Birthdays are Torture

By AmouIsrafel

A/N:Yallo! First fanfiction I actually plan on finishing! (I posted a Naruto crack one before but got bored and took it down. I might re-type it and post it up again though. I don't know.) Well now to things needed to be stated before the actual fic starts.

Beta: TheLightsShadow (She's amazing! If you haven't read her stories do so!)

-I actually sent her my story on Monday night and she got it back to me by Tuesday! Thank you so much! -bows-

"people talking"

'people thinking'

Disclaimer: This shall contain a boyxboy relationship. Don't like it, don't read. I do not own Death Note or make any profit off it. The story is by Tsugumi Ohba and the art by Takeshi Obata. And I am neither. (Oh, how I wish I were one of them! T-T Alas, I only own vol: 1, 12 and several anime eps...though I shouldn't have the anime eps -.-''')

L was silently fuming. Yes, although he did not let it show in his exterior, he was internally very upset.

Many would believe the young detective devoid of any emotions. It was not that he lacked emotions but rather he chose not to let them rule him and cloud his good judgment.

However, it was different when it came to this certain person. That fact alone was enough to irritate him by itself.

While everybody's favorite detective continued dealing with his irritation Matsuda and the others sat blissfully unaware on the sofas by the small coffee table in the main room. They were discussing what to do for a certain person's birthday while drinking the only thing that kept them functioning all day long. Coffee. If they only knew…Actually, no, if they knew the intensity of L's anger they would all have either jumped out of the nearest window or died of heart attacks.

'Hm…interestingI wonder if I'm secretly Kira?' thought the detective, his anger briefly dwindling. He began mentally calculating the possibility of this whilst moving the strawberry on top of his strawberry short cake with his fork.

"Hey." The sound of a book closing accompanied this simple statement.

'Well, actually…the possibility of me being Kira is not unreasonable. I do have a tremendously high IQ that would surely aid me in escaping capture.'

"Ryu—" This time the sound of somebody standing up from a swivel chair was heard along with the statement.

'And I do believe being the person in charge of the leading investigation in Kira's capture would enable me with a nearly flawless cover…' L dropped the fork and began nibbling his thumb.

"Oi. –zaki" Footsteps along with a jangle of chains could be heard along with this particular statement.

'Then again, the possibility of me being Kira without knowing is practically zero…'

"Ryuuzaki!" This time the voice came from right beside the detective's seat.

Suddenly, all the agitation he had been feeling flared up once more. And the source of that agitation was none other than-

"Raito-kun. I'm sorry. Did you wish to speak to me about something?"

Yes, Yagami, Raito. See, this all began when Raito's father, being agitated that not only was his son still suspected of being Kira but was hand cuffed to the detective 24/7 with no free time or real moment of privacy, proposed the idea of giving Raito a break on his birthday. Raito would be able to leave the investigation quarters and L to go have some fun. Luckily for Raito, that fun did not include a certain bubbly blond named Amane, Misa. L, being who he was, refused. Mr. Yagami turned out to be very persistent however so they compromised. Raito would be able to have a full day out of headquarters… with L and the chain and hand cuffs right by his side. Today was February 28. Raito's 18 birthday. i.

"I was just going to ask you if you were done sulking and if we could leave now," responded Raito while running his hand through his hair in pure frustration.

"I was not sulking," answered L.

"Yes, you where."

"No, I wasn't," L said, his facial expression being as close to a pout as one would have expected of him.

'Wait…is that a pout! Ryuuzaki has the ability to pout?!' thought Raito.

A sly look slowly ebbed itself into L's eyes.

"Why are you in such a hurry Raito-kun? You haven't even eaten breakfast yet. Is there something that you want to do?" questioned L with a sort of smirk on his face.

"For the last time Ryuuzaki, I am NOT Kira! N-O!"

"Now, Raito-kun. I am quite capable of spelling the word 'no' by myself. Besides, I was not accusing you of being Kira."

"No, but you were implying it!"

"I assure you, I was not," stated L although that small smirk on his face stated otherwise.

"Whatever. I was just asking because I wanted to get breakfast somewhere else. I'm not you after all."

"Well that is rather obvious. If you were we would all know for certain that you were not Kira," stated L in a bored voice.

Raito's response to this was a death glare.

"What I mean is that I cannot survive on those sugary confections you call 'food'." Raito pointed at L's strawberry shortcake.

"But Raito-kuun," L said in what awfully resembled a whine.

"Those 'sugary confections' as you call them, give me the energy to continue this investigation... Not to mention something to look forward to."

"Yeah, along with so many cavities a dentist would be afraid to go near your mouth," mumbled Raito.

"I'll have you know I keep my mouth in a perfect sanitary condition. See?"

At this point L leaned rather close to Raito with his mouth wide open so Raito could see for himself the truth of his last statement.

"Ok, ok. I get it. Can you get yourself out of my personal space?"

'Who does he think he is, getting so close to me? It's not like I want to be near that mouth of his. I mean, who would? Ok, I'll admit it. His mouth isn't as gross as I expected. His breath was kinda nice. Sweet but somehow not too sweet. Probably from all those sweets he eats... his lips… I wond———OK. Getting off that train of thought!'

Raito mentally slapped himself for even letting his mind go there.

'It was just curiosity. I mean I've also wondered how Misa is able to put on her clothes by herself, being the klutz she is…'

"Can we please just leave… NOW?!"

"Just let me finish my strawberry cake. You wouldn't want me fainting on you now would you?"

Raito could feel a headache coming on. If it was from lack of food, L, or both, he did not know. Probably a combination of the two.

"That's it I give up. You can eat your cake on the way to Misa's room."

L barely had time to grab his cake and utter a "Misa's room?" before Raito promptly told him to "shut up" and dragged him out of his chair. The rest of the crew just suppressed small snickers as L was led away in a slight daze.

L quickly regained his composure a bit after leaving the main room however.

"Wait. Raito-kun. I thought you wanted to leave. Why are we heading to Misa's room?"

They reached a file of stairs and proceeded in going up them. Misa's room wouldn't be too far off.

"I just remembered that she told me yesterday that she wanted me to visit her before I left so she could give me a list or something of all the junk she needed." Raito sighed.

"Why don't you just call her later and ask her for that list in that manner?"

"Well… you know how she is. She'd probably drain away my cell phones battery."

"Ah…Amane-san is quite talkative."

They both proceeded going forward.

"Not to mention the fact that we can't leave yet -­­

L continued to listen while eating his slice of cake… even though Raito was still basically dragging him. If it were Misa, she would have fallen face first onto the floor a long time ago.ii

"-because a certain someone is still EATING!"

At this L shot Raito a look that indicated how much he was enjoying shortening his "free time".

'That sadistic bastard! He's doing this on purpose!'

Raito began walking faster, smirking when L stumbled a bit.

"Come on! If you don't want to fall down and have that fork go down your throat then I suggest you walk fas—umph!"

'Wait…why am I on the floor'

Light looked up from his ever so dignified position on the floor to find L standing just a few inches away looking down on him.

"Why… did… you… stop," said Raito through gritted teeth.

"Hm? Oh no reason really. Just thought I saw a sugar fairy. So I suggest you get up. I don't think taking a nap in the middle of this hallway would be the most efficient way of using your time. "

At this, Raito smacked his head rather hard with his right hand.iii

"Raito-kun. I don't think that shows much of your mental stability. As far as I know, causing self injuries is not considered normal. Besides you're killing brain cells."

"That is it. I swear… this is going to be the worst birthday of my life. Thanks Ryuuzaki," stated Raito in a rather sarcastic tone of voice, his forehead still showing a red hand print.

"Oh, you are very welcome Raiitoo-kun," L said in a rather serious yet, at the same time, humorous voice.iv

Both boys turned a corner and entered the corridor where Amane, Misa's room was located.

'I can't take this anymore! Can I PLEASE return to the nice sanctity that was my cell. PLEASE. I swear. I'll go so insane I might actually want to kill someone… starting with a certain brunette with a love of sweets. Wait… does thinking something like this mean I'm Kira…'

"Gah!" yelled Raito, stomping off, dragging L behind him.

'Hm… seems like Raito gets rather irrational when lacking nourishment. Almost seems to let his guard down. How interesting… I wonder what else I do not know about him.'

Oh, if only Raito had turned his head back at that moment, he would have been witness to the sight of L with a very evil smirk slowly making its way onto his face.

'This shall be a fun experiment.' By now L had finished his strawberry goodness.

Both boys were finally in front of Misa's room.

Raito lightly knocked with his left hand, a slight jangle also being heard due to the fact that that was his handcuffed hand.v

Misa slammed open the door and instantly launched herself at Raito, ranting about her love for him… the usual. Raito just looked at L as if actually begging for his assistance.

'Oh, this will definitely be fun,' thought the stoic


i. Raito Yagami's Birthday: Feb. 28, 1986. It is important to note that the year is 2004. The importance in this is that in the manga, around April, we are introduced to the 2nd Kira, Misa. This means the timeline in this story is greatly changed since Raito doesn't forget his memory's in the manga until a bit after halfway through the 2004 year. This is from the How to Read Volume 13 so I am not making this up.

ii .And Misa isn't the only one. I have a HORRIBLE sense of balance so that would probably have happened to me too.

iii. Ok…you don't want to know how many times in one single day I'll do that.

iv. Don't ask me how this is possible. All I can tell you is that it is. I know. -shifty eyes-

v. I kid you not; I actually did research for this fic (which included watching the eps. I have relentlessly) and that is the correct hand! -this is where you all gasp in surprise-

vi. I love writing L as a manipulative bastard…ok…scratch the bastard part….L doesn't fit that part! XD

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed the story to some extent. If you are confused on anything send me a PM. If you have any suggestions or an idea, I'll be happy to hear them. Oh, and if you were wondering why I didn't post this on Tuesday...two sleepovers back to back. So a total of 3 days without my comp. (Tuesday-Thursday) So, please leave a review! It shall motivate me to write and to update faster! XD