Title: pornography
Author: keelhaul lizzie
Pairings: Roxas/Sora, in a manner of speaking.
Rating: R
Genres: General-like
Summary: A hand in my mouth.
Wordcount: 125
Warnings: slash, shorter-than-Sora's-shorts drabble.
Date: July 19, 2007 (I actually wrote this awhile back but I can't remember for the life of me when that was.)

notes: Thanks go to Yell Leader for reading this for me beforehand. ILU, bb.


When Sora's jerking off—bashing the bishop, beating his meat, spanking the monkey—when he's jerking off, Roxas fancies he's moving his arm, controlling every flutter of his wrist and twitch of his palm. When the thumb slicks over the head it is Roxas's doing. When the hand slides down his cock slowly, as if making up for an absent lover, it is Roxas's doing.

It's like he's fucking Sora, almost vicariously, almost like pornography.

When Sora comes it's like they're coming together.

And when Sora reaches for the tissue box it's like that post-coital moment where where nobody speaks, makes contact, moves—where everything is sticky and awkward.

That's how Roxas remembers it, at least; it was all his doing, most likely.