A Champloo Twist A Champloo Twist

Chapter One




It was a beautiful day, the world was already awake and starting the day. Well most of the world was awake. Off elsewhere a young girl of 19 years of age, with hair of hazel, was trying to ignore the annoying sound that was waking her.


"Alright! Momo I'm awake", Fuu said. She patted the rottweiler puppy's head, her personal alarm clock. She glanced at her silver wristwatch that her parents gave her for birthday last year. " Oh my God! I'm gonna be late for class." With that said she rushed to take a shower and to get dressed in 10 minutes. She had decided to wear a pair of jeans, a black camisole, and a blue button down shirt along with a pair of gym shoes to match. She grabbed a bagel and a bottle of water on her way out of the dorm and on her way to Yuri's dorm.

By the time Fuu had gotten to Yuri's dorm, she was already waiting on Fuu outside of her own dorm. " Jeeze Fuu, what took you. I swear one of these days we'll be late because of you," she lectured her. Yuri was about the same age as Fuu, with dark brown hair. They had been friends since childhood. People would always assume that Fuu and Yuri were both sisters, since they were always together. Their fathers were good friend and also lawyers at the same law firm. Their parents would usually come and visit them together on surprise visits.

" Ya, well that won't be today so let's get going already!" Fuu shouted as she ran down the hall towards the elevators.

One minute before class began

"Yes, we just made it", Fuu said just as the bell rang. " Well we could be here sooner if you hadn't of been so damn late." Yuri grumbled angrily under her breath. " Shut up Yuri, at least we made it on time", Fuu whispered back.

"Alright class let us begin our lesson," Mrs.Tashio announced.

Five hours later

"Dorm sweet ,sweet dorm" Fuu said as she jumped onto her couch with a sigh. "You said it," Yuri agreed. " I'm so happy that its Friday and we have a four day weekend too, man this so great. Fuu!! We have to do something tonight!!! I know let's go to a club!!" Yuri was wearing grin as big as Texas across her face. " Oh no, not again remember what happened last time we went clubbing," Fuu had a very defiant look on her face.

"Hey last wasn't any of my fault! That Francisco Xavier guy had it coming to him, he wouldn't take no for answer. Plus who cares that I punched the and gave him a black eye." She announced proudly with a smirk across her features.

" Ya, but when he go his goons on us I had to call my big brother, Jin.To come and save us. Do you have any idea how long of a lecture I got from my parents and Jin!" Fuu yelled back. Don't get her wrong Fuu loved her brother she just hated that was so over protective of her, and whenever something happened he would inform her father. Jin followed into his father's footsteps and became lawyer, so far he had never lost a case.

"Come on Fuu, this time I promise I won't get into any trouble", She pleaded with her friend to reconsider. " No way, I'm staying here and that's final", Fuu replied. "Awww come on Fuu please, for me", Yuri used her signature puppy dog eyes. It was Fuu's weakness against saying no to her.

" Ugh, Fine we'll go out alright. Are you happy now."

"Yup, yup now let's go find something sexy for us to wear for tonight that'll make the boys go crazy."


End of chapter one

A/N: Who will they meet at the club? What will happen? And will it be Fuu or Yuri to get into trouble? Well to find out just review and tell me what you think. I'm still gonna update no mater what you say. Until then see ya!!! And Kick Rocks!!!!