Harry Potter couldn't stop himself from smiling as he finished cleaning up the kitchen. He could hear his two-year-old son, Evan, talking from the next room in a tone that clearly left no room for argument. Ever since his daughter had been born three months ago, Evan had taken it upon himself to tell his sister repeatedly how things worked in the Potter household. Evan's language skills had improved drastically in the past year but he was only two. There were just some words that he couldn't say yet no matter how much he tried.
Much had changed in the past year. Sirius and Jocelyn certainly had their hands full with R.J., Leo and Lily. Leo was another replica of his father except for his eyes while Lily had more of her mother's features but had just enough of her father for everyone to know that she and Leo were twins. Unfortunately for Jocelyn, Leo and Lily's personalities came from Sirius' side of the family. That made the twins quite a force to be reckoned with whenever R.J. attempted to tease them.
R.J. hadn't been as thrilled about the twins as Evan was about his sister at first. Whenever R.J. had visited, Harry had heard all about what R.J. really thought of his siblings. It wasn't anything horrible. R.J. just didn't like how his parents had no time for him anymore and blamed the twins for it. It took some time but eventually Sirius and Jocelyn worked it out. Now, however, R.J. often saw his siblings as partners in crime rather than the enemy.
"—an' Mama an' Dada like sleep," Evan instructed his sister. "No more cryin' a' night 'ri'na. Eban like sleep too. Eban no sleep when 'ri'na sad."
Harry let out a sigh as he put the last clean dish away. Evan's empathy was still a problem at times, especially when it concerned his sister, Arianna. The bonding that Anna had insisted on had helped Evan accept his sister but it had also formed a bond between them that not even Harry could compete with. Arianna absolutely adored her brother and sometimes would only settle down for him which became a challenge whenever such a fit happened while Evan was at day care.
The one thing they knew for certain, though, was that Arianna did not follow in her father's footsteps like Evan did. She wasn't empathic and—from what they could determine at such a young age—a completely normal witch. She had unfortunately inherited the Potter hair curse like Evan, something that made Anna vow to keep Arianna's hair long the moment it grew to a decent length.
"Daddy!" Evan yelled, breaking Harry out of his thoughts. "Daddy! 'ri'na stinky!"
"I'm coming, Evan," Harry said as he folded the towel he had been drying dishes with before walking out of the kitchen and into the sitting room. Evan was sitting beside Arianna who was lying on her back on a large blanket in the middle of the room. Evan grinned at Harry and hurried to his feet while Harry knelt down and picked Arianna up. "Want to help, little one?"
"Eban help!" Evan said excitedly and ran out of the room.
Harry followed at a slower pace. The loud thuds of Evan hurrying up the stairs as fast as he could make it sounded like Hippogriffs in the silence. Shifting his attention to Arianna, Harry could only smile as emerald green met emerald green. Other than the hair, it had been the only feature Arianna had inherited from the Potter side of the family. Everything else was completely Anna. "You're lucky to have a big brother looking out for you like Evan does," Harry said quietly.
Arianna let out a happy squeal as she reached up, attempting to grab Harry's nose. Harry managed to avoid her grasp as he carefully walked up the stairs. Arianna certainly loved to move around. She had been very active from day one, never stopping even in sleep. It was normal for Arianna to move around in her sleep and end up in a completely awkward position by morning.
Entering the nursery, Harry couldn't help laughing at the sight in front of him. Evan had managed to pull out a clean nappy, a package of wipes and several toys to distract Arianna. "Very good, Evan," Harry said as he entered the room and picked up the changing mat that was on the changing table. "It looks like you have everything ready."
Evan hurried to his father's side. "Eban help good?" he asked hopefully.
Harry slowly sank to one knee and kissed Evan on top of his head before putting the changing mat on the floor and Arianna on top of it. "I'm so proud of you, Evan," he said with a smile. "Daddy would be lost without you."
Evan beamed with pride before hurrying over by Arianna's head and dropping to his knees. Harry kept an eye on Evan as he changed Arianna's nappy but it seemed that Evan knew exactly which toy Arianna wanted to play with. It was times like this that Evan's ability was obvious. He was too gentle with Arianna for a two-year-old, never doing anything to make her upset or scared.
"Daddy, 'ri'na go na'nigh' soon?" Evan asked in a loud whisper.
Harry smiled as he finished changing Arianna's nappy and magically banished it. "Yes, Evan," he answered in the fake whisper. "Why do you ask?"
Evan grinned widely before jumping to his feet and running over to the closet. Harry didn't have to ask what he was doing. Bedtime at the Potter household wasn't like other households. There was no struggle in putting children to bed. Arianna was normally put down shortly after dinner and Evan was usually put to bed an hour later…after a bedtime story of Evan's choosing. Lately, Evan's choices had been his grandparents. He loved hearing about Papa Remus, Papa James and Nana Lily.
Picking up on Arianna's impatience, Harry sent a gentle calming wave as he slowly pulled off her shirt just in time for Evan to hurry back with a set of pajamas for her. Together, Harry and Evan dressed Arianna in a pair of pink footed pajamas that would hopefully remain on throughout the night. Evan was certainly a hands-on child. He loved helping and insisted on doing things himself—even if it took him twice as long. Thankfully, he allowed his parents to help when Arianna was involved.
"'ri'na go na'nigh' now," Evan instructed his sister. "'member, sleep good. No cryin'."
Arianna just stared at Evan for a moment before letting out a loud happy squeal. Harry bit back a smile as he picked Arianna up. He knew that Evan was serious about his instructions and wished there was more he could do to help Evan. Arianna was doing better. She was only waking once or twice a night but evidently that was more than enough for Evan. Wards and spells did little to block their connection. It made Harry wonder just how strong was Evan's ability. Harry normally woke at the first warning of Arianna's restlessness. If Evan was picking up on it before him—
"Daddy otay?" Evan asked quietly, interrupting Harry's thoughts.
Harry smiled at his son before standing up and walking over to Arianna's crib. "Daddy's fine, Evan," he said, sending a reassuring wave Evan's way. Evan smiled back, returning the action. Harry shot Evan a wink before lowering Arianna into the crib. "Now, go to sleep, Ari," Harry said as he covered her up and ran a finger down her face. "Sweet dreams."
"Eban say na'nigh' too!" Evan announced as he jumped up and down in an attempt to catch sight of his sister. In one movement, Harry lifted Evan up and held on as Evan reached over to Arianna and patted her on the head. "Na'nigh' 'ri'na," Evan said softly. "Go sleep."
Arianna stared up at Evan for a long moment before Harry put Evan back down. Sending another calming wave over Arianna, Harry quietly ushered Evan out of the room and turned off the lights. As he was closing the door, Harry pulled out his wand and cast a few monitoring spells over the crib and room. It wasn't really necessary since he normally sensed Arianna's needs before the spells went off but it didn't hurt to be cautious. After all, it was hard to predict when an emergency would come up at the hospital.
That was one part of the job that Sirius hated since he was normally the one Harry would call to watch the kids until the crisis was over. It didn't happen often and the hospital was extremely accommodating to the Potter family. Anna often joked that it was simply one of the perks being married to an empath and natural healer. The hospital needed Harry more than he needed them.
As soon as the door closed with a click, Harry quickly turned around grinned mischievously at Evan. Evan let out a giggle before taking off to his own room as fast as he could. Following at a slower pace, Harry had to admit that regardless of the challenges and surprises, he couldn't imagine his life any other way. Anna had the patience of a saint, Evan was a remarkable child, never complaining about an ability that caused so much pain, Arianna was healthy and Sirius finally had the life he always wanted with a wife and children to corrupt—er—raise.
Back in England, Ron and Hermione were married and trying for a child of their own and they weren't the only ones. Bill and Fleur already had two daughters, Victoire and Dominique, Charlie and Tonks had a son, Teddy, and Percy had a daughter, Molly, with rumors of another on the way. There were also rumors that Fred and George were both expecting sons and had promised to name them after each other. So far Mrs. Weasley had been unsuccessful in talking them out of it.
Harry had to admit that he didn't envy Mrs. Weasley at all. She had certainly had her hands full lately, especially with Ginny's wedding only a few weeks ago. That had certainly been an experience. Harry had stood up for Neville and Evan had been the ring bearer. It had been Evan's first experience with such a large crowd and with so many intense emotions. Evan ended up doing better than expected. He made it halfway down before nearly breaking down in tears and running to Harry's side.
Thankfully Evan's behavior had been ignored since he was only two and in place he was unfamiliar with.
It had been a beautiful wedding and it was clear that Neville and Ginny really loved each other. Watching the ceremony was all the proof that Harry needed to see that life in England had indeed changed. Where there had once been a society that depended on a hero was replaced by a generation determined to stand on their own two feet. Harry knew his name would always come after some sort of title but he had a feeling that he would be the last one for a very long time.
Entering Evan's room, Harry briefly scanned the room but saw no sign of Evan. "Hmm, I wonder where Evan can be," Harry said as he slowly walked over to the closet and opened the doors only to fight back a smile at the sight in front of him. Evan had attempted to change his own clothes but was trying to put his pajama shirt on backwards.
"Eban do it!" Evan insisted as he gave up on his shirt and pulled off one sock.
Harry chuckled as he picked Evan up as well as his pajama bottoms and carried him over to Evan's toddler bed. "I know you want to dress yourself, Evan," he said patiently. "Will you let Daddy help?"
Evan stared at Harry for a moment before finally speaking up. "Otay," he said quietly and waited while Harry fixed his shirt. Together, they changed his pants and hurried off to the bathroom for a try on the toilet. Evan's toilet training had just begun and Harry already knew it was going to be a long process. Evan was more focused on other people than what his own body was doing. Most of the time it left Evan in tears since he always picked up Harry and Anna's frustration.
Following Evan back into his bedroom, Harry patiently waited as Evan hurried over to his bed and grabbed the light blue blanket that 'Nana Joy' had made for him and hurried back to Harry's side with a big grin on his face.
"Story, Daddy!" Evan exclaimed happily.
Harry stared at Evan for a moment before quickly picking him up and tickling him as he walked out of the room towards the stairs. Evan let out a squeal of giggles as he tried and failed to push Harry's hands away. As Harry descended the stairs, he repositioned Evan so he was held securely. Waves of happiness and eagerness poured off of Evan making Harry smile. It still amazed him that regardless of Evan's abilities, he could still be a normal little boy at times.
"So, my little terror, what story do you want to hear tonight?" Harry asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs and continued on into the sitting room.
Evan stared at Harry thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "Papa Jay, Daddy," he said with a confident nod. "Wanna hear Papa Jay be silly."
Harry let out a snort as he put Evan on the sofa and covered him with his blanket. "All right, Papa James it is," he said as he sat down beside Evan and waited until Evan snuggled up to him before continuing. "Once upon a time, there was a boy who saw the world in black in white. You see, this boy was under the firm belief that all Slytherins were dark witches and wizards and therefore needed to be taught a lesson. In order to do that, little James asked for his three friends to help him play tricks on the Slytherins."
"T'icks naugh'y," Evan said in all seriousness. "Righ' Daddy?"
Harry smiled as he ran a hand through Evan's messy black hair. "That's right, Evan," he said patiently. "It was naughty. Little James thought it was all right to be naughty, especially when everyone laughed when he pulled his tricks. They all thought little James was just being silly. He didn't realize that he was actually hurting someone's feelings and making them sad."
"Sad bad, Daddy," Evan jumped in. "Eban no like sad."
Harry wrapped his arm tightly around Evan. "I know you don't," he said reassuringly. "As little James got older, his tricks became more and more naughty until he realized just how dangerous they could when one of his friends tried to scare a Slytherin. It didn't stop his tricks but it calmed them down a little bit. Soon after, James realized that if wanted people to see him like a good boy, he needed to act like a good boy. The main reason he wanted to act like a good boy because he fancied a pretty girl called Lily."
"Nana Lily!" Evan announced happily.
Harry could only smile. "Well, not yet, Evan," he said. "James had to work hard for Lily to see that he had actually changed but James still believed that Slytherins were dark. He still believed that his beliefs were right. It wasn't until he left school and entered the real world that he realized that things aren't always as they appeared to be. There weren't just Slytherins and everyone else. There were bad people who pretended to be friends and good people who pretended to be enemies."
"S'ibelis?" Evan asked obediently.
Harry froze. There's only one place Evan would pick up that word. "Evan, has Papa Sirius been telling you Papa James' story?" he asked cautiously.
Evan stared at Harry nervously. "Papa Sir'us like Papa Jay story," he said. "Papa Sir'us bad?"
Harry let out a sigh. "No Evan," he said tiredly. "Papa Sirius isn't bad but he should know better than to call someone that. The man's name was Severus. Can you say that?"
Evan scrunched his face up in concentration. "Seb—eh—us," he said slowly.
Harry chuckled. "Close enough. You see Evan, James learned that not everything is black and white. Sometimes people don't like you but they still want to do the right thing and sometimes people you like do the wrong thing that ends up hurting you. The important thing to remember is to never judge a person before you get to know them, understand?"
Evan nodded confidently although Harry seriously doubted that Evan actually understood any of what Harry was saying. "Daddy?" Evan asked curiously. "Why 'ri'na like Mommy?"
Harry frowned in confusion. "What do you mean buddy?" he asked gently.
Evan scrunched his face in concentration before Harry felt a soft wave of curiosity brush against him. "'ri'na no do dat," Evan said as he opened his blue eyes and stared at Harry. "Why?"
Harry hesitated. This was a conversation that he had hoped to avoid until Evan was old enough to understand. "Evan, do you remember what we told you before you started to go to 'school'?" Harry asked slowly.
Evan nodded. "Don' t'y on 'nyone," he answered obediently. "Day can't do wha' Eban do. Do dat mean 'ri'na can't?"
Harry smiled sympathetically. "Yes, Evan," he said gently. "Arianna can't do what we can do. Most people can't. That's why we're trying to keep it a secret. Do you understand?"
Evan nodded eagerly. "Sec'et mean no tell. Eban no tell." Evan's gaze fell as he frowned for a moment before looking back at Harry in confusion. "Eban no tell 'ri'na?"
Harry couldn't help smiling. "I don't think we have to worry about Arianna at the moment," he said good-naturedly. "When she's bigger, we'll talk to her together, all right?"
Evan smiled brightly. "Okay, Daddy. Eban talk to 'ri'na lader. 'ri'na keep sec'et."
"All right, buddy," Harry said as he stood up, picking Evan up on the way. "I believe it is now time for someone to go to bed."
Evan pouted as Harry turned and walked towards the stairs. "Bu' Mama no' home," he said sadly. "Eban wanna see Mama."
Harry let out a resigned sigh as he started walking up the stairs. "Evan, Mum's at work," he said patiently. "She's making people feel better, remember?"
Evan's nodded. "Mama help like Daddy help," he said softly. "Eban help too?"
Harry smiled as he reached the top of the stairs. "Maybe someday, little one, when you're as big as me."
Evan stared at Harry with wide eyes. "Dat big? Eban get dat big?"
Harry chuckled. "Someday," he said as he entered Evan's room. "Now, I think it's time for little boys to go to bed."
Walking over to Evan's toddler bed, Harry sank to one knee and lowered Evan to the ground. With Evan's independence, Harry simply watched as Evan crawled into bed, pulled his blankets up and positioned his light blue blanket beside him. It was almost comical to watch and sense. Determination poured off of Evan followed by waves of pride. Everything had to be in place and Evan had to put it there.
"All set?" Harry asked when Evan finally looked up at Harry with a big smile on his face.
"Yes Daddy," Evan said with a big nod before lying down. "Eban go na'nigh' now. 'ri'na s'eepin'. Eban s'eep too."
Harry returned the smile even though he wanted nothing more than to frown at his son. Running his fingers through Evan's messy hair, Harry knew that something needed to change but he had no idea where to start. "Evan, I know it's hard with your sister waking you up but you need to come and tell us when something's wrong, all right?" he said gently.
Evan stared at Harry in confusion. "Bu' Daddy see 'ri'na. Eban see. Eban be good 'n go to bed."
Harry closed his eyes and let out a long breath. How do you explain something like this to a two-year-old? "But that doesn't help you. If Arianna or someone else is bothering you, I want you to tell us, all right?" At Evan's confused look, Harry elaborated. "Remember when we talked about bad feelings?" Evan nodded. "Well, if you feel something that wakes you up, I want you to tell your Mum or me so we can help it go away."
Evan grinned. "Otay Daddy. Eban tell."
Harry leaned down, kissed Evan on his forehead and sent Evan a calming wave only to have Evan send a wave right back. Honestly, Evan picked up on the empathy aspects too quickly. If Evan continued at this rate, Harry had no doubt that Evan would be a force to be reckoned with once he entered his teenage years.
"G'nigh' Daddy," Evan said as he rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.
"Good night, little one," Harry said as he stood up. "Sweet dreams."
Leaving the room, Harry turned off the lights and slowly closed the door. Tiredly, Harry leaned against the wall and slowly lowered the shields he had created to block the majority of his empathy. The shields had really been the only way he had maintained his sanity for so long at work but at home…
Muffled waves of contentment centered on Arianna's room while waves of tiredness and hint of restlessness came from Evan's. Arianna was definitely asleep and Evan was trying hard to but needed to relax for that to happen. Focusing on Evan, Harry sent him another calming wave. A soft giggle reached his ears before a tickling wave was sent back. Shaking his head, Harry walked back downstairs to finish a few remaining chores before he started on some paperwork for the hospital.
Deep down, Harry knew he needed to make some changes. He had become too dependent on his shielding. Perhaps that was why Arianna had such a close bond with Evan. Evan didn't hide anything from her. Evan didn't hide anything from anyone. He was an innocent little boy who had no idea why secrets were necessary.
Harry couldn't help wondering if he had ever been that innocent.