Hey guys! Just wanted to get on and fill you in. I've got some good news and bad news.

Good news-

I'm sorting my issues out, so that means I'm getting back into the writing swing.

Bad news-

I re-read my story and decided i hated the plot. It's so dark and badly-written. so I'm discontinuing it. I'll leave it up in case someone decides that they want to read it when they're really really bored, but i will most likely not update again. I'm sorry for anyone I've let down by doing so, but I have some more good news.

Good news-

I've been writing a new story and i like it better. The plot is brighter and, for the most part, better written. I should be posting it within the next week or two, so be on the lookout for an update if I'm on ur fav. authors. I just have to sort out a few things, and send it to my editor for... well... editing :D.

Herer's an unedited excerpt-

"Lily, are you going to leave us again?" a sweet child's voice asked sadly.

A sixteen year-old loped gracefully over, scooped up the small seven-year-old girl, and sat the girl on her knee as the child's twin sister stood next to them, looking up intently at the redheaded young woman.

Lily Evans, a muggle-born witch, had been informed five years previously that she had magical powers. Ever since, she had attended a special school, Hogwarts. She had, of course, been told of her abilities nearly a year prior to receiving her letter by a boy who became one of her best friends. However, at first she hadn't believed him.

That year, her next door neighbor gave birth to two beautiful twin girls, Sheila and Delilah Hopkins. Their mother, who had watched Lily for Mrs. Evans when she was little, employed Lily to baby-sit the twins while she and her husband were at work. Every summer, when Lily would return from Hogwarts, although everyone believed her to be off at a prestigious boarding school which was partially true, she would baby- sit the girls.

The Hopkins were the only ones in the neighborhood that approved of Lily besides her parents and the boy, Severus Snape. They all believed she was much too odd to be accepted in normal society, even though they didn't know her secret. Even her own sister, who used to be her best friend, despised her, but for other reasons besides the obvious.

Lily looked down at the two and chuckled. They were so alike, but so different. Both had cute curly blonde hair, pale skin, and striking blue eyes. They were the same height and shared features like their mother's button nose and their father's large feet. But Sheila was loud and obedient while Delilah was quiet and mischievous.

Sighing, Lily replied, "Yes, Sheila. The day after tomorrow, I shall be heading off to boarding school again," The girls looked downtrodden, "But don't worry. I'll come back soon for Christmas. I always do, don't I?" The twins seemed to brighten at this.

"I'm going to miss you!" Sheila cried.

"You'll write to us, won't you?" the other insisted.

"Of course I will!" the redhead promised, knowing she would have to send them via her mother. It had been the process for the past two years, since the girls had learned to read.

"Hooray! Your school sounds so fun!" Sheila exclaimed.

"I hope we can go there someday," the other added dreamily.

Lily laughed, but had a wary expression on her face, and her voice was reserved when she responded, "Perhaps one day," Although she knew that day would most likely never come unless a miracle happened.

So? what do you think? It gets better as it goes, trust me. I don't really like this part, but i also fail at beginnings so... Well the rest of the chapter will be up in a week or two. I don't have a title yet, but i promise i will!

lol until then! Hasta luego!