A/N I'm gonna try my luck at writing a modern PotC fanfiction. Hope it goes alright!! Will and Liz in modern times, Elizabeth is an struggling artist, Will is an actor with a new play every month, how will his success fare with Elizabeth?? Tension and passionate sexual relations ensue.

Chapter 1: Break A Leg

Elizabeth pulled the scarlet dress over her bronzed shoulders. She tied the ribbon around her waist and grabbed the clutch, laying on the dressing table. The flat darkened as she flicked the light switches. Her shoes clicked against the marble stairs as she departed from the grand building. She held out a slender arm as a black cab halted.

The Adelphi Theatre stood majestically in the West End, people outside waiting patiently to be let in it's golden doors. Elizabeth took out her phone and dialled the numbers nervously. "Will, it's Liz, just wishing you good luck, break a leg" She shut the phone and tapped her feet impatiently. Elizabeth paused as a dapper, young man strolled into view, dreadlocks cascading down past his shoulders. He stopped next to Elizabeth and brought out a cigarette packet. "Want one?" Elizabeth shook her head, she swore on her 18th birthday, that she wouldn't touch a cigarette in her life. "The name's Jack, Jack Sparrow" Elizabeth shook his hand, noticing the tattoo stretching up his lower arm. "Elizabeth Swann, soon to be Turner, when he asks me" Elizabeth smiled at her own naivety. "What brings you to the Adelphi then?" Jack lit the cigarette and inhaled its toxic fumes. "I'm supporting my boyfriend, he's in the play, Will Turner" She pointed up at the billboard above the theatre, Will's two-dimensional face dominating the building. "Right, well...um...I wrote the play" Jack smoothed his moustache apprehensively. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, not believing a word of what he said. "Pigs can fly, Mr Sparrow" One of the doormen pushed open the grand doors and ushered people into the theatre.

As Elizabeth found her seat and sat herself down, Jack spied on her from his box. The lights went down and the curtain rose, Elizabeth's palms grew sweaty as she crumpled her program nervously.

"Bravo, encore" Elizabeth applauded as Will took his bow. Her brow furrowed as some of the female members of the audience wolf-whistled at him. As the audience left the theatre, Elizabeth picked up her belongings. "Miss Swann, fancy seeing you here" Jack stood down the gangway, hands in pockets. "Fancy that" Elizabeth rolled her eyes at his stupidity. "Anyway, I wonder if you fancied going to dinner with me tonight" Elizabeth bit her lip, she already had plans to see Will that evening. "I'm sorry, I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight, maybe some other time" Jack gave her his hand and pulled Elizabeth up off the floor. They walked out of the theatre, laughing and chattering till they went their separate ways. Elizabeth waited at the stage door for Will, she nibbled on her nails impatiently. "Will! You were fantastic" Elizabeth smothered her boyfriend with kisses. "I need to breath, Liz" Will put his strong arm around her. "Oh I met Jack Sparrow, the writer" Will gave her a confused look. "I haven't heard of Jack Sparrow" Elizabeth sighed heavily, Will blew softly in her ear. "He double-crossed me, the liar" Elizabeth slipped her hand down his trousers. "What are you insinuating?" Elizabeth winked at him and smiled, her lipgloss gleaming in the lamplight.

Elizabeth opened the door to her flat and threw her coat and bag down on the island in the kitchen. "Want anything? Tea, coffee, cappuccino, gin and tonic, bacardi breezer" Will took off his coat and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. "Bacardi Breezer" Elizabeth poured the liquid into two flutes, a lime slice on the rim. Will breathed onto his palm and sprawled out on the sofa."Voila" Elizabeth handed the glass to Will and sat down beside him, leaning on his warm chest. "You were fantastic tonight" Will kissed Elizabeth softly on her head. "When's your exhibition, I really want to come and see your artwork?" Elizabeth turned to face Will and pleaded with him. "Will, seriously my friends aren't the kind of people you see hanging around the theatre, they're all weed smoking hippies" Will sat up and placed his warm hands on her shoulders. "Look, I don't care whether they're weed smoking hippies or the queen, I'm going for you and your work" Elizabeth sighed heavily and rested her head on his brawny chest.

Will slipped his hands up Elizabeth's bronzed leg, he paused at her briefs. "Will, do you work out?" Will gasped humorously. "Maybe a little, I go to the park and jog once a week" Elizabeth pulled herself up from the sofa and undid her heels. Will finished off his drink and put it on the coffee table. "I'm going to go to bed, do you want to come?" Will's eyes widened as he entered Elizabeth's room. It was covered with posters and artwork of Johnny Depp, Marilyn Monroe, some old Victorian ladies. "What'd you want a poster of him for?" Will wandered over to the far side of the room pointing at a poster of Jon Bon Jovi. Elizabeth dimmed the lights to set the mood, walking quietly over to her shocked boyfriend. "I absolutely love him, he's one of the best singers in the world" Will scanned the room, picking up perfume bottles and spritzing himself with them. Elizabeth began to untie the ribbon on her dress and rearranging the duvets on her bed. "Liz, are you ready to be shocked and stunned by the Willmeister?" Will stood proudly clenching his muscles almost Herculean. Elizabeth cupped her mouth as she laughed wildly. "Are you ready for Elizabeth Swann; Goddess of Love?" She bent down and shook her hair madly, before rearranging her bosom to suit her need. "You know me, ready for anything" As Elizabeth pulled the scarlet dress over her head, Will unbuttoned his trousers hastily. "1,2,3...GO!" Will leapt on the single bed and pulled Liz in between his legs.

Elizabeth howled wildly, every jolt sending her into complete asylum. "Will...you're...surprisingly...good...at...this" Will grasped her legs, his nails digging into her skin. Then everything stopped, Will pulled Elizabeth off him and sat motionless on the bed. "I think it split" Elizabeth kissed him softly on the cheek. "I'm ready to get pregnant, Will" She placed a hand on top of his, kissing him soothingly. "Are you sure, Liz?" Will quivered nervously. She nodded reassuringly, leaning her head on his sweaty shoulder. "That's settled then, we're having a baby" Elizabeth smiled as Will hugged her tightly.

As the moon shone brightly, Will and Elizabeth stood still on Liz's balcony, holding each other in a tender embrace. "I would like to take this opportunity to say I wouldn't have chosen a better person to have a baby with than you" Elizabeth stared down at her flat stomach, dreading it getting any bigger. "That's good because you're stuck with me, Will Turner" Will held out her hand and separated her slender fingers, he slid his rough digits up and down Elizabeth's wedding finger. "You know what would be nice, getting married to your childhood friend" Elizabeth was too lost in the moment to realise what Will had just said. "You know what would be even nicer, you being quiet so I can kiss you" Will leaned in towards her as she stroked his manly stubble.

A/N So it broke, Elizabeth's up the duff. Will is jealous of Bon Jovi. Jack is a lying cheat, nothing's changed there then. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures from the trio. There'll be more Jack hitting on Elizabeth. What will happen when Will and Jack meet at Elizabeth's art exhibition? Who's Elizabeth's muse?