Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I havent updated in like ages, I have been so busy and well I feel horrible! Well here's a chapter just to get me started again! Please have faith in me and REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill

The Bartender:

I got this crazy feelin' deep insideWhen you called and asked to see me tomorrow nightI'm not a mind reader, but I'm readin' the signs


"Hey," Nathan said walking towards the baggage claim, "I'm glad you came, we need you."

"I'm glad, I missed you so much, I think we made a huge mistake breaking up." Haley said as she hugged Nathan for the first time in a two years.

"Haley, that's not why I called you." Nathan said pushing her back gently. He picked up her bags and started to walk towards the exit. Haley followed him closely.

"Well, wait, why did you call me then?"

"Lucas is having some issues, and he needs his best friend to help set him straight." Nathan said as he got into his black Range Rover.

"You're his best friend now, he does not need me, he made that clear a while ago." Haley said as she sat down in the passenger seat.


Haley felt tears leaking out of her eyes as she sat on the river court. Lucas was there also, only a couple feet away. She wiped her tears away and moved closer to him. He put his arm around her and held her tightly.

"Listen, Hales, I know it was a mistake, but you can't make mistakes like that." Lucas said firmly.

"But, Lucas, I was drunk and he was…" Haley said being abruptly cut off by Lucas.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? You were drunk and he was what? Hot, nice, or what? No matter what you cheated on my brother with Chris Keller. That's just wrong, I've been cheated on by Brooke and Chris, it hurts." Lucas said standing up and wiping the dust from his jeans.

"Lucas, you don't understand, I was lonely and me and Nate were fighting. You know that Chris and I have chemistry." Haley said

"Yeah, you guys might have been fighting but that is why Nathan was coming to visit you, but lucky him he got to find you in bed with Keller himself." Lucas continued but pulled Haley into a hug, "I know you made a mistake but mistakes like that are unforgettable."


"Wait, I need to say this. Haley, I love you more than anything, but I can't be friends with you if you have changed like this, and you have changed, drastically, might I add." Lucas gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked off.

Flashback Ends

"It doesn't matter, he will be happy to see you." Nathan replied pulling up into the hotel parking lot. He got out and grabbed her bags. "You can stay in my room, my agency is paying for it."

"Congratulations on that, by the way. Are you going to be staying there too?"

"With you, hell no, but I will check up on you sometime." Nathan said and then continued, "Just talk to Lucas."

"Okay, but Nathan," Haley gave him a huge before continuing, "I am sorry, and I do love you."

"Whatever, Hales. It's a little late." Nathan said before driving away from the hotel. He arrived on 5th avenue and parked outside of her penthouse. He said hello to the doorman and walked on up. He rang the doorbell, but no one answered. He knocked. Again. And again. She said she was going to be here. He checked his watch, a brand new Cartier, and saw he was over an hour and half late. Traffic had been crazy, but that was no excuse. He got in his car and drove over to her new store that had just opened. He got out of the car and walked in.

"Is Brooke here?" He asked the receptionist.

"She just left with Rachel."

"Where were they going?" Nathan asked

"I can't give out that kind of information."

"Do you know who I am? I can give you season tickets to the Charlotte Bobcats, or whatever you need, just tell me where they went." Nathan demanded

"Oh, why didn't you just say you were Nathan, she left a message for you. Rachel and Brooke went to the VIP section at the Viper Room."

"Thanks," Nathan said running out and getting in the car. He figured Brooke must not be mad considering she left him a message. He got stuck in traffic but arrived at the club a half hour later. He walked up to the bouncer and flashed his pearly white smile. He was let into the VIP section and saw Brooke and Rachel talking to a young man in his twenties. Nathan immediately felt a pang of jealousy.

"So, are you in town for a while then?" Brooke asked the man

"For a couple of months."

"Am I interrupting anything?" Nathan asked as he came up behind Brooke and Rachel.

"No, this is Alex, he's here on business. Alex this is.." Brooke said getting cut off.

"Nathan Scott, I know, I'm such a huge fan of yours." Alex gushed

"Thanks, so, Brooke, I'm sorry I was late, but Haley is in town and I had to bring her to Lucas." Nathan apologized.

"Wait, Tutor-Whore is in town, this just got interesting." Rachel laughed. "It's gonna be senior year all over again."

"Rachel," Brooke growled, "it's okay, Natie. Well, I want to dance, who's coming with?"

"I do!" Rachel exclaimed, as she grabbed Brooke's hand and sauntered off towards the dance floor.

"They would do this." Nathan smirked, "Watch, it gets real hot."

An hour later the girls returned to find a heated discussion between Nathan and Alex. They watched as the two boys argued basketball strategies.

"Boys, have we missed anything?" Brooke asked

"No, we were just going to stop." Alex said gloomily.

Brooke rested her hand on the back of Nathan's chair and whispered into his ear. "Do you want to leave?"

"Of course." Nathan stood up and left without another word with Brooke.

The last time I freaked outI just kept lookin' downI st-st-stuttered when you Asked me what I'm thinkin 'boutFelt like I couldn't breatheYou asked what's wrong with meMy best friend Leslie said, "Oh she's just being Miley"The next time we hang outI will redeem myselfMy heart, it can rest 'till thenOh woah woah I, I can't wait to see you again

Sorry again guys, please review though! I will update sooner promise!