put on her smuggest smile and said.

"See you later Voicey." She'd forgotten once again that he was in her head.


Back To Present Day

Raine sat on the couch beside Flaime and Haruka watching the other senshi absorb her words and waiting for a reaction. Finally Makoto broke the silence with.

"A war between whom?" Raine looked back at the young Jupiter soldier sadly.

"Everyone." She replied. "When the eldest moon child finally had all the power at her disposal she decided to use it as those kinds of people generally do. She locked her sister away in the moon palace and without anyone to stop her she became the undisputed ruler of the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter.

The one thing she'd always thought was that the moon should have more power and of course there's only one way to get that power. She ordered the leaders of Mercury and Jupiter to have their troops ready and told them to keep the mobilisation a secret but they weren't told why.

Once the troops were in place the moon child journeyed to the dark moon to seek an alliance with their leader. The dark moon's leader agreed of course and together they set about creating a weapon that would help them accomplish their plan.

Using an energy very similar to that which was used to create Sailor Saturn they designed the device to destabilise a planets axis thus knocking it out of its proper orbit and sending it floating aimlessly through space.

The Lady of Saturn at the time was a rather young woman and her daughter and heir was little more than a child. She was completely loyal to the leader of the dark moon having grown up and lived all of her life around her. She allowed the ladies to build their device on one of Saturn's moons so that it could draw on just enough of the planets power to carry out its mission.

Nobody realised at the time that the lady's daughter did not share her mother's high regard for the leader of the dark moon. She ran to the Lady of Pluto her teacher and friend to help her find a way to fix it.

They both knew that the Lady of Saturn had to be disposed of and the weapon destroyed. They formulated a plan to carry out their mission and had everything in place and ready to go. Unfortunately they were too late." Raine stopped then and looked sadly up at her sister.

Uranus and Neptune were struck without warning." The senshi collectively gasped. "Just one word, just one single shot and hundreds of thousands of people died. The planets moved too far away from the sun and they could never be returned." Michiru felt tears burning her eyes and she looked over at her partner to find that the wind soldier was faring no better.

Haruka's green eyes met Michiru's blue and they saw their own pain reflected back to them. They allowed themselves a moment of shared pain before they composed themselves and turned their attention back to Raine.

Looking sadly at her sister and her friend Raine continued.

"The royal families of those outer planets were off world at the time visiting the Earth. Michiru and Haruka were barely more than children but they like their parents felt the death of their planets and their people as if it were their own.

No one really knew what happened all they could tell about the attack was that the energy used to power the weapon came from Saturn. That was the beginning of it all the ladies of Uranus, Neptune and the lady of the earth were so angry that they condemned Saturn and all it's people to death.

None of them knew that the lady of Pluto and the Saturn child, little Hotaru and Setsuna's mother Vala had their plan in motion to stop what was happening not even Setsuna herself who like Haruka and Michiru was barely more than a child.

They planned it well everything was in place and but when at last it came time to execute it they ran into a problem. Somehow word must have leaked to the lady of Saturn about Vala's involvement in the plan. She was arrested and locked up in a prison on the moon where the weapon had been build.

Somehow however Hotaru was never suspected. Instead concerned for her daughter's safety the Lady of Saturn took Hotaru with her to the weapon station. Without Vala there to help her Hotaru knew she had no hope of disarming the weapon she was too young to know how to operate the controls. There was only one thing she could do and even though she was only a child and the bulk of Saturn's power resided within her mother even little Hotaru had enough strength within her to obliterate the moon on which she now stood.

She made her way to the very core of the weapon and called upon all of her power. What she didn't know was that while she was preparing to destroy the moon her mother, completely oblivious as to what she was doing authorised another shot to be fired from the weapon.

At the moment the weapon was discharged Hotaru released her power and even though it took mere seconds for the moon to be reduced to dust her energy combined with the energy of the weapon and amplified it's power.

Her mother had aimed the weapon at the rest of the planets ignoring the fact that the moon would definitely die along with everyone else since the dark moon only agreed to an alliance to get the moon's help building the weapon. The energy flew through the solar system towards the other planets where the lady of the earth had set up an energy barrier to try and deflect as much of the blast as she could.

When the blast hit, she, along with the ladies of Mars, Venus, Uranus and Neptune held the shield for as long as they could. It cost them almost all of their energy to hold on as long as they did and none of them ever really recovered. In the end however the shield broke down and the energy while being slightly depleted continued on toward Jupiter.

Just when they thought they'd failed and all hope was lost a massive bolt of energy flew out from the sun deflecting the weapon and sending it back toward Saturn and the dark moon. It sent Saturn reeling through the solar system where it eventually landed in the place it now occupies.

The Dark moon however being much smaller than a planet was shot out of the solar system completely. It was knocked out past the gravitational pull of the sun and none in the solar system ever saw then again.

Pluto was knocked around rather badly also but somehow it managed to stay within the solar system although only just. Little Setsuna survived the hit because she was in the time gate when everything happened." Raine looked over at the time soldier who looked back at her sadly.

"So what happened after that?" Usagi asked.

"Well, at the very centre of the solar blast that deflected the weapon's power was the lady of the sun. Unfortunately like I said before she didn't survive. The Sunstone like the silver crystal is a double edged sword use too much of its energy and you die. The saddest part of it all was that the lady of the sun and the lady of the earth were only young and new to their roles so neither of them had a descendant.

Upon her death there was nobody to claim the Lady of the sun's power and it was lost. The sun stone flew back into the sun and the energy beings who inhabited the solar body withdrew from the rest of the solar system with it."

"That's so sad" Minako sniffled and Raine nodded in agreement.

"What about the others who had been holding the shield? Rei asked. The lady of the earth and the others?" Raine looked sadly at the fire soldier.

"The Ladies were severely drained after their attempt to stop the weapon's destruction. Most of them lived long enough to see the end of the war but the destruction it wreaked on their worlds was devastating. As soon as it was over it has been said that the ladies took one final look at their world or what was left of it then simply fell to the ground never to get up again." There were teary eyes all around the room as Raine continued.

"As for the Lady of the Earth. After seeing one of her planets die she had been so angry and distraught she would have flown out to meet the energy barrier on her own if the others hadn't wanted to go with her. As it was feeling the energy barrier break around her had almost broken her heart but when, at the last second her best friend in the universe gave up her life...."Raine trailed off and looked over at Asa.

"All the lady of the earth could do was watch as her friend faded away to nothing. She had no power left to help her and no way to save her. She made her way sobbing and defeated back to Earth and into her room in the Earth palace, no one ever thought she'd come out again.

As it turned out she did emerge and when she did it was with only one goal, to find out who was responsible for killing her friend and destroying her planet and making sure they paid dearly for their crime.

She didn't think Saturn could have done what they did on their own which of course she was right. When she found out about the moon's involvement she was livid. The armies of the earth laid siege to the moon while Venus and Mars turned their attention Mercury and Jupiter.

The fighting lasted for months before the young moon child was freed and after the death of her sister she took command of the moon. You of course will know her as Serenity." The inner senshi gasped. Raine gave them a moment to compute before she continued.

"A treaty was drawn up by the leaders of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, the Earth and the Moon and a time of peace settled on the solar system. The called it the Silver Millennium hoping it would be a good omen and the peace would last that long. Unfortunately as you all well know it didn't

Once the treaty was drawn up and their planets were out of peril the ladies who had been part of the shield lived only long enough to return home one last time and the ladies of Mercury and Jupiter didn't survive long after them.

Once the war was over the only habitable planets remaining were the Earth and Mars. The elder moon child had tried to recreate a weapon similar to that which she'd built on Saturn's moon on Mercury but it had backfired. Mercury was thrown so badly out of its orbit that it ended up where it is now and due to the damage can no longer revolve.

Venus was destroyed by the aftershock of the weapon when Mercury landed right beside it and although no one realised it at the time some of energy from the first attack that hit Uranus and Neptune continued on to Jupiter. While it wasn't enough to immediately move the massive planet it did destabilise it enough that eventually it couldn't maintain its orbit anymore and ended up where it is now.

Anyone who had survived the war migrated either to The Earth, The Moon or Mars if they could handle the changes in climate which of course some of them couldn't. Most of the inner senshi moved to the Moon since Serenity was the only crystal holder left and they felt important that she be protected.

Uranus and Neptune stayed on Earth for a while but eventually when they were old enough they left to be with Pluto in the time gate. I don't think they could ever forgive the moon for the destruction of their home planets and since no one ever really knew what happened to the young Saturn soldier she was labelled the soldier of ruin and an enemy to all."

All eyes turned to Hotaru then who was looking sadly at her parents. That explained why they were so quick to label her an enemy when she met them all those years ago. But while that eased a pain she'd felt ever since she'd gotten her memories back after her rebirth it was very quickly replaced by another.

She'd killed her mother, destroyed her entire planet not to mention Pluto, caused the Death of two of the crystal holders and caused the loss of another. She was horrible; she didn't deserve to be reborn. She felt tears sting her eyes and she looked down. They would never forgive her, none of them. Her parents, her friends all of them would be gone and she'd have nobody which was more than what she deserved.

She felt movement beside her and she looked up to see Haruka and Michiru sitting on either side of her and Setsuna kneeling in front of her. Setsuna reached forward and took Hotaru's face gently in her hands. Her eyes were teary from the memories but she smiled genuinely at the younger girl.

"You did the only thing you could have done Hotaru Himmie if the device hadn't been destroyed it could have been used over and over again or even on other planets in other galaxies. What happened wasn't your fault you had no idea what the energy would do. You were a tiny child and I know that because I went back there after everything with Pharaoh Ninety and saw for myself." When Hotaru didn't look convinced Haruka chimed in.

"Life's not ideal Hotaru especially for us senshi sometimes things happen that you don't expect and you can't control the outcome. It's not your fault the Lady of the Moon and the Lady of the Dark Moon did what they did you were only trying to stop them."

"But I killed people." Hotaru sobbed. "My people, Setsuna's people, The Dark Moon people, The Lady of The Earth and The Sun, your parents. They're dead because of me, because of what I did. How can you not hate me? I hate me." Now it was Michiru's turn to chime in.

"Okay so your energy drained our parents of their energy and made them weak. That doesn't mean you killed them. Regardless of what you did our worlds were already gone, our parents were already heartbroken and Raine said herself even the Ladies of Mercury and Jupiter died shortly after the war and they were no part of the shield that drained everyone.

Their death was not your fault, the destruction of Pluto and Saturn, the death of The Lady of The Sun were a result of a weapon that you had no part in creating and if you had no part in creating it you cannot be blamed for the destruction it delivers."

"But my energy was what made the blast so strong" Hotaru protested. If I hadn't used my power the shield might have been able to reflect it and the lady of the sun might still be alive."

"And if the weapon hadn't existed you would have had no reason to use your power at all." Michiru argued back. "The blame for what happened to our solar system lies squarely with the people who created the weapon and no one else."

"But your parents still died." Hotaru protested once more

"And what kind of parents must they have been that their children weren't enough incentive to keep on living?" Everyone went silent then and Hotaru looked wide eyed at the water soldier. Michiru gently brushed some stray strands of Hotaru's hair back and smiled at her violet eyed child.

"You're our little girl now." she said quietly. "of the three of us not a single one has parents anymore but that's okay because we've made a family of our own. You are such a big part of that, our family wouldn't be what it is without you in it. If you want to view what we've learnt today in a positive light then think of it this way. We might have lost our parents but we've gained a daughter, a lovely little girl who we all love more than we could ever love parents who disappeared because life got hard.

You make us all so happy and if losing them is the price we had to pay to have you then I'm okay with that, we all are." Hotaru looked teary eyed from Michiru to Haruka and Setsuna who both nodded their agreement. She turned her attention back to Michiru then.

"Don't dwell on the past honey this is a new life, a new chance. If fate thought that what you did was wrong then you wouldn't be here with us now. Accept the gift it gave you and live your new life you were happy until today weren't you?" Hotaru nodded.

"Then that's all you have to worry about now." Michiru smiled at her little girl and held her arms out. "Come here" Hotaru threw her arms around her Michiru mama and buried her face in the older woman's shoulder.

"I love you Michiru mama" she said quietly.

"I love you too Himmie" Michiru replied. "We all do."

While the outers shared their family moment Raine turned her attention to Flaime and Asa who'd taken Haruka's spot on the couch when the other woman had moved. She took one of their hands in hers and smiled at them.

"I'm glad we all found each other again" she said quietly and soon found herself the cheese in a hug sandwich. Their moment was interrupted by Usagi asking.

"So I'm still curious to know, who is your friend? The transparent one I mean?"

"Well I've told you the story from what I've said who do you think she is?" She watched all the senshi stop what they were doing and think about what she'd told them. The person who broke the silence however was Chibiusa.

"Lady Amethyst." She replied. "The creator of the senshi." Raine smiled.

"Well, you already knew so you didn't have to guess." She said. "Does that mean you know who my friends are then?" Chibiusa studied Flaime and Asa closely before nodding.

"Who?" Usagi asked. Chibiusa turned to look at Flaime.

"The Lady of The Earth Papa's sister." She turned her attention to Asa then.

"And the Lady of The Sun her best friend.


There it is another chapter how did you like it??? Please review and let me know, thank you for reading
