The Mountain of Love

Author's Note:Since there are like no Mamotte!Lollipop fanfics I decideded to make one. Anyways, this takes place a week before Valentine's Day,Nina and her friends were flipping through a tour book when Nina sees an ad about the Moutain of Love.If a couple kisses as the sun goes down there love will be eternal and everlasting. The pairing is Nina/Zero.I know Zero and Ichi should have left at Christmas but In my story the crystal pearl test ends on Valentines day.And Zero Is probably gong to act a little more lovey dovey in this fic so be warned,MAJOR FLUFF ALERT! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 1:Confessing to the One you Love

"Nina-chan,wouldn't It be nice to go to a tranquiility garden!?With the chirping of the cicadas,the wind in my

hair, some yoga,and green tea.."sighed Rokka."Me and Ichi-kun could sit and have a picnic together and then kiss

passionately"sighed Rokka dreamily."I would probably like to go somewhere exotic,maybe Mexico and try all the interesting foods

and maybe learn another language"said Sun as she shoved a piece of cake in her mouth."Oh wouldn'e this be wonderful an oh so

romantic for you and Zero-kun!"giggled Rokka pointing at another ad."The Mountain of Love,Want to make your love secure?Legend

has it that If you and your lover kiss on the top of the Moutain on Valentines Day as the sun goes down your love will be eternal and

everlasting."read Nina as a blush covered her cheeks."Come on Nina-chan,I'm sure I could convince Zero-kun,you might be able to

tell him how you feel" "But Zero would never go to something as stupid as th Mountain of Love"said Nina sadly. All I am is th Crystal

Pearl,I'm useless like Zero says,he's me protector,he protects me,nothing more thought Nina sadly as a few tears filed her

eyes."Rok-k-a-a,S-sun,I got-t to go,I promised my mom I'd clean!"lied Nina as she shot out from under the tree finally

letting her tears fall freely.Nothing More.Nina just kept running until her crying turned into full on sobbing.She bumped into someone

throwing her on the ground.She kept crying her long red hair covering her eyes."Nina-a are you ok?".It was Zero."You stupid girl,what

did you do now?Come on Nina?He scopped her up as gently as possible and put her in his lap.He brushed away her tears gently.

"Now what happened?"he asked rocking her back and forth as she cried.Nina usually would have been

embarrased to be crying in front of him but she just blurted everything out. "Well what I'm really trying to say Is well, I love you Zero-

kun." muttered Nina.Silence filled her ears.I knew It.Zero-kun could never love me.sobbed Nina as she continued to cry. "I feel the

same way"muttered Zero."What?"Nina whispered thinking she was hearing things. "I SAID I FEEL THE SAME WAY!" yelled Zero.

Zero-kun..."I've loved you since the day we met,all I ever thought about was, was I to mean to Nina?Will Nina like this?Nina deserves

someone better than some drop out little kid wizard."Zero said whispering the last part. "Zero" Nina pulled his face close to hers and

gave him a soft,tender,loving, kiss. Zero's eye's widened.He ran his hands through her long red hair.After a minute they broke apart

for air."WOW" they said at the same time. Zero smiled at her lovingly."So Nina why don't we head back home in the magic car"said

Zero picking her up bridal style."Sure"she giggled wrapping her arms around his neck.I can't believe she's finally mine thought Zero

as he playfully bopped her on the head. "Come on my Nina"he yelled as he jumped into the car. "Coming"yelled Nina.


"Oh so you fnally told Nina eh?"asked Ichi as he flipped through the paper. "Can you believe It Ichi!After all

this time Nina's finall y my girlfriend"said Zero excitedly."Zero"said Ichi his voice suddenly very serious."You know you can't be with

Nina,love between human's and magical beings is forbidden.You will both die If you make love or get married.You an never be

together entirely"said Ichi his voice hollow."NO!I love Nina and fucking wizard law can change that!!"cried Zero as he felt tears fall

down his face.He didn't care."I'll find a way,I don't care!"yelled Zero."Zero.."muttered Ichi reaching out to him."No!GET AWAY FROM

ME!"yelled Zero slapping his hand away.Zero screamed In frustration slamming the door shut of there closet apartment.He collapsed

on Nina's bed.Why the fuck did Ichi have to ruin It.How do I break the law?Can me and Nina ever truly be together? Zero opened his

wizard laptop and typed "Human and Wizard Relationships". "The only known way to wizards Is to go to the Mountain of Love in

Japan and go through a series of tests up the mountain to prove If your love Is true. Legend has It that only one couple can make It up

to the top of the mountain every one hundred years.At the end of the couple's journey they will meet the last couple's ghosts who will

bestoy upon them the rings of love that will give them the power to make there love eternal and everlasting"read Zero in excitment.If

me and Nina can get those rings we can be together!thought Zero excited."Eh?Zero what ar you doing in my room?"asked Nina as

she scarfed down the last of her dinner roll."Just studying,Rokka is trying to kidnap Ichi again"lied Zero."Sureee"muttered Nina

suspiciously.Nina started to blush."Well Zero, I was wondring what we should do about ya"said Nina nervously.Zero turned

bright red as well. "Well we could just tell everyone were dating,It's better than lasts week rumour on how me and Ichi were your fianc

es"scoffed Zero grinning boyishly. Nina giggled."I guess your right about that."giggled Nina pecking him on the cheek. Nina moaned

as he nibbled on her ear.He sucked her neck hard his tounge dancing on her skin.That's gonna leave a hickey.Nina moaned as his

tongue entered her mouth.She moaned into his mouth running her hands through his blue hair."Nina what's that's moaning?Are you

alright?"called her mother."Fine mom!"yelled Nina."Zero you should go"whispered Nina blushing as she buttoned up her pyjama top.

"Ok, goodnight...Nina"whipered Zero pecking her on the cheek. As soon as Zero left Nina collapsed on her bed.He is soo HOT! thoug

ht Nina as she got ready for bed.As she sunk into a deep sleep a pink glow emitted from her forehead. It was begining.

Author's Note:Hope you liked It!To mushy?To dramatic?I accept flames and critisism but please make it constructive.I'm taking requests for stories so review!!!!