Serena felt her grasp on her crystal falter
Serena felt her grasp on her crystal falter. "Beryl…" The sound barely escaped from her mouth as the crystal fell to the floor. She felt each member of her court bound from her knelt position in order to save the gem. Serena's arms dropped while her legs crumbled from under her.
How could that witch have descended from planetary power? How could that woman who caused this entire turmoil share the same metaphysical force that the Sailor Scouts had raised?
She felt cold inside.
She heard her mother's voice echo along the marble walls as she fainted into oblivion.
Darien tossed the cool liquor down his throat before slamming the glass onto the wooden table. He sat surrounded by his enemies, but as the alcohol worked its way into his system, he realized at this moment he did not care.
Zoi's glass rang as it joined his on the table. Malachite shook his head as Jadeite's and Nephrite's glasses followed suit.
"You all are going to regret this night of pleasure in the morning at practice. The princess is approaching her 18th birthday- soon I will know which of you pathetic goon's I will have to offer my life to guard. Could you please pretend to be worthy of such a sacrifice?"
Darien knew instantly how much time had passed since his moment in the woods. He was 18 and all rights of the Terrean throne should have officially crowned him crowned as heir. But his mother was playing a dangerous game. Soon all his years of hard work will be tested to prove what know other planetary royal had ever been asked: was he powerful enough to reign?
His mother on seldom occasions had allowed him to see the golden crystal that she protected. From its light, she held the power of the Silver Millennium kingdom in her hand. Most of the other queens thought that Terra was weak and lost the power that her name bestowed. As his mother watched his face shine as the crystal recognized his blood, she told him that the farce allowed them to live in peace. At a moment's notice the energy of the golden crystal could be redirected from the Moon and be brought inward back to Earth. Their kingdom would survive while the high ruler would fall.
"The princess gains more beauty every day. I cannot wait to join her in the marriage bed." Zoi laughed as he poured more liquor into their glasses.
"I am aware of the distilled royal blood in your veins, Zoicite, but you should not take for granted that you will have the pleasure possessing the future Queen. You can barely stay astride your horse, much less a woman." Nephrite laughed as he took a swig from his cup.
Jadeite joined in the drunken laughter. "I think you take more time to get ready for the day than the princess does and she needs to be bundled into her petticoats! She needs a real man instead of a pretty boy."
Darien closed his eyes, trying to find himself. Why did he never know that these men were once his friends? He could remember many moments like these, where they would gather together and laugh at each other. He had not lost more than his memory of his family, but had lost his friends. What had happened to cause such an instance?
He looked at each man and drew his image in. Even though he saw how dark they had become, this time around he did not want to loose their memory.
Serena opened her eyes and found herself to be in an oasis. The crystal! She remembered dropping it and fell to her knees. The ground was damp, as if she was standing on water itself. Her hands dug into the bright blue dirt.
"Your Highness! Are you alright?"
A pair of pale hand found hers in the soil. Serena looked up and found herself staring into those knowingly eyes.
Her friend clutched onto her hand as she helped her up from the puddle. The Mercurian princess gave her a skeptical look. "Yes, that is what my mother calls me…" Her voice murmured.
"We must continue our lesson. Our time is short here and you have lots to learn." She helped boost Serena into the cart. The soft blue stone that sparkled like the water below them. The blue haired princess began, "As you know, Hermes is composed of water plains. It takes the best minds from the school of Athens to maintain our soil content. If it were not for my mother's sapphire crystal, all our architecture would sink to the frothy bottom…"
For the briefest of moments Serena thought her friend recognized her as the high school girl and not the moon princess. But as Serena was dragged along her tour of the Mercurian capitol city Hermes, she knew the belief was unfounded. She learned more about water than she ever though possible. At leas some things did not change. Amy in her past life could give a good lecture!
She stared from the water horse drawn carriage and tuned out her friends words. The buildings appeared to be floating in the water canals. She had no idea of why she was sitting here calmly while her life was a mess. She felt older than she had in the throne room. Just by looking down her frilly dress (which Mercury tried not to scold her for getting soaked in the blue soil) she could tell her body was more her own just by the size of her bust line. The very fact that she had a bust line let her believe that she was almost 14.
Serena tried to listen. Mercury used to be a beautiful planet. Devoted to the arts and knowledge, all the best inventions found themselves created on these shores. The princess shone with knowledge and love for all things learning. Serena caught a mental image of Amy sitting in the plush armchair in the crystal palace's library. Even though her books surrounded her, Serena could see the sadness in her eyes.
"You miss it here when we are on the Moon."
Mercury drew back on the sea horse bridle and stopped her lecture on Mercurian architecture. "… How could I ever when I have my duty to you?"
Serena felt her eyes fade as she could see the image more clearly. "You long to be home. You wished that you were a scholar instead of a warrior. Your battle field should be with pen and ink and not sword and blood…" Serena had another image come to her mind, but she could not focus. "You long for someone… someone to understand why you enjoy spending the day learning about the rotational pull of the sun or why you study ancient myths. You look at the Moon people and do not find your soul mate. You cannot look on this planet because then you would be forced to honor your duty to me and leave him behind…"
Amy's eyes were filled with tears. "Your highness… We can leave this planet now."
Serena nodded, she understood perfectly now. "I learned all I could from this planet. I gained the first power of the imperial crystal… I can read ones intentions."
She looked down in her blue dyed fist and opened her palm. Her crystal appeared like it had always been there and sparkled blue. She was on her grand tour of the inner solar system. She spent the four years after her tenth birthday training on the protocol to reign as high queen. Now she was spending the next few years touring her kingdom while learning the trades and values of each planetary people. Her guardians were her guides to their planetary. The ultimate goal of each planet excursion was to learn the skills needed to be fair and just. She had passed her first test by witnessing the Princess of Mercury's desire to be free of her.
She let the crystals light shine over both of them.
Amy let a few tears fall, "I am sorry princess."
Serena concentrated on her gem. "Don't worry. One day, you won't remember this."
Even though now Serena felt she could never forget or wonder if Amy still felt the same way.
AN: I know.. long delay!! I am sorry!! I am done with college (forever) and now find myself with more free time!! I will complete this story!
Please review if you think I should bother!
All my best,
Vestal Hestia