
So… new chapter…enjoy! Oh, yes, and I hope you guys know that this won't be a very long story, as well as 'before it all' that won't be very long either. I think I'm going to do a lot of one shots after I finish 'A wonderful liar' and 'Before it all'. There will be some more Teen titans and some more Mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch/ pure one-shots, maybe some two-shots here and there of those too, Though I really want to do a full length chapter story of Mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch/ pure. Also, I think I'll do some silly fics seeing as almost (if not all) of my stories are romance. Lol XD. I like romance.



Dedication: To me Vianna

Disclaimer: NOT MINE!!


At the very most this and the other story will be 5 chapters long.

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Worried souls

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It had been four months since she had left with Damien to his summer home. It had been a full four days where she couldn't stop thinking about the same person who was the reason she was here.

Raven tossed and turned inside her bed, Damien had been right, it wasn't the kiss it had been his kiss.

Ever since that moment Raven found herself looking back on what times she had shared with Robin. She found herself wanting more from Robin, and to go back to him, but she knew that it was just her mind; it had to be her mind. After all she was already in love with Damien.

"Raven, what's wrong?" She heard Damien ask her from the other side of the bed.

"I'm just having trouble sleeping, I guess I'm just still not used to falling asleep in this bed…" She replied, lying through her teeth.

"No, you're used to falling asleep in my arms," He winked at her, Raven smiled and snuggled up to him, he fell back asleep while holding her, and she began thinking of Robin yet again.

'Why do I feel this way? Before that kiss I had never done this! I never used to lay in bed and think of him! Why now? Why when I finally have someone who loves me?' She thought.

His smile, the way he looked at her the night he had brought her back from hell, his undying friendship, and the warm feeling of his lips against hers.

'I had pushed him away… I had pushed away his love… because I was in love with a criminal!' She cried in her head, had she lost the one chance to have a relationship without guilt, a relationship with a man who was committed to doing the right thing, who loved her unconditionally?

Tears began to spill from her eyes as she cried silently, whipping them away before they could touch Damien's strong arms, because he was holding her, loving her, and even if he was a criminal… did that really matter if he loved her?

'Robin…Cyborg…Beastboy…Starfire…now that I've left them, I'll never see them again. What if I…' She smiled deviously to herself. It could work. It could only work if she let go of Robin though… forever.

If she let him go, she could see her friends again, she could be with Damien and not have to sneak away from them all the time, she could be with him and her friends would know. Well, she would still be lying to them, but not as much as before. They would know she was with Damien De has, they wouldn't know she was with Red-X.

'This could work… but if I go back… will they forgive me? That's another key factor I need to make this work and to have the life I've wanted all along…' Raven heart-brokenly thought.

Unbeknownst to her, Damien kept one-eye open, watching her tears fall, and only wishing he could know why thy fell from her delicate orbs.

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Acceptance had never been his forte, but this time it was different. Denial had always come back to haunt him; but this time it was on vacation. Surrender had never been in his dictionary; but this time he stumbled apon it.

Robin sighed contently. If he let her go; he could live. It had been a mistake when he obsessed over Slade; never letting go of the fact that he was still out there: but he was not going to do the same with Raven. They concluded that she had left willingly, without any sort of resentment to leaving. Everyone missed her still; they grieved for weeks over her being gone especially him. He loved her, loved everything about her, or at least he thought he did.

Now was different though; he realized that he didn't love her he loved the thought of being with her. Raven had been a tease to him.

Robin sighed; she had been a pretty sexy tease. The day they got the computer chip to find her; that was the day that they had all finally let go.

Flash back

Cyborg put in the computer chip; today would be the day they found out where Raven was.

Zooming in, they saw a blinking red dot on the screen, which was where her cloak was.

"England? They left to England?" He whispered to himself. Zooming in more he saw the city, he zoomed in more and more until he saw the house where she was staying. It was a mansion; by a small lake with a dock it had a wood finish and shined with the warm sun. Squinting Starfire pointed at the screen.

"The is a tiny dot on the screen, friend Cyborg what could it be?" The innocent alien princess asked her robotic friend. He zoomed in two more times before they could clearly see Raven wearing a black belly tank top with a pair of shorts that hugged her curves nicely and a man with brown hair and blue eyes with a loose shirt and some cargos on kissing passionately on the long driveway then stopping as she got into a car and drove down the path to her destination as the man who she had just been kissing waved good-bye to her.

They turned off the computer and looked at each other.

"It's like she doesn't even remember us, it's like… she doesn't even care anymore." Beastboy told them vacantly as he was trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Don't say that friend Beastboy…I'm sure she thinks of us everyday…" Starfire comforted.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's thinking of us while she's sucking face with some guy we've never seen before!" She shot back at her angrily.

"Please friend Beastboy! You know she's thinking of us!" Starfire cried, tears welling in her eyes.

"And while she's fucking him, oh boy are we remembered! Let's not forget while she's fishing in his private lake! Perhaps while she's relaxing in his hot tub! Huh? Are we remembered then? Why do you think she left us, Star? Get a clue!" He shouted at her.

"You are just being a blorfnog! Friend Raven cares about us! I know she does so stop doing the speaking of nonsense and if you are enable to do so then SHUT UP!" Starfire screamed at him. He growled and stomped to him room, as soon as he had left Starfire began crying,

"F-friend Cyborg… Raven does still care for us, does she not?" She stammered out.

"Of course Star, but right now I think we better leave her be with Red-X…" He told her.

"T-That man is enemy Red-X? H-how could Raven leave us to be with him?" Starfire cried harder.

"She loves him." For the first time Robin spoke up. Cyborg stared at him for a moment, was he finally going to let go?

"W-what do you mean?" Starfire asked, not wanting to believe that her best friend was in love with a criminal.

"I mean she's in love with him and is not about to leave him just for us, Raven isn't one to throw love away; it's too important to her." Robin concluded. He checked his watch,

"And Star," He began, she looked up at him,

"Your date with Speedy is in 20 minutes, didn't you want to get ready?" He asked her, she nodded and lef to her room, quickly, but not as quickly as she usually would have.

"Man, are you okay?" Cyborg asked him.

"I guess… I never really loved her as I thought I did. Maybe she was just a goal, but it looks like I can't have every girl in the world." He laughed, now taking the news much better.

"Maybe, in time, we could all get over her…" Cyborg stated.

End flashback

So that was it, he had let Raven go, and after much more investigating on Red-X he found out that the only thing Red-X ever took and kept was the Zanthium, everything else had just been taken and given back to the same store at a different location. Looks like the guy had only wanted some excitement.

He looked up at the large screen and saw a face squiggle onto it,

"Batman?" He questioned.

"I need a favor." He stated, dry and to the point.

"Shoot." He told him, using a term meaning to tell him what the favor was.

"It's about Barbra…" He started.


"Yes, I need you to take her in for now. It's a long story." Batman sighed.

"I have time."

"I don't."

"Fine, when will she be here?" Robin asked his former partner.

"Around…" Batman began.

"Hey, Robin! What's new?" He heard a familiar voice say.

"Now, bye!" Batman said quickly.

"Hey, Red." He called to his long time friend. Batgirl turned around to face Robin, her now mid back long red hair following suite to her motion. She wore a black body suite with a yellow bat on the front, a cape similar to Robin's and a mask with a shine of purple on the front that covered half of her head allowing her locks of red hair to tumble out of it and the eye wholes looks like what Robin's mask had. Her boots were black and were flats that went just below her knees.

"Long time no see," She beamed, smiling widely at him.

"Yea, I could've lived with seeing you sooner than this, any idea why you're here?" He asked her.

"Not a clue, the bat told me nothing." She shrugged.

"Eh, oh well." He sighed.

"So…" Batgirl blushed, twiddling her thumbs.

"Um…" Robin rubbed the back of his neck.

"About last time we saw each other…" Batgirl was now redder than a lobster.

"Um… think nothing of it…" He blushed even harder then she did. She looked down at the floor and sighed in displeasure.

"Oh…" She whispered.

"Well, if it meant something…" Robin began; she shot up and kissed him.

"Anything?" She asked him.

"Nothing but sparks here, you?" He asked,

"Same." She smiled, and they continued to kiss. He broke apart from her.

"Just like last time we saw each other," He winked.

"Yea." She panted.

"Who's this lovely lady, Rob?" Cyborg asked him from behind.

"Cyborg, meet Batgirl, Batgirl meet Cyborg, Cyborg how much did you see?" He asked.

"Oh, just you two making out… nothing much." He laughed. Robin and Batgirl bother turned red.

"Who making out?" Beastboy asked, coming in.

"Batgirl and Robin." Cyborg told him.

"Batgirl and Robin?" Beastboy yelled.

"What about the Batgirl and friend Robin?" Starfire asked coming in, Beastboy turned to her and told her,

"They were making out!" He screamed.

"Glorious! Then friend Robin must have truly put friend Raven away!" Starfire beamed.

"Friend Raven?" Batgirl asked, looking over to Robin.

"Present!" They all heard a voice call out, everyone turned to see Raven and a man standing next to her.

"Raven?" They all said at the same time except for Batgirl who was too perplexed at the moment to do anything more.

"Yes," The man beside her smiled.

"You're that guy who Raven ran away with!" Beastboy growled angrily.

"Chill grass stain, it's not like I took your girlfriend away, I was the one who was dating her." He smirked.

"Who are you?" Batgirl piped up.

"New meat?" The man inquired to Robin,

"Listen, X, we don't want any trouble so why don't you just leave Rae here, and be on your way?" Cyborg asked him.

"And leave her with you guys? I don't think so, I'm here to stay." He gave them all a toothy smile.

"And who made you a new titan?" Beastboy once again growled.

"Never said I was a titan, I just said I'm here to stay." X laughed.

"Hence the no uniform, you see?" He finished, pointing at him normal attire and lack of mask.

"Just wait one minute, only titans can live in titans tower!" Beastboy yelled.

"Then why am I here?" Batgirl asked.

"That's a good question." Batman's voice came over them; his face flickered onto the large screen behind them all.

"I sent you over there so you could hook back up with Robin, because I knew he wouldn't be completely over Raven, I had no idea all these people would show up!" He told them all.

"Nobody did." Raven told him, rolling her eyes.

"Though, Robin and Raven would look pretty okay together…" Batman trailed off. Batgirl and Red-X growled.

"Oh, relax. Anyway, Barbra-."

"Batgirl!" Batgirl corrected.

"Batgirl you're going to have to stay there for a little while. There's no way I can get any transportation for you to come back to Gothom for at least two weeks. Besides, I'd think you'd want to spend sometime with Richard-."

"Robin!" Robin corrected.

"Robin now, right?" He asked her.

"I suppose I could spare another two weeks with him." Batgirl giggled.

Batman left the screen.

"Where were we?" Starfire asked them all.

"Why am I here?" Batgirl concluded.

"Well… that's why then I suppose. But Red-X still can't live here!" Beastboy yelled.

"Relax, snot man, I just want to stick around so no one can make a move on my girlfriend, okay?" Red-X laughed. Beastboy blushed; Raven caught this and began to think… did Beastboy like her?

"Oh, that's right, I'm talking to Beastboy." He smirked.

"No way!" Beastboy growled at the man. "You're not staying here!" He shouted. Robin sighed,

"He's right, we don't have any free rooms for you after we give the spare to Batgirl." He told him.

"He can share a room with me." Raven piped up. Red-X looked at her.

"Yea, I can share a room with her." He smiled cheekily. Beastboy seethed with anger.

"No way are you staying with her so you can get you thieving hands all over her!" Beastboy yelled at him.

"Like this?" Red-X smiled, taking Raven into a passionate kiss.

"Stop it!" Beastboy cried, smacking him away from Raven in his Gorilla form.

"Beastboy! Damien is my boyfriend and frankly, I like it when he kisses me and he has a right to, he has kissed me in the tower before, and won't stop just because you say so." Raven yelled. Beastboy changed back into his human form. Damien slowly got up to see that the green boy was trying to put his lips on Ravens, and Raven's emotions were too messed up to push him away with her powers. He ran over and punched Beastboy in the gut.

"That's the reason why I took her away from here in the first place! So people like you wouldn't get the wrong idea! If it were up to me then we would still be in England, but Raven wanted to be back here with you guys, so I made it happen. You, Beastboy, are slowly making me reconsider Raven staying here!" Damien seethed.

"Friend Raven, new friend Damien, would you be in need of assistance in the moving into Friend Raven's room?" Starfire asked them.

"Thanks, Star, it would be appreciated." Raven smiled.

"I'll help too." Robin smiled, taking his arm in Batgirls arm and walking to where Raven and Damien were standing.

"Any friend of Rae's is a friend of mine." Cyborg winked, walking over to them also.

"Guys! What are you doing? He can't be trusted! Only titans can live in the titans tower!" Beastboy cried. Robin looked over to Damien and said,

"Well, then I guess we're going to have to make him a titan, because Raven is our friend and if she stays then he will have to stay too." He told everyone, handing Damien a communicator.

"I suppose I could get my adrenaline rush from fighting crime rather than committing it." He smiled taking the communicator from Robin.

"Consider it your community service from stealing all that Zanthium." Raven suggested.

"That could work." He winked at her.

"Then I'm out of here." Beastboy yelled.

"BB? Why are you leaving just as I come back?" He heard a voice say from behind.

"T-Terra?" He asked, turning around to see his girlfriend standing in the doorway.

"By the way, I called in a favor and got your friend here de-statufied." Damien winked.


"I believe 'thank you' will suffice. As long as you keep your paws off my girl." He told Beastboy. He agreed and ran over to terra, kissing her deeply.

"Well, that's all the room we have in the tower. Batgirl you can stay in the guest room, Terra your room is still in tact, and Red-X it looks like you're staying with Raven, we'll get another bed in there later today." Robin told him.

"Not a problem, a think me and Raven can share a bed, don't you think Raven?" Damien smiled at her.

"Yes, I think we could manage." She smiled.

"Well, then, it looks like we've all got this sorted out pretty well." Batgirl winked. Robin looked at his watch.


"Already on my way to pick Bee up, thanks for the reminder though!" Cyborg called from running to pick up Bumble Bee for their date.

"And Starfire you've got-."

"Yes, friend Robin, boyfriend Speedy will be doing the picking me up soon! I am just leaving to get the ready!" She told him, flying to her room to get ready for her date.

"Beastboy! It's time you-." Robin began.

"I'm just about to!" Beastboy called, grabbing Terra's hand and asking her out to which she obviously said yes.

"X, it's about time you-!" Robin began yet again.

"On it!" He yelled, bending down on one-knee.

"Raven Roth, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Raven De Has?" He asked her, pulling out a ring with a silver band and a large simple diamond in the center. Raven began crying lightly.

"Yes," She whispered, he got back up and slid the ring onto her finger as they kissed.

"I love you." She told him.

"I love you too." He told her.

"Robin, it's about time that you-." Batgirl told him in a low whisper.

"I know, Red, do you want to go out Friday?" He asked her.

"Duh, bird boy." She smirked and kissed his cheek.

"This was one heck of a day." He told her.

"You said it." Batgirl replied. They both flopped down on the couch and sighed exhausted.

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Lol, I really like this chapter. It's the last chapter by the way. I thought this one was pretty funny near the middle and a bit at the end. I hope you all liked it!

