Character/Pairing: George, Izzie.
Rating: G
Spoilers: End of Season 3.
Word Count: 200
Prompt: Eyes

Written for the drabbles challenge at http://community-livejournal-com/prettystickers/ (replace - with . to enable link)

I've never written Grey's Anatomy. Eep.

They lock eyes, and it's almost as if he never left. Seven years, all she has to do is smile and he grins like a fool.



She looks different. Her hair isn't blonde, but dark brown, and he wonders how long it took her to change it. Her eyes give her age away. They're less naïve, and hold less of the vibrance that used to define her. It doesn't take him long to find out why.

"Mooom, I have soccer!" A boy yells from the door of the store. Izzie rolls her eyes (some things never change) and beckons him towards them.

"Alright, but first you have to meet George. George, this is my son, Steven."

He is blindsided. She has a kid? Is she married? He wonders if Steven knows about Hannah.

"Cool. Hi. Let's goo, Mom."

He can't take his eyes off of her. She searches through her purse for a pen and paper. She writes down her address hastily.

"Stop by for dinner, 7 o'clock. We'll see you and Callie then?"

He grins. "Yeah, we'll be there. Nice to meet you, Steve," he adds as they hurry out the door. He couldn't wait until dinner.


A/N: Good, bad, favorite? Let me know, and review! This was my first attempt at Grey's Anatomy, just to liven things up a bit, lol. Hope it wasn't too bad.