Incest; Noun:
1. To have sexual relations between people who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal or forbidden by custom.
2. The statutory crime of sexual relations with such a near relative.
It'd always been something that had run in the family; well, the family of the thirteen cursed ones and their God all mighty. It'd been passed down through the generations that the blood line was so thick with it, every woman popping out kids was likely to have slept with their cousin, brother, or even father in some sick cases.
Although, they couldn't be to blame, could they? It must be horrid only be able to hug, touch and have intercourse with a person related to them. It was almost like the animalia they shared their souls with didn't matter; it was the fact they couldn't be touched.
Try and imagine growing up and a teenage boy, roughly sixteen or seventeen and you're having all these urges and you're quite popular in your school; girls find you attractive and are willing to sleep with you when you ask for it, but you just can't. Not to mention you're sexual organs are damning you to a life of walking around with unattended genitalia until you grow old enough to not engorge yourself in public like that.
And then you look around a think, "Wait. I have really hot cousins who I can hug as much as I want. What am I standing in the bathroom with my throbbing manhood in my hand for? This is not the life for me!" and realise that the following thought is rather true; most of your cursed relatives are damn sexy and even though practically all of them are clinically insane, obsessive or just plain creepy, it's rather fun to crawl in their pants and get a bit jiggy with them.
So, I hear you asking, how did all these Sohma's get so weird in the head? With bipolar, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive apology disorder and all the various other mental 'scars' they seem to have? Well, have you ever heard the old saying that when relatives mate, their children are rather… erm, how shall I put this? 'talented'? 'special'? 'completely off their rockers'?
It's been proven that the big, old, 'I' word of the 60's really does cause certain things to go wrong with your children. What do you expect when you're the mother of your cousin's brother's, uncle's aunt, but your father also? For a normal family, this could be barely possible. But, when you're a Sohma, nothing is impossible!
And so, I leave you with a final thought. Don't look down upon certain Fruits Basket pairings, such as HiroxKisa, HaruxRin and KyoxKagura; it really isn't their fault that the sexual frustration that you and I recieve everyday can only be taken out on someone closely related to you. Even though it is rather gross. In conclusion, this short article SHOULD have proven that incest, yes, that is what I have been talking about for the past five minutes, IS WRONG. Do you want your children to end up like Ritsu? Is that it?
"You wouldn't find incest wrong if you had cousins as hot as mine!"