Hi to you all. This is an EstebanxMaddie story, but even if you don't ship that couple, I think you may like this fic. The idea is from ascii27, and it's amazing. Then I just wrote down the story-line and added a few ideas. I hope you like it, I'll do my best to write the amazing ideas onto paper. The chapters will be around this length – all of them. Just short, cute ones, I hope that's okay.
Disclaimer; I don't own The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.
Chapter One
A Green Card Has Expired
18 year old Maddie Fitzpatrick placed her head in her hands, hanging over the candy counter. Her eyes were barely open, and her skin was pale. She was so tired, she barely had time to sleep these days. School was hectic, and along with work and homework, sleep just wasn't an option.
People always told her to take fewer shifts at the Tipton, but she needed the money to pay for law school, so she had to stay. And she did love her job, and she loved the people here, because they were all so sweet to her. Mr. Moseby might seem a bit mean at times, but she knew he cared about her. And Carey had always been like a mother to her. She took care of her and gave her advices in a way that her real mom had never done.
And then there was London, of course. Even though they had their ups and downs, and fought about most things, she was sure London was her best friend. Because once in awhile, they had a real talk, about real things. London could be pretty deep when she wanted to, but most of the time, she was just a shallow, rich heiress.
And there was Zack and Cody. Those boys were so wonderful. They could always make her laugh, and they cheered her up. Even if they screwed up while she was men-sitting them. She couldn't stay mad at them, either. And then there was Esteban, of course. He always made her laugh too, in his own funny way. When he talked about his country or his pet chicken Dudley.
She woke up, when she heard Zack and Cody storming in, coming home from school or wherever they had been. They stopped by the counter, as always, placing all their money on it, ready to get some candy. "What do you want?"
"You, sweet thang." Zack smirked, leaned against the counter, flipping his hair while shooting her a cute smile.
"Please," Maddie said, resisting rolling her eyes, "I already told you, some of this candy is older than you." she paused and turned to Cody, "What do you want then?"
"A pack of gum." Cody replied, annoyed by his brother with the everlasting crush on a three years older candy girl.
"Here you go," Maddie smiled, handing him a pack of spearmint, since she knew it was his favourite. "So, what's new with you guys?"
"Not much," Zack replied, snapping out of his daze on Maddie, "What about you, you don't have school do you?"
"I only go from time to time," Maddie said, resting her head in her hands again, "We're graduating soon, so we have time off to study. I just work too, but I have my books with me. I never realized how boring it is here on a regular Wednesday morning."
"Well, you don't have to go to school!" Zack laughed.
"I like school," Maddie scoffed, "School is what will get me into law school."
Cody opted to break the silence, "At least you're around to see what everybody is up to!"
"Yeah, actually…" Maddie said, "I've been noticing a few weird things lately. Have you guys talked to Esteban? He's acting strange…"
"He always acts strange." Zack simply said.
Maddie narrowed her eyes in on him, "No he doesn't…" she paused, "Okay, maybe he does, but really… It's more than usual."
"Maybe…" Cody said, turning to look, just as Esteban made his way across the lobby. His steps weren't happy and bouncing like always, they were slow and sad. So unlike Esteban-ish.
"See what I mean?" Maddie questioned, as he was out of sight, "I hate to see him that way, I wish there was something we could do. And I don't even know what's wrong."
"Maybe we should ask him?" Zack tried, biting his lip slightly. It was weird seeing Esteban that way, because he was always so cheery.
"You could try." Maddie said, shrugging her shoulders, "Or should I try?"
"You." Cody and Zack quickly agreed, running around the counter, where they pushed her out, smiling their charming smiles, "We'll watch the counter for you!"
Maddie scoffed, and narrowed her eyes in on them, before making her way across the lobby and into the staff's lounge. She suspected that that was where Esteban had gone. Maybe they could get a bit of privacy in there. She really was worried about him. He was acting weird around everybody, and she missed his usual self.
He was sitting in the yellow couch, staring oddly into space. She paused in the door, crossing her arms slightly. She studied him, as he sat there. He looked so sad, it was breaking her heart. She almost found herself in tears, watching his sad expression. That was it. She was going to figure out what was up!
"Esteban?" she questioned, slowly stepping closer to the couch, her voice soft.
He turned to look at her, surprise in his brown eyes, but the surprise didn't beat the sadness. It was still very clear. His voice was soft and sad too, as he spoke up, "Ms. Maddie?" he said, trying to shoot her a smile, "What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be on your shift?"
"Zack and Cody are watching the counter for me." Maddie replied, sitting down next to him, a little insecure, "I… You've been acting different, Esteban. And I'm worried about you. Is it something you want to talk about? I'm here for you, y'know?"
"Do no worry about me, ms. Maddie." Esteban said, "It is nothing to think about. I will work it out on my own."
"But you're sad." Maddie said, arching her eyebrow, "I can't stand to see you sad. Tell me Esteban, maybe I can help? You never know."
"It is the INS." Esteban quickly said, lowering his eyes to the couch, before looking up at Maddie again, "They want to have me deported."
"The INS?" Maddie questioned, biting her lip, "The Immigration and Naturalization Service?"
"Why would they want you deported?" Maddie said, reaching out to take his hand. She couldn't quite comprehend that thought. Did Esteban have to leave just because they said so? That was unfair. He was such a good citizen. He worked hard everyday. More than Maddie's own parents, and they were born here. Esteban didn't deserve to be thrown out of the country.
"My Green Card has expired." Esteban replied, looking at their hands, which were now linked together, Maddie's hand softly stroking the back of his hand, "There is nothing I can do. They want me out by the first next month."
"But that's in 9 days!" Maddie objected, her eyes getting wide. No, no. Esteban couldn't leave. He meant too much to her. What was she gonna do without him? There had got to be a way to stop this.
"I know," Esteban said, "I was going to tell Mr. Moseby tonight. But I do not know what I am going to do. I have my life here. I cannot just go back to my village. What about Dudley?"
"Oh my God…" Maddie whispered, tears spilling out of her eyes, leaving a trace of black on her cheeks. And she felt sorry for herself, having to work to get money for college. Sure, her life wasn't like London's, and she didn't live in a huge suite. But at least she lived in this country and had a family. Esteban was about to lose everything he knew and loved.
"I am sorry, ms. Maddie," Esteban sadly replied, "But I am going to leave soon. I am gonna miss you all. Zack and Cody. And ms. London. Even Mr. Moseby's yelling. I am going to miss you too. You mean a lot to me."
"You can't leave Esteban!" Maddie exclaimed, "You just can't!"
"I am deeply sorry, ms. Maddie."
"Listen…" she said, pulling the older bellboy in for a deep hug, resting her head on his shoulder, "We're going to work this out, Esteban. Let's call in a meeting with Moseby and Carey! They'll know what to do! They always do! They're the grownups, they have to…" she was getting a bit hysterical, as tears streamed down her cheeks once again. She couldn't let him leave like that, she just couldn't. He meant too much to her.
"Do you really think they can help me?" Esteban said.
Maddie pulled back and looked him deep in the eye, slightly shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know…" she told him, letting out a deep sigh, "But we won't know, unless we try."
"I don't know what to say." Cary mumbled, looking helplessly at Maddie and Esteban, who was sitting in the couch in the lobby, watching the older woman, "I don't know.. What did you expect me to do, Maddie? We can't keep Esteban here without a Green Card."
"I just thought you might have an idea…" Maddie mumbled, leaning back in the couch, "We can't just let Esteban go, y'know?!"
"I won't let that happen!" Zack agreed, crossing his arms firmly. He liked Esteban. The bellboy always played video games with him when he had the chance, but mostly, he wanted to see Maddie happy, and if Esteban staying in the country meant that, he would make sure it happened.
"Yeah, 'cause a 15 years old boy can rule the world." Cody sarcastically replied, though the situation wasn't funny at all. He wanted the bellhop to stay as much as the others did, but he didn't see any way to let that happen. He didn't want to do something illegal.
"I can get my daddy to buy them!" London confirmed, a huge smile covering her face, "If daddy owns them, he won't deport Esteban."
"Your father can't 'buy' The Immigration and Naturalization Service." Maddie said, crossing her arms firmly.
"My daddy can do everything." London said, opening her cell phone to call her father, "I'm gonna call him right now."
"Well, good luck with that…" Mr. Moseby replied, shooting London a weird look. As much as he cared for her, he admitted she was crazy, "And as much as I want Esteban to stay here, there just doesn't seem to be a way."
"Ay, yay, ay, ay…" Esteban mumbled, looking sadly at Maddie, who was staring at Mr. Moseby.
"There has to be a way!" Maddie said, standing up, "There has to be a way for a person to stay in the county even though their card is expired. There has to be a way! What if he has a child? A job.. there has to be exceptions!"
Carey paused, as an idea suddenly hit her. Maybe there was a way… "You know what, Maddie…" she said, looking at the blonde girl, "There is a way, but Esteban can't use that to anything."
"What is it?" Maddie asked, her hope getting higher, though she just told her that Esteban couldn't use it.
"If he's married." Carey said, "If he had a wife. An American citizen. If he was married to a normal American girl, he could stay. But he isn't. You don't even have a girlfriend, Esteban, do you?"
"No," Esteban replied, sinking into the couch. All hope was gone now. Just as Carey got an idea, he had to let it slide, because no sensible woman would go out with him. No one had ever dared to. Maybe someone would when he got back, because there everybody was like him. But he liked it here. He liked the people here. And there was one American girl he liked more than others.
"Then we can't help you." Carey said, throwing her arms in the air, "If you had a girlfriend, she could have married you before the first. But it's impossible to find a girl who would marry you without knowing you."
"But someone will!" Maddie said, "Esteban is a sweet guy! Maybe someone will like him enough to marry him… or maybe someone will do it just to help him out."
"Yeah, let's face it," Zack replied, "The only way for Esteban to stay here is to marry a girl."
"But who?" Cody asked.
"It's impossible to find a girl in nine days." Mr. Moseby added.
Just then London closed her phone, after not getting through to her father. She looked at them, and let out the first thought that came to her head, "Why don't Maddie just marry him?"
So yeah. Please tell me your thoughts?