
Okay, yes I know. I should be working on 'Before it all' but…

I really feel like writing a RaeXRobXRed story. : D.

I may or may not make this a chapter story, because honestly I want to. Say, I was writing a chapter to 'Before it all' but I really wanted to write a chapter for something else at that time I would just go to this story! Which I'm going to name right now instead of waiting and making one up on the spot when I'm posting it. XD. Yes, I do make them up on the spot, except for this time! Which will probably be the only time I do this.



Disclaimer: NOT MINE!!!!!!

Dedication: Vianna. I don't give myself enough credit my friend has told me, so this one is for me. Also for Twilightdancer123, but that's only for this chapter. I'll probably make a story for her later on. Not now though, too much is going on so I'll just give her the chapter. :D

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Time and Time again

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Time and time again she had fallen victim to his charms.

Time and time again she found herself wondering how this had happened.

Time and time again she would wake up and find his smiling next to her, the sheets covering their nakedness.

Time and time again she felt alone which had always led her to all these conclusions.


Life had fucked her over so now she turned it back on it. On the front she was the good girl, all for the good guys, dark and mysterious, alone and content. On the inside she was a bad girl, at least… since he came. She had always been alone but no one ever thought she had not been content with it; she hated it.

Her mind told her that he was the bad guy, don't get involved, a thief and a liar, smug and arrogant. Her heart told her she loved it too much to throw it all away; loved him too much to let it all go.

She smirked,

'If the other titans knew… especially Robin… they would all have a heart attack!'

She wouldn't let them know, it couldn't happen. He pleasured her, made her feel needed, loved, they had gone out, and had fun…

'And fallen in love…' She added mentally. She knew he loved her, she definitely knew she loved him.

Raven Roth: how devious.

Damien De has: How intriguing.

Damien was his real name, but every one else knew him as Red-X: mysterious thief, and dark heartthrob.

"What are you thinking about?" She looked over to see his dark brown hair, almost long, but not shoulder length brushing over his aqua eyes, hiding his almost paled skin, but not quite covering the knowing- yet cocky- smile plastered on his handsome face.

"How wrong this is." She answered, not missing a beat. That had been the answer he had been getting lately, but he knew she wouldn't leave him no matter how much she thought it was wrong.

"Really? Then why are you still here?" He almost laughed, he would have if it wasn't morning in titans tower and if the one and only bird blunder wasn't awake, therefore forcing them to be extremely quite.

"You know why," She answered and he did.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear and nibbled on her lobe, sending kisses down her neck before getting up from her bed; fully exposed.

Raven smiled: Just because she was having a secret relationship with a criminal on the titans most wanted list didn't mean she couldn't have fun. He did a whistled quietly a catcall and he looked at her oddly, smirking before telling her something of a retort.

"Please, Raven, save it for tonight." He chuckled. Raven scowled,

"I told you X, you can't come tonight, the team is getting suspicious and is going to surprise me by coming into my room tonight, remember, Robin yells his thoughts and it will be his downfall if he ever wants to keep a secret especially around me." She smirked.

"And I told you; call me Damien." Damien smiled.


"I won't come, but I know you'll miss me." He winked at her, at first it would cause her to blush, but now, after having done this for so long, it would only cause her to wink back and she had now grown to use pet names after she had gained control of her powers about a year ago; she had never told the titans that.

"I know I'll miss you, Babe, but will you miss me?" She purred in his ear, this being the reason he had pulled her closer.

"You know I will sunshine…" He whispered back to her. By now he was fully dressed as Red-X. Just before he left they both said the quote they had always said just before he left after they had first confessed their love to each other.

"It's more than you think…" He began.

"It's more than just sex," She recited.

"It's more than you'd know,"

"It's love." They both said at the same time before he leapt out the window. The quote had always helped them appreciate each other, or more of assured that they'd be thinking of each other if something had happened. To assure that they would be loyal to each other no matter whom came into the picture, no matter what.

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Robin sat at the table, the paper he had once apon a time held gingerly in his hands reading the head lines and articles that had peaked his interest was nearly torn at the edges from the way he had been griping the piece of informational material.

'She's been up to something… I know it!' He growled in his head, for the last year he had been having suspicions that Raven had been doing something every single night. What pained him the most about it was the fact that she did not trust him enough to tell him what she was doing, they were the best of friends- even if he always did want more than that- and she still said nothing, and acted as if everything was normal.

His first suspicion had occurred a year earlier when he had heard her shush and whisper something inside her room. He had shrugged it off but than things had begun to get weirder. A month and a half later he asked her if he could come in late at night for some advice, but she had refused despite how desperate she knew he was.

The next was when she had begun calling people by pet names. Than when she began to leave in the middle of movie nights- even if it had been her favourite movie with her favourite snacks.

Robin had tried everything to get her to come and join him in something at night, and get her away from whatever she was doing in there every night with-

Robin stopped himself. He didn't know if she was in there with someone. His mind scanned the dirty deeds she could be doing with some unknown man, and jealousy crept over him.


How could he be jealous? He was supposed to like Starfire! If anything he should only be worried for his friend.


Was that all she would ever be? - To him at least. His heart told him that she was not with anyone else, but the facts said otherwise.

Double fuck.

She was with someone else.

NO! She couldn't be, he loved her, needed her, why would she go with some other man?! Why would she keep it a secret?! Oh well, he would find out tonight when he confronted her that night.

Raven walked into the kitchen, a smile on her now usually happy face, for a little over a year she had been like this; though he had only noticed she was up to something a year ago. It could have been going on longer than he had noticed.

'Or she's just happy…' his mind told him. Wait- triple fuck- she was in the room and –if she wanted to- could hear what he was thinking. What did Robin do?

Stop thinking.

"Hey Raven." He smiled brightly at her,

"Hey chuckles." She giggled, a pet name.

Oh yeah, and she had started giggling.

"What's up?" She almost glared at him for a second before putting on a face of contentment. Had she thought he had accused her for a moment?

"Nuthin, how about you?" She smirked, turning her dark self back on, as she and he both knew that the others would be coming down soon, she always needed time to herself in the mornings so she could regain herself from her night before, he wanted to be the one to make her happy in the morning, not that man-

'Stop! There is no one else!' He cried in his mind.

"Whom are you talking to? Or more of, who are you talking about?" Raven questioned, he glanced over to her, danm she had read his mind.

"Don't read my mind," he growled. Raven stepped back a bit and put on a smirk.

"Oh, did I just hit a nerve, bird blunder?" She smirked, he had seen that grin somewhere before.

"I'll be in my room," He told her flatly, grabbing a muffin and leaving. Cyborg came in a little after that,

"Yo, have you seen Robin?" Her friend asked her,

"Yes, he's a little testy today, something's up with him." She replied, without looking at him. Cyborg walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder,

"You know you can tell me anything, don't you Rae?" He told her, Raven looked at him oddly,

"Sorry, Cy, but little sisters don't always tell their big brothers everything," She smiled at him, he looked lightly saddened by this.

"But, I'm your friend too," He told her,

"Something's friends shouldn't know, especially if it might hurt them, so this one's all on me." She winked at him and sipped calmly from her tea.

"What are you doing at night, I've noticed for a while you've been leaving in the middle of something, every night." He asked her, she was taken back; she hadn't expected to be asked so outwardly.

"If you must know I'm reading the entire collections of my 50 most favourite poets, Okay?" Raven lied, and she was rather good at it, though it sent a twang of guilt through her she knew she had to lie to him. He sighed with relief,

"Thank God, Raven, we all thought that you had been having an affair with some guy, that's such a worry off my back, bye." She noticed he had been so relieved that he hadn't even bothered to ask why she had been reading the entire collections of her 50 most favourite poets. Still, at least she had lead them away from the truth, but Robin will still be looking in on her tonight, maybe she should just ask Damien to come in later instead, because she knew that Robin would be following her when she left that night. She sighed, what a mess, what a wonderful, wonderful mess.

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Red-X jumped from building to building; he missed Raven. It was now about the time Raven would be leaving to see him, but this time, he wouldn't be there to greet her with kisses and by stripping her down to nothing but the sheets he would have thrown her on as she did the same to him.

Perhaps this time he would just come a half an hour later, Robin and his band of merry eagle eyes would be done by then and he would be able to have his fun with Raven, but what should he do until then?

He looked down on the streets below and sat by a billboard that disguised him from view.

"Nothing to do, boredom is bad, boredom is what makes Damien sad." He laughed at his little poem, which was short lived as he noticed a mugging in progress by two obviously inexperienced and rather unhealthy looking men. One was short and fat and the other was tall and dangerously thin, both looked in need of a good shower and a visit to rehab. They were mugging the classic old lady at the wrong place in the wrong time.

"Easy, this should give me something to do, stop the mugging and drop them off at the police station, that should kill, he looked at how far he was from the police station and the muggers, around 25 minutes, it would usually take him 23 minutes to get the dead weights to the police, but since he liked to do this in style it would take him a little longer. He jumped down to the mugging,

"Alright, I'm going to take you two out in two minutes, It's going to take me 23 minutes to get you two to the police and I shall even take this nice woman their to so she may be safely escorted to her home, any body have anything to say about this?" X asked, almost laughing.

"Yea, my fist does!" The fat one said and flung his clenched hand at our 'hero' who had easily caught it and twisted his wrist before picking up the fat man and throwing him into the skinny one and both were pushed into the wall falling unconscious. The old woman looked at him, her white hair that was usually in a tight bun hanging loose in front of her face,

"Thank you, young man, this is for your trouble." She smiled up at him, holding a 20-dollar bill in her hand. He pushed it back,

"That's nice of you, miss, but I have enough money for myself, if you'd like to come with me so the police could escort you back?" He asked her, she told him her house was just down the street and she would be fine from there and that he already had the two to take and she would only slow him down.

He nodded and took the two to the police station all in the time of 25 minutes, where he made his way to Raven.

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So? Next chapter you'll find out what had happened with Robin and Raven while Damien wasn't there.


