The Will To Try And Fight

Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope everyone is still reading and loving Troy X Ryan as much as I do. It's been quite some time since I posted the last chapter of The Breaking Point and I received so many great reviews that I just had to do another one. I hope you guys like this. Once again, I'll fill this with everything every Tryan fan loves to read lol I hope you all like it and PLEASE, review! It means everything to me.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything!

Right when Ryan Evans was getting used to the daily routine of waking up, taking a shower, eating and going to school, finally realizing that the summer was over and it was time to get serious again, he found out he was already failing Calculus. And, on top of that, if he had some company, it would be better. By company, Ryan Evans meant Sharpay Evans. Twin sister, a lot like him but also not at all like him.

But no, there wasn't any company. Sharpay understood Math. It was plain simple for her.

Ryan reluctantly looked at his grade on the recently received results of the last Math test.


"Shit. How did I get a D?" Ryan said, as if the paper and him were in a conversation.

"Ryan, that's not good." Said Sharpay, being as annoying as she could be when she tried to pretend she was telling something new when it was quite obvious he already knew it.

"I…I don't know what I can do. It doesn't matter if I study for hours and hours, it won't help. And you know that." Ryan answered, looking at his sister, pleading for a way out.

"Why don't you go to the Tutor Center and see if anyone can help you with this?" said Sharpay, almost in a whisper so the teacher wouldn't realize they were in deep conversation. "You've always studied all by yourself, no wonder it didn't help. You know, Math is the one with the numbers. Are you sure you were reading about numbers and multiplying stuff while studying or instead where you reading the Biology book again?"

Ryan shot her a warning look. Sharpay got the message.

"Just kidding."

"But yeah, I might do that." Said Ryan. "Who tutors Calculus?"

"Why would I know something like this? I've never had to go to the Tutor Center. I'm smart."

"As a door." Ryan sighed.

Ryan waited until after school, and, not at all excited, went to the Tutor Center. As much as he hated to admit it, that would probably help him, since studying alone never really resulted in a positive grade. As he walked through the corridors, he almost asked himself why he hadn't done that before. The idea hadn't even crossed his mind until Sharpay had said it.

When he got there, a surprise came along with it.

"Hey, Ryan!" Perfect hair, perfect clothes and a perfect smile drinking a glass of water suddenly appeared. What the hell was he doing there?

"Hi, Troy." Answered Ryan.

Ryan and Troy had never been friends. They had talked only a few times before but they acknowledged each other's presence and usually smiled to each other when they crossed paths. Ryan wished it was more than that, but life's not easy. He didn't have the will to try and make conversation, try to get to know Troy better, because it wouldn't lead anywhere. Obviously, Ryan had a crush on Troy. And he knew that.

"May I ask why you're here?" Ryan carefully said each word so they would sound beautiful. But it might have sounded too polite.

"I tutor." Troy answered, with a smile. "I thought you knew that."

"Hum…no, I didn't! What exactly do you…"

"Calculus. It's my favorite subject."

Ryan could not only feel the butterflies in his stomach but he could almost smell and taste them.

"I…kind of…need, hum, a tutor for that. Yeah." Said Ryan, not at all as polite as his first sentence, now stumbling between words.

"Great! Would you like me to tutor you? Math this year is kind of easy, you know. You'll get it quick."

"I'd loke that." Oh crap.

"Loke?" asked Troy, confused.

"I…kind of meant to say love but started to say like. I'm sorry." Ryan covered his face with his palm in embarassment. 'So stupid' he thought to himself. It got better when he heard Troy laugh out loud.

"I'm going to add "loke" to my daily vocabulary!"

"All rights reserved to me, but you can use it whenever you want." Ryan said, grinning. They laughed again.

"Actually, I don't have anything to do today. Want to start now?"

"Yeah, sure." answered Ryan.

They sat on a table, books open and pencils ready to write, one in front of the other.

It dragged for some time and Ryan couldn't understand anything. Slowly, things started to become easier.

"Cross, multiply, get the value of x. It's not hard, see?" Troy taught him everything, step by step, carefully. Ryan couldn't pay all the attention he wanted. He knew he was failing and had to improve, but the way Troy's lips moved as he carefully explained everything throughout the question, staring and locking eyes everytime he demanded an answer were breathtaking.

Ryan ended up breaking his pencil in half.

"Wow, strong hand." Troy said.

Ryan couldn't help but notice the double meaning of that sentence. "Shit, he didn't mean it that way, idiot. Concentrate! You just broke your stupid pencil." He thought to himself.

"Here, I have another one." Troy gave Ryan another pencil and as he did so, their hands slowly touched each other. Ryan took the pencil from Troy's hands, intertwining fingers. If the fact that Ryan blushed so hard he was probably looking all pink wasn't obvious, he didn't know what would be.

Troy, however, didn't seem to notice, and just kept smiling and looking at him.

"So, question 4."

"Oh, that one's easy, here, let me explain it to you." Troy got up from his seat and, much to Ryan's surprise, sat by his side.

First their hands had touched and now their legs, arms and shoulders were rubbing. They looked like siamese twins. If anyone was to interrupt their own private touching minute, Ryan would make sure to kill that person later. That could never end. He could listen to Troy's explanations forever and he'd never get tired of it.

They eventually realized they had a lot in common. They stopped a few times to talk about life and school and they always made each other laugh with a smart comment. Time went by rather quickly, so when Ryan noticed it was already six pm, it was already starting to get dark.

"Wow, time flew by."

"So, was I a good student, teacher?" Ryan asked, closing his books and laughing.

"You were brilliant." said Troy, grinning. "I wish we knew each other better."

Ryan stopped dead in his tracks. "You do?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to tutor you tomorrow."

He probably didn't look pink now, but actually really similar to a burning tomato. Troy continued talking.

"I'll tell you this. I have basketball practice tomorrow afternoon so I won't be able to tutor you in the afternoon. Would it be okay with you to meet me at my house at, say, seven, tomorrow?" asked Troy as they walked through the empty school. They opened the doors and got out, walking down the steps.

"Sure, I'll be there." Ryan couldn't actually believe he had just been invited to Troy's house. He tried to delete all growing thoughts and questions about what he should do, wear, take or say and focus on their conversation.

"And there's more." Troy said, and if Ryan wasn't mistaken, Troy almost looked like he was being provocative, with a teasing tone to his voice.

Ryan just kept looking and Troy went on. "To every right answer you get tomorrow, I'll give you a prize. That oughta make things interesting. Don't you think?"

"He is being provocative!"A voice echoed in Ryan's head. "Yes, most definitely." Said Ryan.

They said goodbye and parted ways.

As Ryan walked to his house, lines from their previous conversation kept repeating over and over again in his mind.

"…oughta make things interesting."

"…I'll give you a prize."

"…you were brilliant."

"…strong hand."

"Is it fucking seven yet?" Ryan said to himself.

P.S: This is only chapter one, the real thing starts on the next one! PLEASE REVIEW, the more reviews I get, the sooner I'll post chapter two, cause that only makes me more excited to write more and more.