At The Dot Peter and Emma are eating their lunch. Well Peter is eating at least. It's not that Emma had stopped eating again just that couldn't eat when she was in this state. Peter just looked at her.

"So... Are you ever going to tell me what happened to make the most beautiful girl at Degrassi so incredibly sad?" He ate a fry as he waited for her to reply.

"Nothing. I just having problems with my ex that's all." Peter looked at her as if he cared.

"Well, he's obviously an idiot. I mean... Anyone who would let you go has to be dumb." Emma smiled. and he smiled back. "Is that a smile I see? Is Emma Nelson smiling?" Emma laughed. Shen thought the way he acting was cute. In a sort of annoying way.

"Shut up!" She playfully swatted him in the arm.

"Ok ok. How about we ditch the rest of school? You already missed all your morning classes." He smiled and sort of begged her with out showing it.

"Well..." She smiled and acted as though she was actually thinking about it. "I guess we could do that."

"Yes!" Peter smiled and jumped out of his seat. "Let's go!" He walked to the door and opened it for Emma. "Lady's first." Emma started walking out when she remembered the bill.

"Oh! We forgot to pay." Peter just looked at her.

"No. It's already been taken care of." He smiled. "Are you ready?" As they drove off a waitress came to get her money off the table but it wasn't there. Peter never paid the bill. He lied. The waitress saw the lisence plate so she called the police.

In the car Peter and Emma are laughing. Emma had forgotten all about Sean for a while.

"Hey!" Emma looked at Peter. "Have you ever been to Woodbridge?"

"You mean where all the illeagal street races are?" Emma was reminded of Sean. "Yeah... A few times."

"Well I sorta made a bet with someone and... Well if I don't show they'll think I chickened out." He looked at her with his puppy dog eyes and then back to the road. "Do you mind?"

"No. It could be fun." She sighed a bit. "Right?"

"Oh, for sure." He smiled.

"Is that who you talking to when I came back form the washroom?"

"Well yeah. He was really tripping out about it too." Peter got a strange look on his face. "He sorta mentioned you."

"Me?" Emma was confused. "Why me? Does he go to Degrassi or something?"

"Yeah he goes to Degrassi. Not that he shows up much. He was kinda secretive though."

"How does he know me?" She questioned.

"I don't know. I think I've seen you hanging out with one of his friends before though." Peter didn't think these were the type of people Emma would associate with so he wasn't sure of anything.

"What's his name?" Before Peter had time to answer they had pulled up next to none other than Jay Hogart. Emma saw him and looked asstonished. "Jay!?"

"Hey, Emma!" Jay nodded at her. "Hey, Slim Shady!" Peter looked up at him.

"The name's Peter" Jay rolled his eyes.

"Like I care." He retorted. "You ready?"

"Always" Peter replied as Emma walked up to Jay.

"What's going on?" She demanded

"You know what, Emma?" He became defensive. "Since you and Sean broke up he's been a mess and now you're putting him through it again." Emma looked shocked and offended

"He called me last night! He's the one..." She stopped her self. "If he cares about me so much why is he still with her?" She was on the verge of tears when Peter honked his horn.

"Let's go!" Jay got in his car and they started their engines as Emma backed away. Jay started to remember the events from the night before.


Jay saw Sean with the phone and rushed over. He wasn't half as drunk as Sean and when Jay heard him say Emma's name he knew there was trouble. He pressed down on the phone's reciever.

"What are you doing?" Jay said concerned as he took the phone from Sean.

"What are you doing? That was Emma!" He was angry and hurt that Jay hung up on her.

"Why did you call Emma!?"

"I love her, man! I miss her!" He was crying now

"But you're with Ellie!" He reminded Sean. "She's awesome!"

"But she's never been Emma! Emma's perfect!" He sat on his couch and had another drink but Jay took it away.

"I think you've had enough, Seany boy."

"I just... I just never stopped loving her." He put his head in his hands then he heard her voice. He looked up to see Emma standing in the doorway.

"You still love me?" She said with a smile but a tear rolled down her face as she ran out the door and Sean ran after her.

"Emma! Wait!"


Right then the race ended and Peter had won. All of a sudden there were police sirens and though Peter just to speed off, without Emma, the police caught him and ran his license plate.

"Son, we're gonna have to take ya down town." The cop said has he turned Peter around and cuffed him as he read him his rights.

"You have no proof that I was involved in any racing!" Peter defended. "I wanna call my lawyer!" He demanded.

"You're right. We don't have proof." The officer agreed. "But we do know you stiffed a waitress at a local restaurant not more than an hour ago." He explained

"What!?" He acted as if he had no idea what he was talking about. "The girl I was with told me she paid!"

"What was her name?" The police officer question.

"Emma Nelson." He stated. "She's the blonde girl in the mini skirt over there."

"We're gonna havta take her down to the station as well." He put Peter in the back seat and told another officer to pick her up then drove Peter to the station.