Thanks for all your great reviews! This is the last chapter to the story, but I will continue writing more fanfics!

Just to catch everyone up, Brock bought back his practice, Reba recently got her job as a real estate agent, Kyra moved back in with Reba after the divorce, and Barbra Jean was still living around the corner with Henry. Also, Barbra Jean finds her weathergirl job sooner than in the series. I don't think I made that all clear throughout the story.

The next few months were going by great. The kids were all happier and were getting more used to seeing Brock and Reba as a couple again. They hadn't seen much of Barbra Jean lately. Brock went over frequently to visit with Henry, but that was about it.

Brock was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, and Reba was lying down on the couch with her head in his lap reading one of her own magazines. As if on cue, Barbra Jean walked through the front door, but she didn't have that extra bounce in her step.

Brock and Reba started to get up when they saw her come in.

"No. As you were," Barbra Jean said. "I really am happy for you guys. Believe it or not, I do love seein' you two in love."

Brock and Reba smiled at each other and went back to their comfy position.

"So Barbra Jean, what brings you over here?" Brock asked, putting down his magazine.

"Well, you both know how I've been lookin' for a job, right?"

"Yeah," Brock and Reba said together.

"Well, I finally found one! And it's a great one too. I've been offered to do the weather on a news station! I always thought it would be so cool to do that!"

"Barbra Jean, that's great!" Reba congratulated. "But, you don't really seem that happy about it," Reba noticed.

"Yeah, I know. The thing is, if I take this job, I'm gonna be movin' to San Antonio."

"What?!" Brock exclaimed as he stood up, causing Reba's head that was in his lap to hit the armrest of the couch.

"Ow!! Brock!"

"Oh, sorry!" he said helping her up. "San Antonio? Barbra Jean, are you serious? I mean, what about Henry?"

"Well, I'll be takin' him with me, of course," she replied.

"But Barbra Jean, I'll never get to see him, or you for that matter. I thought we would stay friends."

"We will stay friends, Brock. San Antonio's only four hours away. And I was thinkin' that we could alternate visiting each other."

"Barbra Jean, we both have jobs," Reba said, motioning to Brock.

"I know, but you guys don't work on the weekends, so we could visit each other then. I really don't want to lose touch with you two or the kids," Barbra Jean said sadly.

"Barbra Jean, we can't spend every single weekend driving back and forth for hours at a time. No one wants to do that," Brock said.

"I know we couldn't do every weekend. Buy you guys, this job is really important to me. It's something I've always wanted to do."

Then Reba chimed in again. "Barbra Jean, you should take the job. Sure, we're all gonna miss you, but you shouldn't let that hold you back. If it's somethin' that can support you and your child then you should do it."

"Thank you Reba. I really appreciate that. And I actually already have a moving day set. I'll be leavin' this Saturday."

"Barbra Jean, that's in six days! That' all the notice you're giving us?!" Brock exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Brock. I knew since last week, but I just never got up the strength to tell you guys."

"Barbra Jean, I'm really gonna miss you," Brock said looking at his ex-wife.

"Brock, you don't need me anymore," Barbra Jean said with a sad smile. "You have Reba. She'll take care of you."


Saturday rolled around way too quickly. Barbra Jean and Henry stopped over to Reba's house before they left for San Antonio. It was a sad day for all of them. Barbra Jean hugged each one of the kids, then Brock, who had to say a very hard goodbye to Henry. "Brock, thank you so much for being such a wonderful father to our son," she said, misty-eyed.

"BJ, I'm gonna miss you two like crazy," Brock replied. I'm not gonna cry, he thought to himself.

Reba took a step closer to Barbra Jean. "Barbra Jean, four years ago I didn't want you in my life at all. But now, I'm sad to see you go. You have been the most wonderful best friend that I could have ever hoped for," she said giving Barbra Jean a hug.

"Reba, that was the first time you hugged me!"

"There's a first time for everything, isn't there?" Reba asked with a smile.

"Well, we should probably get a move on. Bye, everyone," Barbra Jean said as she picked up one last suitcase to put in her car. All seven of them waved goodbye as she drove away.


"Brock! Van! Cheyenne! Kyra! Jake! Elizabeth! Come out here!" Reba yelled as she stood in the living room with an envelope in her hands.

"Reba, what the heck is goin' on?" Brock exclaimed as he rushed into the living room.

"Mrs. H!!! I'll save you!!!" Van yelled as he sprinted down the stairs with his light saber. The others followed.

"Van, I'm fine. I just wanted you all our here because we got a letter from Barbra Jean!"

"Oh," Van said as he put down the light saber.

"Read it out loud Mom," Kyra said.

Dear Reba, Brock, Van, Cheyenne, Kyra, Jake, and little Elizabeth,

San Antonio is absolutely beautiful. It's a little hotter than Houston, but I don't really mind. We moved into our town house two weeks ago and it's in a great neighborhood. Henry's already made some new friends, and so have I. Actually, there are a lot of single men in the neighborhood! I started my new job as weathergirl last week and the people down at the station are really nice. I think I'm really going to like it here. The first things I unpacked were all the pictures of you all! They fill every wall and shelf. I look at them all every day and think of my Harts in Houston! I miss you all like crazy and hope you'll come and visit soon.


Barbra Jean and Henry

Reba looked around the room at her family, all of them with tears in their eyes. "So, what do ya'll say? Road trip?"


"Okay Mrs. H, there are no more suitcases upstairs, we're all set," Van said placing the last suitcase by the front door. Everyone was gathered around the entryway getting ready to leave. They had finally planned to visit Barbra Jean and make a whole vacation out of it. They would spend four days at her house, and three days sightseeing around San Antonio.

"Thanks Van, that was a big help," Reba said appreciatively. "So, me, Brock, Kyra and Jake will ride together in Brock's car and Van, you, Cheyenne and Elizabeth will follow us your car. I thought the whole following thing would be a good idea since you're not too good with directions," Reba said looking mostly at Van.

"I end up in western Louisiana one time for a Cowboys game and you people won't let me live it down!" Van said as he dramatically left the house with the suitcase.

"Alright!" Reba said enthusiastically. "Let's get this show on the road!"


"Dad, please stop for directions!" Kyra whined almost four hours into the trip. They had been driving around downtown San Antonio for the past fifteen minutes, not getting anywhere.

"Oh Kyra, you know your Dad. He hates stopping for directions. He thinks it's too girly," Reba said as she turned around in her seat to face her daughter.

"Reba, I know where we're going! I don't need to stop. I've been in this city before," Brock argued back.

Then Jake chimed in. "Well I don't think Van and Cheyenne have. You guys lost them."

"What?!" Reba exclaimed. "Kyra, find my cell and call them, will you?" Reba asked her daughter.

"Sure," she replied.

Cheyenne heard Van's cell phone ringing. "You keep driving, I'll get it," she said. "Hello? Kyra, hey. What are you talking about? We're like 100 feet behind you. Yes we are! Hold on, tell Dad not to go so fast! What do you mean? He's flying!"

"Uh, Cheyenne…" Van started.

"Hold on honey."


"One sec Kyra. What is it Van?!"

"You see that sign up there Cheyenne?"


"Tell me what it says."

Cheyenne squinted her eyes. "It says…Entering Austin." She paused for a second. "Uh oh."

"We've been following the wrong car!!" Van yelled.

"That's not my fault Van!! Hey, Kyra? Um, funny thing. It appears that we've been following a car that looks just like Dad's, and now we're kind of in…Austin."

"What?!" Kyra yelled.

Reba turned around in her seat. "Kyra, what's the matter?"

"Van and Cheyenne are in Austin! They've been following the wrong car!"

"Oh, that's just perfect!" Brock yelled sarcastically.

"Kyra, give me the phone," Reba said. "Cheyenne? Sweetie, listen, we're almost to Barbra Jean's so what I need you to do is copy down our directions and get to San Antonio as fast as you can. But be careful. Here, I'll read you the directions."

She read them to her, hung up the phone and let out a long sigh. "This is going well."


Reba knocked on the door and turned to face Brock, Kyra and Jake. "Well, this is it! We're finally here!" Van and Cheyenne hadn't arrived yet. The door opened and there stood Barbra Jean, who was grinning ear to ear when she saw them.

"You guys!! You're here!!" She hugged all four of them and ushered them inside where she gave them the grand tour. Reba had to admit, she had a nice place, but she'd be happier if her best friend was back in Houston with her.

Kyra and Jake went upstairs to play with Henry and the three adults had a glass of wine after dinner and talked for hours. It was amazing how much they had gone on in the past month with BJ in Houston. She told Brock and Reba about her new job and the friends she and Henry were making.

Van, Cheyenne and Elizabeth finally arrived around midnight. They got settled in and went right to bed.

The next few days the nine of them spent together and the community pool, shopping, going out to eat, or just sitting around talking for hours. Their visit ended too quickly, though. Before they knew it, it was time to head back to Houston. They all said their painful goodbyes and headed out to the cars. Before Brock and Reba got in, he pulled her aside.

"Reba, I'm really glad we did this," he told her.

"I am too. After all she is my best friend." The sun was starting to set. They looked into each other's eyes and shared a tender kiss.

"So tell me Brock, are you happy now?"

What did everybody think?!?! Reviews are more than welcomed and let me know if anyone has any ideas or anything in particular they want me to write about in my next story!! 3 emma