Sonic was run forum eggmen Eggmen have plan to hurt sonic with lazers, sonic was afrayed. He ask kuckels for guidance becuz kuckels was strong and strong peepole are snart nut kuckels wuld not halp becuz he waz two bizzy reeding bocks and lifting wayts at the same tym. He ascked tales but tales did not halp becuz he was two bizzy doing nurd stuff. He ask amy two halp and she sed "yes". Amy wanted to kiis sonic but sonic was moar afrayed of that then the lazers so he runs away agin.
Sonic now go to chow land. He forums army with chow to stop eggmen. The chows were rely god at fight and smart tey leiked sonic a lot to. Snoc brings chows two eggmens seecrit bays nd the chows flew in and kills roboots. Eggmen had rage and he shoots his lazers at them but he missed and then he sed "darn it". On chow got hurt and sonic had take chow to doctor in middle of fight "youre chow has ayyds" sed chow doctor. "you had halp her buy take her to majik well in bathroom". Sonic takes him to the bathroom and dunked him in the weel. "haha thatss rely a toilet and I just ped for a rely lawng tym" sed chow doctor. "you chow just have canser, tats all you have to feed him and take care of her and play with it and make him happy that's how chows get rid of canser it takes a rely lawng tym but youre chow will be feyen when she deonst had canser no moar so doont worry aboot it" "o ok I c"ed sonic.
Ten sonic lets the oter chows keep fite at eggmens bays and he stay in chows world. Ten kaspar the heghog (me) caym to chow world. "hi sonic" I sed. "oh hello want be frnd" sed sonic. "ya I do" sed me. "ok lets go fight eggmens" sed sonic. "tat sownd grate" I sed.