TITLE: Cursed Twins

AUTHOR: InuYoukaiAki

DISCLAIMER: I do not own InuYasha and Co.

SUMMARY: They were twins destined to live apart. One is given the responsibility of protecting a powerful jewel while the other was thrown into an era that was long after she was born. When the assigned protector died, the younger twin is pulled back into the world she was cast away from to fulfill the duty her sister left behind. Will she suffer the same tragic fate as her twin? Or will she find the happiness that was denied her sister?


Author's Note: Okei... I'm really happy with the response I got from my first fic. Thank you to all those who supported. I love you guys! I hope you support this one, too.


PROLOGUE: The Prophecy

The day of the eclipse arrived. InuTaisho waited patiently outside the hut of the village miko, carefully hidden on the Goshinbuku tree. It is time for him to fulfill the duty that has long been assigned to him. His ears twitched as he heard the cry of the first infant. He looked up at the sun that is now half-hidden by the moon. He readied himself to jump down and do what he must.

The great taiyoukai of the west watched as the sun was completely covered by the moon. At that very same instant he heard the cry of the second infant. He sprung forward and took the infant from the village miko. He quickly wrapped the child with his discarded kimono and stood at the doorway of the hut. He stood against the returning light of the sun and saw the shocked faces of the occupants of the room as they looked at the most powerful demon cradling the little human infant carefully. Nobody moved because they fear the taiyoukai standing before them.

InuTaisho closed his eyes and remembered the words spoken by his beautiful mate.

"Twins cursed by the Fates to be separated from birth. They shall live in different eras, never to grow up together. Only one is to remain as the protector of the jewel while the other is to remain in a time that is long after she was born. The younger twin must be thrown in the Bone Eater's well. Remember my words and do as I say. The twins will be born when darkness reigns the land, when the moon overpowers the sun. And on this day, the ruler of the Palace of the Moon will fulfill the prophecy. The Fates have decided and all must obey..." he repeated the words his mate had spoken to him to the parents of the little child in his arms.

Golden eyes fixed on the man that began to step forward. He extended his claws and bared his fangs to discourage any attempt to stop him from doing his obligation.

The man bowed respectfully. "Please, InuTaisho-sama," he pleaded. "I would just want to hold my daughter, just this one time." When InuTaisho nodded, the man took the small bundle in his arms and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. With tears in his eyes, he handed his daughter back to the mighty taiyoukai who looked at him with quiet intensity. "Name her Kagome," he said before stepping back.

"Kagome," InuTaisho repeated the name and took off to the direction of the well.

The scent of enchantment was very strong in this area. InuTaisho stopped a few feet from the well. He looked at the little child smiling innocently up at him. Such a lovely girl with the most unusual eye-color. It was as blue as the sky on a clear day. He gently kissed the child's right temple in order to fulfill the other part of the prophecy that he had decided to omit. He looked at the nape of the child's neck and was satisfied with the very faint silver crescent moon that is unnoticeable to the human eye.

"You will come back one day, little one," he whispered to the child who cooed up at him. "And when you do, you will change the fate of the Palace of the Moon."

The inuyoukai moved to the lip of the well and dropped the child. "Until next time, Kagome," he said fondly to the child. He watched as the blue light enveloped the child.

The demon lord of the west then turned to go back to his lands. He was too distracted by the events that took place that he didn't notice the pair of eyes that watched his every move from the shadows of the trees.


On the other side of the well a young woman was sweeping the fallen leaves of the Goshinbuku tree. She had felt the power coming from the well that she decided to investigate. She saw the blue light coming from the bottom of the well before she heard the soft cries of a little infant.

She curiously leaned down and saw the baby wrapped in a bundle. Without another thought, the woman went down and retrieved the baby. It was while at the bottom that she heard a faint whisper. "Until next time, Kagome," the voice said. She looked around her but found no one. As she looked at the baby, she couldn't help but smile. She was such a little darling. "Are you, Kagome?" she asked the child who squeeled happily. "It's Kagome then."

She went out and hurried inside the house, deciding to keep the little girl. If she belonged to an ordinary family she would have not believed what she saw. But she grew up in a shrine with a family of monks and mikos. What she saw was nothing out of the ordinary for her. A lot of weird things have happened in her family. And the baby appearing magically in the well is a blessing.

end chapter

Author's Note: That's the first chapter. What do you think?