"Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?" Hermione wailed. "Am I not smart enough? I know I'm not pretty, but Mum always said that looks weren't the only thing boys were attracted to. Maybe she was trying to make me feel better…." And she let out another heart wrenching sob and dropped her head in her lap.

Ginny tried to comfort her best friend. "Don't let it get to you Hermione! Dean Thomas isn't worth it. It's his fault that he can't see what an amazing girlfriend you were. You were dating for what? 3 months? It's only your third year! You have plenty of time to find another guy."

Sniffling, Hermione raised her tear-stained face. "D'ya think?"

Ginny smiled, and nodded. She patted Hermione on the shoulder, and said, "You'll see. I have a feeling that all the good guys will be all over you now. Just leave some for me!" She laughed, and walked out of the girls' dormitories.

Hermione stared after her, lost in thought. But all of the 'good guys' are taken! Ron is going with Lavendar, Harry with Cho, Seamus with Parvati. Even Neville has Padma. Who's left for me? But then again, why do I have to limit myself to the so called 'good guys'? I have a bad streak…

At this thought, she started to laugh, unable to believe what she just thought. Me? A 'bad girl'? That's new. But I wonder…