Thanks for the reviews Taiki, Kagezora, The Three Stoogies, Akira Stridder, LbcLostKid, bobbinbird, Hiroshima Namikaze, Dragonlord-ex

bobbinbird: Yes, he will meet Deidara

Hiroshima Namikaze: Whether he's hated or not, ramen is still the best food ever!

Dragonlord-ex: When they find out… stuff will happen. And thank you

Oh yeah. Warning: Language



"Haha you're not gonna catch me!"

The blur continued its mad dash through the various streets and alleys, with a much larger blur a few seconds behind it. As the little one turned a corner it ran into something...hard.

A little blonde boy with blue clothes sat on his butt holding his currently hurting nose. His dark blue t-shirt hung loosely on his frame and his pants were loose around his thighs while tight on his shins. The black wrist bands around his wrists matched the black sandals on his feet. His dark tan expressed just how much time he spent outside, especially considering he was darker than his mother ever was.

"Ouch…" Naruto looked up to see his body guard and secondary teacher standing over him. Still wearing the ANBU gear he'd had since the boy's birth.

Naota shook his head disapprovingly at the small child. "Tsk tsk tsk, Naruto. Why do you always have to run away from your teachers?"

Just then a darkly clothed man came around the corner with a glare of death in his eyes. His brown eyes blended with his tanned face. His black pants and loose black jacket hung loosely from his form as he stood just a few inches shorter than Naota. Seeing the situation he calmed down momentarily… before screaming his head off. "God damn it, you little punk!"

Naruto covered his ears as he knew this wasn't going to get quieter. "Have these past three years taught you nothing?! We've been doing this every week! When the fuck are you gonna learn!"

Daijishin sweated a little. "Calm down Masao-san, he's just a kid. It's not like it's the end of the world."

Naruto turned towards his teacher with his arms crossed. "Yeah! All you teach us is the boring weak stuff! I wanna learn to fight!"

Kyooshi took a deep breath to calm himself. "Maybe you could just get your damned teacher…" This he said staring at Naota. "…to teach you!"

The target quickly held his hands up. "Hey, I'm not trying to take your job here."

The teacher crossed his arms. "He respects you more, he'll listen to you. Hell, you can tell him this is the only village in the world and he'll believe you!"

"No I wouldn't!" There was a short pause before the blonde turned to Naota. "Would I?"

"See!" His teacher seemed erratic. "He even needs assurance for his own actions!"

Daijishin held his hands up higher in defense as he tried to calm the situation, sweat apparent on his forehead. "Now, now. There's nothing to get upset about. So what if he trusts me so much? It doesn't mean anything."

Masao turned away from the two with his arms crossed. "Hmff, if the Tsuchikage would only allow me to kick him out of my class…"

"Hey!" Naruto's closed eyes curved in anger as he looked up at his school teacher. "I get better grades than any of those kids!"

The teacher started waving his fist at the boy. "Only in combat! You're test grades are low enough to fail you!"

Naota shook his head in irritation as he put a hand to his forehead. "Naruto, why are your grades so low?"

Before he could answer, the little boy was interrupted by his teacher. "Because he's either asleep or running out of class like this."

The blonde turned to the instructor. "If you weren't so boring then I'd listen."

"You fell asleep when I was teaching basic combat exercises!"

There was a short pause as they waited for something from Naruto. The boy crossed his arms and turned away from both adults. "I already knew those."

Masao sighed and held his head in his right hand. "Let me guess… Naota-san taught you?"

Naruto grinned widely and nodded in confirmation. The teacher looked directly in Daijishin's eyes, causing the ANBU to sweat profusely as he fidgeted. "This year's exams are in two days. If he doesn't pass those we'll have to hold him back a year."

Both looked at the man like he was a ghost. "Make sure he learns some stuff by then… OR HE FAILS!" His voice rose with that last part. When the others turned pale he stomped away in anger.

After a few moments Naota looked down at Naruto with a dropped jaw. "Naruto…"

The seven year-old looked up at him. "Yeah?"

"You're screwed…"


"For the love of Kami! Pay some fucking attention!" Naruto jumped up from his chair, causing it to fall back and hit the floor.

"What?! What?!"

Naota chuckled lightly while Keiko held her head in her hand. "You fell asleep… again!"

The blonde yawned as he corrected his chair. He sat down and crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. "But it's so boring"

Keiko's eyebrows twitched in agitation. "We're talking about a damned Shinobi War here, and you think it's boring?!"

Both men gulped as they saw the fire burning in her eyes. The young Uzumaki looked pleadingly at Naota for help. "Umm… They don't really give many questions about the Second Shinobi War… maybe we should focus on the Third one?"

There was a long moment of silence as they both prayed for survival. Keiko growled before giving in. "Fine…"

Daijishin let out a deep breath he had been holding in before turning to the young boy. "Okay Naruto, they taught you about this in school right?"

"Yeah!" The blonde shook his head enthusiastically. 'Maybe he did learn something.' A smile came to his face as he thought he finally found a subject the boy knew about.

"Well, what do you know?"

"We fought Konoha!"

There was a pause before Keiko spoke up. "And?"

Naruto looked at her in confusion. "That's it."

Both adults hit their heads against the table. Daijishin brought his head up while Keiko shouted with her head still down. "Are you fucking serious?!"

The gray haired man let out a sigh before speaking. "Okay… let's start with something everyone knows. Do you know about the Yellow Flash?"

The woman's head suddenly shot up as she glares daggers in the back of her former teammate's head. The little boy failed to notice this. "What's that?"

Keiko let out a breath. "His name was Namikaze Minato, and he was Konoha's strongest shinobi." This caught the little boy's attention, a chance to learn about a great ninja. "He pretty much killed everyone that faced him during the war."

"Why was he called the Yellow Fash?"

"Yellow Flash" Naota corrected. "He had some jutsu that made him incredibly fast and was there as quickly as lightning."

Naruto awed at the idea of such a jutsu. "But why yellow?"

"He was blonde." Keiko sweat dropped at the incredibly stupid… yet completely accurate explanation.

"Oh…" He said this looking up to see some of his blonde spikes hanging in front of him. "What happened to him?"

"He was killed protecting his village a couple years after the war." Keiko started to seem more nervous while Naota still answered unworried.

"What got him?"

Daijishin paused for a moment in thought before answering. "A demon, Kyuubi no Kitsune, attacked the village. He killed it, but he died in the process."

Naruto looked in awe. "Wow…" Both adults looked happily at each other, finally finding something he paid attention to. "I want to be just like him when I grow up!"

Keiko nearly fell out of her chair at this and Naota's jaw simply dropped. As she tried to steady herself against the table she spoke while stuttering. "Wh-Why? He-he was a-a leaf ninja?"

The boy grinned widely. "'Cause he was super strong and he cared for his village, just like I do!" They both laughed lightly as they looked into each other's eyes nervously.

The classroom was set up in a theatre sort of way. There was a large open area where all attention was supposed to be paid; this was where the teacher's desk was. On the wall was a large chalkboard that ran the whole width of the room.

Several feet from the wall was the beginning of a small kind of stair set up with each step running the width of the room. On each large step were desks with three feet between them to allow walking room. On each row was about six desks, and each had two seats to them.

Nearly every seat was filled, and in the back to the very left sat a certain blonde.

Naruto sat nervously in his chair, twiddling his thumbs. Sweat poured from him in torrents as he watched his teacher relentlessly check each and every person's paper. The students could feel an aura of amusement and sadism eradiating from him, giving them all goose bumps.

The kid next to him leaned back in his chair and laid his head against the back wall. His long brown trench coat matched his skin as the black inner covering went with his long down-spiked hair. His bangs covered his forehead and blocked out most of the light from his closed eyes. The tight black muscle shirt he wore clung to the featureless abdomen of his, revealing his lack of any true muscle development. The long black pants he wore hung loosely around the thighs but thinned near the calves before being tightly wound by tape at the ankles.

The blonde's legs shook quickly, and with each shake came a noise, this noise bothered the attempting sleeper. He raised his head and snapped at the blonde. "Calm the fuck down before I make you."

The girl sitting in front of them turned about and looked menacingly at the black haired boy. Her long gray hair was tied in a crisscross pattern until it wrapped around a large foot wide diameter gold ring with two-inch thick sides. Her gray Oriental style sleeveless shirt complimented her hair as well as her lighter colored eyes. The black pants she wore were barely loose around her hips but came tighter on her calves and shins. Her lightly tanned skin showed the much shorter amount of time she spent in the sun compared to the two boys.

"Hey, leave him alone Atsushi! Naruto-kun's scared 'cause he'll get held back if he fails!"

The Kishi looked down at her a glint in his eyes. "You shouldn't defend him just 'cause he's a year younger, Gina. He should be with little kids his own damn age!"

"Hey!" The blonde interrupted. "My grades are just as good as yours!"

Atsushi merely grinned. "I'm not the one who's gonna be held back."

There was a short pause before Naruto shot back at him. "Fuck you!"

Daijishin held her head in irritation. "Is sex all you guys can think of?"

Both boys looked at each other for a second before turning back to her. The black haired boy shook his head disapprovingly while Naruto spoke. "That's just wrong, Gina."

She threw up her hands in exasperation and turned back to the front just as Masao stood up with the tests in hand. He seemed somewhat disappointed, giving several of the students more dread than before, but this fact made Naruto a little more hopeful, seeing as how the teacher constantly wished he was gone.

He stood silently looking over the students before him with grades in hand. The teacher walked around the desk and stood straight as he eyed them all suspiciously. Kyooshi slowly walked over to the right side of the room, farthest from Naruto.

He would shift through the pile in his hand and give the paper to its appropriate owner. Masao worked methodically through the aisles, checking and double checking he gave the right papers, and Naruto swore he could see the man glare at him at every turn.

After several minutes and just seconds before the end of class, the teacher came up to his desk. Carefully laying down Atsushi's paper, he then took the last paper and little by little lowered it face down in front of Naruto.

Their eyes never left each other as he seemed to think he was shooting laser beams at the young blonde. Never leaving his gaze, the young Uzumaki fumbled around until he grasped a side of the paper.

The more he turned it, the more his teacher's eyes narrowed. Finally, when it was flipped all the way Gina and Atsushi quickly looked over at the grade and gasped. They looked at each other in utter shock.

Naruto took a big gulp as Masao slowly turned away and began his descent back to the front just as the bell rang. The blonde turned his gaze ever so slowly.

The first number he saw was a five, which meant he did not get a zero as everyone thought. His eyes quickly glanced at the next digit… causing him to do a double take. It was a nine.

He held the paper firmly in both hands as he read the grade over and over again. "Oh… my… god…"

His fellow classmates looked at him like he was blue for a moment… which he sort of was since he had been holding his breath. Naruto took a big breath, prompting both of them to cover their ears faster than anyone has seem them move before.


As Keiko took a sip from her tea cup while she waited for Naruto's return. 'He should be done about'

She was interrupted by an enormous scream that shattered the cup in her hand and sent a few shards into her mouth. Keiko quickly spit them back out onto the table before dashing to the kitchen window.

Thrusting her head out, she screamed just as loud as the blonde. "DAMN YOU, NARUTO!"

She finished just as there was a heavy knocking on her door. Keiko turned to it quickly and opened it angrily. Before she could say anything, Naruto was thrown into the room and Naota ran in and shut the door behind him.

He ran towards the window and stuck his face out just as she had done moments ago. The older Daijishin stuck his tongue out at the angry crowd and smiled. "Haha! Safe!"

A brick came flying and smacked him in the face. "Fuck you!"

Naota quickly thrust the window shut and the thudding of small objects could be heard from all directions. Keiko shook her head and crossed her arms while she stared down at the little blonde who was smiling and rocking back and forth on his butt. "What happened now?"

The gray haired man waved his hand as though it was nothing. "Just a bunch of villagers made about a couple broken windows…"

The mother slapped her forehead. "So I take it you passed?"

Naruto looked up at her with a huge smile that threatened to break his face in half. His arms were behind his head as to support it. "I got an A!"

Keiko looked proud and took a stance with her arms at her hips. "And who do you have to thank for that?"

The blonde took a long pause as he thought very hard, even crossing his arms and squinting. This of course all angered his mother to no end. He looked up slowly with his eyes still closed. "Ummm… ramen?"

He earned himself a nice red swelling where his mother flicked him in the head… hard. She growled to herself as she looked slightly angered at the boy. "And here I spent everyday making you study!"

Naota was smiling sheepishly. "Looks like you're getting back to your old self, eh?"

The mother's attention was quickly drawn to the gray haired man sitting in the chair at the kitchen table. "He was so cute and nice when he was little." Naruto smiled to himself at how happy his mother seemed. That is, until her gaze fell into annoyance as she looked back down at his protector. "Until he started learning from you!" With that a loud smack was heard as her hand connected with the back of his head.

There was much hustle and bustle amongst the classroom. Out of thirty-two students… thirty-two passed. But that wasn't the cause of such a commotion. The reason was their teacher's big announcement.

Apparently something new was going to happen; some new way to teach the children and get better results. This caused a vast majority of the talking to be prayers of mercy.

Masao stood patiently as he looked over the paper in his hand to double check he had everything he needed to know memorized. He looked back up and placed the letter down, instantly quieting down the mass of young students.

"Okay, starting today there's going to be a change to our usual teaching methods." There was a soft wave of silence as no one said a word. "Now I'll only get you guys every other week."

To say there was much rejoicing is an understatement. The mass cacophony was deafening with cheers of exhilaration. Many were thanking whatever deity they worshipped, and some were pulling out various noise makers and other party favors that nobody had seen being carried in.

A few ticks appeared on the teacher's head as he counted down from ten. Reaching four, he was promptly blasted with confetti. "SHUT UP!"

The noise ceased and all students were sitting right back in their seats, party favors now lain neatly on their desks and hats positioned straightly on their heads.

Kyooshi coughed lightly into his fist. "Now, as I was saying, on the weeks I'm not teaching you, you will be learning fighting techniques and jutsu from various teachers who work in the field."

Students sat in awe at the chance of learning from someone who actually knew what they needed to know. "You will be split into teams and assigned a chuunin and a jounin. It's set up so that they'll alternate which week they help you guys since they are still partaking in missions."

Many of the students were ecstatic. Some had hoped they would be taught be a chuunin at best, but a jounin. It was like a sign from the gods that they were destined to be the coolest Academy students ever.

The teacher had to cough once more to get his students' attention. "You'll be meeting your other instructors when they arrive during the afternoon. For now, I'll tell you the teams."

He picked up a clipboard which he had a list of names under group numbers. "Team 1…" This went on for several minutes as there was a continuous drone of some happy cheers, depressed groans, or in one case, an outright fist fight. "Team 7: Daijishin Gina…" The gray haired girl perked up at her name "…Uzumaki Naruto…" The blonde looked down at his long time female friend and gave her a bright smile… that lasted until the next name was called. "…and Nukarumi Nobuo."

Both other teammates looked across the room and at the large burly boy sitting with his head on the desk. His loose black t-shirt hung down to his thighs, over his long white shorts. The pale skinned fat face that looked back at them radiated a lack of time outside, let alone physical activity. His unkempt black hair pointed in all directions, but had a distinctly greasy shine to it.

The two and him exchanged emotionless glances for a while until a particularly familiar name was called. "and Kishi Atsushi make up Team 11." Naruto and Gina looked over to their friend to see him glaring at a blonde sitting in the middle of the room.

Said blonde looked straight at him with her eyes squinting in a threatening manner. Her pale blonde hair was tied into a tight bun in the back of her head. Her light blue long-sleeved shirt seemed to be a part of her long matching leggings. With bandages wrapped at her ankles and wrists, she seemed somewhat ready for combat… save the complete lack of any sign of skill written on her face.

Her eyes became smaller as she attempted to look more threatening. Atsushi simply replied by lifting a closed fist and extending the middle finger upwards.

"Ahem." All eyes fell on Masao. "Tetsu Yuri and Kishi Atsushi, you guys can bond later. Right now, if you don't mind, I'd like to explain more."

With absolute silence and all attention back on himself, the teacher went on in his usual boring tone. "Now, while you're training in your squads, you will be focusing on working together in combat as well as your own skills. This way you will be better prepared for when you become genin in 4 years."

A small brown haired boy in all black raised his hand. "Yes?"

"So we're gonna be put in the same teams when we become genin?"

Masao nodded his head. "That's right"

There was a long pause before Atsushi summed up a large portion of the class' feelings. "Ffffuuuuucccckkkk"


I think I wrote this just as awkwardly as I wrote my last longer chapter.

Thanks for reading

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