What if … the Block's and the Harrington's were enemies? What if … Massie and Derrick wern't allowed to see each other? What if … they were never going out, and hadn't met. What if … they see each other at a party? They talk. They fall in love. They find out who they are, and never meet again. Until…OCD and Briarwood combine. What if… they had to face their feelings? Romeo/Juliet type story.

Disclaimer: It's not mine, unfortunately.

A/N:Slow start, but I it will get better. Little time line: in the beginning of the story it's Massie and Derrick's grandparents, Duke & Teddy. Then it's their parents William & Adam, but then it will turn to when they meet in the next chapter. :)


Teddy looked at Duke one last time before picking up his tan leather briefcase and screamed "YOU'LL REGRET THAT DUKE! YOU ALWAYS WILL!" Duke made a "yeah right" noise.

"I highly doubt that Teddy!" Duke said to Teddy's back. Teddy thought about his house. What would his wife think? How would he break it to William and Charlotte? Will they have to move? And right then is when Theodore Henry Block decided to build his own empire.

In the future, he and Duke would be enemies. This would fall down the line from William and Charlotte Block whom would never speak to Thomas, Sandy, or Adam Harrington, or their spouses. Little did they know how William's and Adam's children were going to bring these families to peace.

Teddy was true to his word. One day, his own business empire was on top, and Duke was only number 2. Duke regretted letting Teddy go, but still held his grudge. Teddy, however, was happy as a clam, and was willing, and being so kind as to shove the fact that "His business was better nahnanahnabooboo!" into Duke's face.

Until one day, Duke died. He was 76 and had still been the CEO of his business. Although, Teddy was still alive at 76, but 12 years later he followed the suit, and also died. Although, now William Block (his son) was the CEO of his business, and already had a picture perfect wife, named Kendra. She was pregnant with a little girl they were going to name Massie. She was 6 months pregnant. Adam also took over his father's business as CEO, but he was much less of a business man than William. He had a wife named Grace, who was also pregnant, but 7 months along. Adam was proud that he got his wife pregnant first, and because it was his second son.

1 year later, when both babies were born, they knew these kids were something special. They both learned to walk and talk quickly, and it was a breeze potty training them. But still, the children had not met, and knew little about the whole fight. The concept was eventually achieved, but not until they were 11, and in 6th grade. But by then they knew about each other, and knew if they heard the name to avoid the person. But they had no idea what each other looked like.