Summary-So Basicly, Dana gets transfered to a new school, called Blair Academy. What she didn't know, was that BA was the 1# party school in all of California. Desperate not to break down from her tough girl act, Dana must deal with everything that her and her new friends have to deal with.

Disclaimer-WILL NEVER OWN PCA [But I dooo own BA hahahahaahahaahhahahahaa


She had already said her goodbyes. To Zoey. To Nicole. To Chase and Micheal. the guy she secretly loved, Logan. Now, as she boarded the plane to go to Blair Academy, she felt a tearing feeling inside her stomach. She already missed them.

She sighed and sat down in an empty seat. She slipped on her headphones and turned her Ipod on. Then she laid her head back and waited for the ride to be over.

"ATTENTION. WE WILL BE LANDING IN 5."A loud, spanish-accented voice screamed over the plane. Dana grabbed her luggage and headed off the plane.

The guide that was supposed to take her to the school wasn't there yet, so she sat on a bench and waited. 5 minutes passed...then 10...then 20.

"Godammit! Wheres that fucking guide!"Dana said, slamming her fist down. She heard a boy laugh and she turned around.

"What?"Dana asked, glaring at him.

" was just funny."The boy said. Dana couldn't help but notice the boy was really cute. He had longish-brown hair and bright, sapphire eyes. He was tall and thin, but not bony. He had superwhite, straight teeth and a greast smile.

"Its ok...I was just getting annoyed, see im supposed to go the Blair Academy, and the guides not here...and-"Dana stopped," Dana, whats your name?"

"Im Aiden, and its alright. Your going to Blair Academy? So am I!"He smiled that dazzling smile again.

"Cool, what grade?"Dana asked.

"11th, you?"

"10th. I used to go the Pacific Coast Academy."She said.

"Oh really? I heard that school was stuck up and prudish."

Dana laughed,"Well maybe it is."

"Blair is the opposite, i've been going for four years, and its a total wild jungle."He said,"...Maybe I could help you survie?"

Dana smiled,"Of course."

"Miss Cruz?"A voice asked, from behind Dana.

"What?"Dana splurted, turing around.

"Miss Cruz, im your guide, here to take you to Blair Academy, get your things and lets go."The woman said strenly.

"Bye, see you there."Aiden said, helping her with he luggage.

Dana smiled again,"Bye."


The woman, who turned out to be 'Mrs.James', drove Dana to the school. There, Dana was assigned to room 402. She walked in the room, noticing that two of the three beds were already taken. Dana set her stuff on the empty one and begun to unpack.

Thats when she heard the door open. She turned around and looked at a girl about her age.

"And you are...?"The girl said, wrinkling her nose.

"Dana Cruz. Got transfered here."

" Jasmine."The girl said. She was tall, very thin with a long blonde ponytail. She wore tight black jeans and a pink tank.

Dana nodded and continued unpacking her stuff.

"So...have you met Leslie yet?"Asked Jasmine.

"No."Dana said, sounding colder than she intended.

"Oh...well shes our roomate. You'll see her soon, were going to Jackson Andersons party."

"Who's that?"Dana asked, curious.

"The hottest guy on campus. He hosts the BEST parties, and invited the hottest girls. Me and Leslie and two of them."Jasmine smiled, satisfied.

"Ok.."Dana said, not really caring.

Jasmine looked dissapointed, but stopped when another girl walked in. This girl was prettier than Jasmine, but dressed kind of weirdly. She wore a giant pair of black sunglasses, A brown and red shirt, a blue jean skirt over ripped back tights, and brown boots.

"Whos this?"She asked, looking curiously at Dana.:

"Her names Danny."Jasmine said, going through a pile of clothes.

"DANA."Dana said, glaring at Jasmine.

"Oh, hey, Im Leslie."She said, walking over to another pile of clothes.

"What are you guys doing?"Dana asked, confused.

"Finding the perfect outfits."Leslie said, pulling out a sequined blue shirt and tossing it aside.

Jasmine pulled off her tanktop, exposing her peirced belly button. She pulled on a tight black dress and silver heels,"What about this?"She asked Leslie, ignoring Dana.

"Ehh...too fany-looking."Leslie said, deciding between a purple tube-top and a red tank top with black stiching on the side. She went with the red shirt and tossed the purple one to Jasmine.

Dana was reading when she saw the two of them walk out of the bathroom. Jasmine wore a sequined tubetop with a pair of tight jeans and a diamond choker. Her hair was drowned with hair spray, and looked fluffy and kind of fake. Her lips were painted a bright pink that clashed with the tube top. Her mascara was clumpy and thick, making her eyes look small. She looked weird and fake, in a i-tried-way-too-hard-way.

Leslie looked gorgeous though, with her long brown hair crimped and styled. She wore the red shirt with a black shirt that barley reached the top of her thigh. The boots she wore reached her knees and made her already long legs look longer. She wore lots of black eyeliner and mascara and her eyes looked smokey.

They both grabbed purses and left without saying a 'bye' or 'welcome to BA'


She could deal with this place on her own.


Soo...was it ok? Review please please please! It only takes, like 5 seconds. They are really appreciated! wait for next chappie!"