Cold Looks

Now Swackhammer was in jail, everything seemed to be going swiftly with the Looney Tunes. Everything was going swiftly all until Wile E and Bugs just pushed their luck with their money a little too far. They had bought far too many expensive things and the bills came in too quickly and soon enough the repo man made his visit once again! Once Wile E and Bugs were pretty much broke, the other LTs gathered all their money and bought a block of appartments for all of them to live in. It was no way as good as the mansions they used to live in, but as it was in order to help Bugs and Wile E they did it anyway.

After a long hard-working term at Warner Bros Studios it was finally time for the summer break and Daffy was going on holiday.

"Woo hoo...Looney Lake here I come!" Daffy yelled as he charged into the apartment.

"You're going on holiday?" asked Wile E lifting an eyebrow.

Daffy gave him a dumb look. "Well, what does it look like?" he replied sarcastically.

The coyote looked surprised, "You're going by yourself?"

Daffy at first didn't reply and started to shove clothes into a suitcase. He then sighed and looked at Wile E. "Yes, I'm going by myself...this time I just want peace!" he said.

"Oh please! A holiday ain't a holiday if you're going by yourself...hey and remember when you went to Miami all by yourself, you got captured by Swackhammer," said Wile E.

"Well he's locked away safely in jail, so I don't think he'll be capturing me too soon," replied Daffy crossly, as he stuffed more clothes into his tiny suitcase.

"Ok, ok so Swackhammer's locked up, but there's plenty more freaks out there, who want cooked duck for dinner," teased Wile E.

Daffy shoved the last things into the suitcase and started to jump on it. "Geez, it's either people making too small suitcases, or people making extra large clothes these days," he murmered to himself, as he just managed to zip up the case. He looked at Wile E and frowned. "Look, stop trying to put me off! I'm going by myself and that is that and anyway shouldn't you be with Winnie," exclaimed Daffy.

Wile E's ears and nose instantly flopped. "Well...I can't...her dad didn't like me so they moved far far away," he murmered sounding very ashamed.

"No surprise there," muttered Daffy, secretly smiling to himself. Luckily, Wile E didn't hear, so he got back into the main conversation "What is it with us tunes? Our love relationships never seem to work out!"

"Well Bugs and Lola got back together and they're still going strong," chirped Wile E.

"Oh please, I bet my bottom dollar that won't last very long," replied Daffy.

The coyote pulled his cheeky smile. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure."

Daffy turned with great curiosity. "And what makes you say that?"

"Well...if you hear what they get up to at night, you'll certainly have a different explains why Bugs is so knackered in the morning, his excuse is lack of sleep, but oh no it's definitely what he gets up to with Lola," the coyote said with a huge grin.

Daffy gave him a disgusted look. "You're sick."

"Hey, I'm just telling the truth."

Daffy lifted an eyebrow at him and tried to pick up his heavy suitcase. He used all his might, but the case didn't leave an inch from the ground. Wile E watched the duck with great amusement. "You need help?" he asked casually.

Daffy turned round sharply to Wile E and gave him a cold look. "No, thank you I do not need any help, I can easily lift this suit case all by myself."

The coyote shrugged. "Whatever you say." He then picked up a magazine and lied upon the bed. He started to whistle an annoying tune, just to whined Daffy up.

Daffy, of course, was getting very annoyed. There was nothing worse than trying to pick up, what felt like, a ten tonne suitcase whilst listening to the Wallace & Gromit theme tune being whistled by the most annoying coyote in the world. When Daffy could take no more, he let go of the suitcase, let out an aggravated sigh and turned viciously round to Wile E.

"Alright, wise guy, I could do with some help, but trust me this thing weighs more than five huge boulders put together," snapped Daffy.

"Ok," replied Wile E in a relaxed tone. He got up off the bed and walked over to the suitcase. Effortlessly he picked it up and walked out of the apartment and into the hall way. He looked back at Daffy and pulled an intimidating smile and then headed for the stairs.

Daffy rolled his eyes and muttered a few things to himself before following the coyote. Once the duck had caught up, he got back his breath and asked, "Please don't tell the others about this, I plan just to get away quietly."

Wile E raised an eyebrow, "Then why on earth did you yell it when you charged into the apartment?"

"Because...I thought no-one was gonna be in," replied Daffy looking a bit awkward.

"Nooo, I think the real reason was so you could make me jealous," said Wile E who didn't seem very bothered.

"Now why would I do something like that?" said Daffy ever so innocently.

The coyote rolled his eyes and didn't say anything else. After walking down the stairs they exited the block of apartments and walked over to Daffy's old banger which had an awfully loud engine. Wile E placed the suitcase in the boot, whilst Daffy hopped on the driver's seat. He scrolled down the window allowing Wile E to lean in.

"I'm gonna miss you buddy," whimpered Wile E. He wasn't really going to miss him. He'd just thought he would say it to make the duck feel better.

The duck rolled his eyes and pulled a disgusted look. "The day you miss me is the same day when pigs fly!" he snapped.

Wile E looked a bit embarrassed, but then pulled a smile. "Ok, ok, so I won't miss you that much, but just don't be too long because the rest will miss you."

"It's only ten days I'm gone, they won't miss me," replied Daffy.

"Well Bugs might, aren't you gonna tell him you're going?" enquired Wile E.

The duck looked at the coyote slightly annoyed. "No! Because if I tell him he will want to come with me and I'm going on this holiday alone!"

Wile E pulled a puzzled look. "Sorry I didn't quite hear the last bit you said there," he said pricking his ears up a little.

The duck sighed in annoyance and raised his voice a little. "I said I'm going on this holiday alone!"

"Sorry I couldn't quite hear that."

Daffy, who was getting quite aggravated, raised his voice even more. "I said I'm going on this holiday alone!"

"Come again," said Wile E politely.

The duck was now bulging with rage. "I SAID I'M GOING ON THIS HOLIDAY ALONE!"

All of a sudden Bugs popped his head out of his apartment window. "Daffy's going on holiday, well why didn't you say so Daff, me and Lola will be right down," he chirped.

Sylvester then opened his window. "A holiday! Boy do I love holidays!" He turned and looked back in the apartment. "Hey Porky! Pack your bags we're going on holiday."

Taz then looked out of his window and had a big grin on his face. "Slusha fighoo wuppa slusha," yelled Taz.

"What the hell does that mean," interrupted Elmer Fudd who was in the apartment above Taz.

"It means 'Yay holiday time Yay!'" announced Foghorn who had his head out of the window to Taz's right.

Bugs, Lola, Sylvester and Porky came charging out of the apartment block and crammed into the back of Daffy's car. Foghorn, Taz and Elmer Fudd did the same, but the minute Foghorn went in, Daffy could feel the car lower slightly.

The duck gave the coldest look, Wile E had never seen. The coyote didn't say anything but just responded with a smile and entered the car to sit upon the seat next to Daffy. Bugs leaned upon the two front seats. "So Daff, where are we exactly going?"

It took a few seconds before the duck could reply. "We're going to Looney Lake," he muttered with a very angry face upon him.

"Nice choice, doc," replied Bugs cheerfully.

"Yooga tooga!" exclaimed Taz.

All confused looks instantly turned to Foghorn wanting a translation. The rooster rolled his eyes and sighed. "He says 'let's roll'"